Something Like Fun

The Appeasement

“Darling, I don’t mean to be a bother, but what exactly is so special about this building?” Ville asked as I snapped photos of the inner hall. Turning my torso, I looked to him with a tilted head and crinkled eyebrows, not understanding. Recognizing the need for clarification, Ville continued, “Ok, the hospital, the lodge, both of those places I understood why we were there as soon as I saw them… but this…” he trailed off, looking around the hall and started scratching his temple, uncertain.

Following his gaze, I chuckled, catching his attention. His eyes looking to me again, I grinned. “It’s noted for its simplicity in both design and structure.”

Ville’s face went blank. “Are you serious?”

“Mmmhmmm,” I nodded, trying to not laugh at his response.

Ville’s face instantly contorted with emotion, morphing from denial to disbelief, shock, annoyance, anger, and lastly, to frustration faster then I thought possible. My self control shattered as my laughter echoed down the hall. I was now certain that I had unwittingly tortured the poor man with the current building. Ville had been such a good sport the day before with the two sites that I thought just one today would be a reward of sorts. Needless to say, I was wrong as apparently we’d already spent too much time in it for his liking.

Realizing I should probably apologize to him, I slung the strap of the camera over my shoulder and carefully walked over to Ville who was now impatiently tapping his foot and drumming his fingers over a crossed arm. Stopping right in front of him, I put on my most pathetic looking face, and with big eyes and a slight pout, I voiced my apology and gently kissed his cheek. As he nuzzled his head by mine, I knew I was at least partially forgiven.

“You still need shots of the exterior, though, don’t you?” Ville sadly whispered into my hair as if he was already aware of the answer. I cringed. I didn’t truly have a need for the photos, but if I were to not take them and later find that I did indeed want them, well, it’d be miserable.

“Yes,” I affirmed, barely audible, as I tried to bury myself in Ville’s unzipped hoodie.

He lightly snorted and brushed my bangs out of my eyes. “Well, let’s go get them,” he stated before extracting me from his sweater. Pulling me by the hand, he led me out of the hall, through the doors, and into the open air. Stopping abruptly, I crashed into him. “Now, then,” he directed, snatching my camera off of my shoulder and placing it into my hands, “shoot those pictures.”

It took me a second to grasp what it was he wanted me to do, but as soon as I did, I set to work. Ten minutes later, I was finished and returned the camera to my bag.

“Ok, Ville, I’m-“ I paused mid call, pivoting to try to locate the man. He was nowhere in sight. Sighing, I backtracked around the building and eventually came across him talking on his cell phone.

Crouching down, I stalked over in hopes of surprising the man who had his back to me. The ground was uneven and I nearly lost my footing several times; we were right on the edge of a grassy slope. Ville pocketed his phone, his call now over, and moved as if to head back to building just as I pounced into the space beside him.

But he didn’t react. Oh, no. Instead of giving a slight jump or cursing or both, he simply stood there in front of me with an expressionless face reminiscent of Classically styled Roman sculptures. As my confusion seeped out onto my face, Ville broke out in loud laughter that filled the still air.

“What the fuck,” I whispered not even realizing I’d said it aloud.

“Not so sneaky, now, are we?” Ville teased with a triumphant smile. I pouted. Chuckling, he tugged me over to him, encircling me with his arms. “There, there,” he reassured me, kissing my forehead, “I just happened to see you out of the corner of my eye is all.”

I childishly muttered under my breath.

“What was that?” he questioned.

“Stupid periphery vision,” I repeated a little louder. Ville chuckled in response.

Suddenly, I felt fingers at my sides tickling me. I whined in distress and vainly attempted to twist out of Ville’s clutches as he madly grinned down at me. With the escape of an arm, I took a step back, laughing, as Ville maneuvered to recover the lost arm. Through the thin sole of my shoe, I felt a small rock rotate underneath me. I silently cursed, wide-eyed, as I felt myself slipping. Hitting the ground, I grunted as Ville’s elbow found its way to my stomach. My body continued in motion before I could react, and still somewhat attached to each other, we rolled down the bumpy hillside.
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so, after much debate (this was almost part of a massive chapter), i present to you the first chapter of "something like fun" that i have written in over 5 months. hopefully, it is satisfactory. not too sure about the release of the next chapter, once again, but i will tell you that it starts where this one ends & it will should be quite good if i do say so myself ;) but yes, i'll cease my teasing and the suspense grow

side note: saw my doctor this morning & he says my hand is looking very good XD