Something Like Fun

Road Maps

The next two days flew by in a blur. I was visiting the sights, and as Deliah had contacted them beforehand, I was able to go behind the scenes and see the buildings more thoroughly. While visiting, I managed to befriend the caretakers of the various homes, businesses, and museums the best I could.

I had had to do practically everything imaginable to keep Deliah from joining me on my personal tour through Finland. I knew she meant well, but solitude was suiting me at the moment. It’s not that I was gravely disappointed with how things had been with Ville when I left, but more that I had accepted the current state of things and figured it was more of his issue then mine. Without Deliah’s presence, I could actually examine and get a feel for Finnish architecture, both urban and rural, which was ultimately the entire purpose of the trip. However, that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to enjoy it. After all, I didn’t decide to become an architect simply because there was nothing better to do.

The building I was to see today was one of many I had on a list of prime architectural examples of Finnish style and design. Leo often joked that I had a list for every country in the world, and he wasn’t too far off. This particular building, though, I was desperate to see. I’d learned about it a long time ago back when I had taken my very first architecture courses, and its serenity and beauty had yet to cease captivating me. Setting out for it in the morning, I was anxious to finally look upon the structure with my own eyes.

Reaching my next destination after what felt like much too long, I stepped out of my cab, having paid the driver, and smiled, inhaling the crisp air of the surrounding forest. Before me was the highlight of my trip, the Turku Cemetery Chapel, and I, being a nerd, was like a kid in a candy shop. A large smile on my face, I stood awestruck. Not wanting to tear away my gaze, I attempted to pull my camera out of my bag without actually watching what I was doing. I quickly grew frustrated, though, and my smile morphed into a frown as the camera had yet to be pulled from the bag. My camera had gotten caught in an inner pocket of the bag somehow, and my undivided attention was required if it was to be released any time soon.

Camera now out, I began photographing the splendor before me. Slowly, I moved so as to view another side of the building; I wanted to capture as much of it as I possibly could. I had just clicked another picture and begun to step to the side, not watching where I was going, when I collided with something, accidentally taking another picture as my body instinctually wobbled in reaction to the sudden stop.

Quickly, I turned to figure out what I had run into. My eyes widened as I took in the figure before me. ‘It couldn’t be,’ I thought, staring wide-eyed. “V-Ville?” I stumbled over his name, dumbfounded. Standing not two feet away from me was the tall man, his short brown curls poking out from his beanie, looking very uncomfortable. Blinking madly, I continued, “W-What are you doing here?”

His eyebrows rose as he looked to the sky. Hands crammed into his jeans pockets, he let out a sigh and spoke. “Leo told me you’d be here today,” he admitted uneasily, “That’d you’d set aside a whole day for this place…” His eyes moved to meet mine. “I’d talked first with Mike, and he almost told me where you’d be, but Leo overheard our conversation and wouldn’t let him,” Ville explained, slowly regaining confidence. “But then I talked to him,” he paused, “and I guess you could say he gave me his blessing to follow you here.”

He let out another sigh, looking away for a moment before returning his gaze to me. “But that’s how I’m here, not why. And that’s what you asked,” he nodded to me. His green eyes searched out the grass at his feet and then moved back to mine with new found determination. His hands moved out of his pockets, and in what I suppose was an attempt to keep them from folding across his chest, gripped the sides of his legs.

“Rosalie, I’m a musician,” Ville bluntly stated, “I’m used to having to leave people I care about behind at home when I leave for work. I don’t like doing it, but it happens.” He paused as I continued to act like a statue. “This is actually the first time I’ve been the one left behind,” he said softly. “Adding to that, one of my friends was unsure of how close we’d gotten. I brushed it off as you struck me as unabashedly sincere, but then when you told me you were leaving…” he faltered, his head almost dropping again. “I’m not sure what happened then. I suppose I panicked or something and held your leaving against you. It was a foolish thing to have done and I’m sorry.” He let out a small chuckle. “I guess I’m here to apologize for my mistake.”

Having not moved the entire time he was speaking, my limbs fought me when I suddenly ran to him, dropping my bag and camera on the way. Throwing my arms around him, I crashed my lips into his smiling ones and deeply and hungrily kissed him, evoking a deep moan from him. His arms tightly weaved around me as he reciprocated my passion, making me moan in return. Smirking into our kiss, he unknowingly allowed me entrance his mouth and softly moaned in surprise at the added contact, pressing himself closer to me.

Though I enjoyed greatly, the added force was too much, and I began to fall. Pulling his lips from mine, Ville shifted his weight, moving one foot closer to me, and helped me steady my balance. Our foreheads met, and I smiled at him, which he eagerly returned. I bite my lower lip and smiled a bit broader.

“Thank you, Ville.”

He let out a soft chuckle, his eyes twinkling. “You’re welcome, darling. I wouldn’t let you fall.”

I slightly shook my head and met his gaze again. “No, I was thanking you for coming after me,” I said as a wide grin blossomed on his face. After letting out a small giggle, I brought my lips to his again.
♠ ♠ ♠
and that is the end of the previously written chapters. hopefully i'll have another up tomorrow, but my postings might turn into every other day at the most now. thanks to all who've commented; i have loved reading your feedback. i hope you guys liked this chapter :D