Something Like Fun

The Shake Up

“You have got to be kidding me.”

Sighing, I looked down to the paper oddly contorted in my hand, smoothing it out as I eyed the eighth item on the list- Kraft’s macaroni & cheese with dinosaur shaped noodles. The boys had created a complete and insanely thorough grocery list, or ‘requirements to work’ list as they called it, and proceeded to threaten going on strike until I purchased all of their desired goodies. Wanting to keep my schedule, I couldn’t help but pacify them. Hell, I kind of owed it to them as my last shopping trip had left them ordering take out all week.

Letting out another sigh, I looked up at the desired box. “Thank you genetics for making me short,” I softly mumbled. With the passing of another sigh and the emergence of a frown on my face, I quickly looked out to both my sides. ‘Ok, one person, but he’s down a ways. I can get away with this,’ I decided with a sharp nod of my head and jumped with what I thought was adequate force to get me to item number eight. I was wrong. And, so, I tried again. And again. And I managed to touch it finally, but only succeeded in knocking it backwards. Back on the ground, growling in annoyance, I pushed back the sleeves of my sweater and smiled an evil smile at the shelves before me.

“Would you like some help?” questioned a voice behind me as I had started towards the shelves. Nearly falling over, I looked back in the direction from which the noise came.

“Nah, I’m alright. I’ve almost got it” I grumpily replied while eying the tall man, who was clearly trying not to laugh. Sighing, I willed myself not to blush and turned back to the ever-so-prized mac & cheese, preparing to climb once again.

“You might not want to do that, darling,” called out the onlooker. “Those shelves really do not look stable enough.” My eyes snapped shut and I slowly turned to better deal with my newfound nuisance.

“Well, they’re holding up all of the boxes just fine now,” I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Yes, but that’s without your additional weight on them,” he quickly replied as a smile started spreading across his face. “Though, you could probably try jumping again. I mean, you did manage to at least touch it on that last jump,” he continued with a slight chuckle.

My face dropped as I realized just how long he had been watching. ‘Just lovely,’ I thought bitterly. Before I could even manage to respond, however, the man walked over and without the slightest bit of strain plucked from the topmost shelf the box I had worked ever so hard to get. Now, even more aware of my shorter stature, I frowned.

“This one, right?” he asked, once again fighting the desire to laugh. Glancing at the blue and orange box in his hand, I gave a slight nod. “Indeed.” Without another word, he put it in my cart.

“I hope gathering all of your other items isn’t nearly as strenuous,” he called as he slowly returned to his own cart. Casting my eyes to the floor, I mumbled quick thanks and focused my attention on my cart. Retrieving the list from the basket part of the cart, I crossed the nuisance of an item out and set down the next aisle to get the number nine- ice cream cones. The boys sure knew how to pick their items.

Looking around on said aisle, I noticed my ‘rescuer’ at the opposite end of the aisle. After pausing momentarily at his sight-he was a handsome one- I brought my eyes back over to food. My eyes glazed over in disbelief as I uttered a quick curse. The damned item was on the top shelf again.

Realizing that there were no shelves for me to climb this time, I sighed and eyed the man who, having proceeded down the aisle, now appeared to be trying to decide between two frozen pizzas. Tall and lanky, the typical European male. ‘He did have a nice smile, though,’ a little voice in my head responded only to be met with a frown on my face. That didn’t last when I continued my recollection of the stranger. ‘He had even smiled with his eyes,’ I realized, now smiling myself. Looking back at the unreachable item and then to the man in the distance, I let out another sigh as his head turned to meet my gaze.

“So, there’s actually another item on my list that I can’t reach,” I called out as a smile spread onto his face. Not breaking eye contact, he dropped the two pizzas in his cart and walked over.

“I think I’ll need to see you jump for it a few times before I help you,” he teased. I rolled my eyes and produced the most pathetic jump ever seen. “Nope, doesn’t count,” he said with a smile as he came up beside me. Shaking my head, I gave a true jump only to be startled as I was lifted within reach of the box of ice cream cones. I grabbed the box and soon felt my feet on the ground again. “See, I knew with another jump or two you could reach it” he stated reassuringly.

Defeated, I chuckled, turning to face him, and stuck out my hand. “I’m Rosalie.”

Grinning, he clasped my hand with his. “Ville. And I must say, this is the most fun I’ve ever had grocery shopping.” Closing my eyes, I faked annoyance. As I opened them again, he continued. “Shall we take a look at what’s left on your list?”
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had this on another site. Changing it around & putting it on here, maybe even continuing it. Harlow, this is for you haha