Something Like Fun

Silence or Solitude

What are you waiting for?
Nobody's gonna show you how
Why work for someone else
To do what you can do right now?

My head bobbed side to side to the pulsing rhythm as I aimlessly stared out the fingerprint-covered train window. Though I tried my best to stifle it, a yawn escaped me. I was wide awake but lacking the energy or will to do anything substantial. ‘Then again,’ I thought smirking, ‘there’s really not that much that I could do on a train.’ Admitting partial defeat, I checked my watch: 10:30 at night.

‘We’ll be back in Helsinki just past midnight,’ I concluded after a quick calculation. Pulling the sleeve of my jumper back over my wrist, I snuck a glance over to Ville to see if he was still asleep, and sure enough, he was. I warmly smiled as the man had been bound and determined to stay up and talk with me despite the fact that he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep the night before. Apparently, while our romp in the shower had managed to exhaust me it had only caused Ville’s head to fill with melodies and verse, and thus he had proceeded to strum, pluck, and scribble the night away.

Somewhere along the tracks, I must have dozed off, for next thing I knew, I was jerked into consciousness as the train abruptly came to a halt at the station. Grimacing, I massaged my sore and stiff neck as I remembered why I usually make an effort to not sleep on trains, buses, planes, or cars for that matter. Stretching my limbs further, I fought back another yawn and twisted to pop my back.

The sound of a soft snore resounded and instantly, I shifted to investigate. Head tilted back and body completely sprawled across the seat, Ville was still very much asleep. Mouth agape, he lightly exhaled, forcing a strand of his hair up into the air and then pulling it back down as he inhaled with a throaty snore.

Wide-eyed, I bit my lip and reached for my bag, retrieving my camera. ‘This is just too good to not record,’ I convinced myself. I held my breath as I snapped the photo. Ville didn’t move an inch save for that strand of hair. Grinning, I put the camera back as quietly as I could. Feeling triumphant, I pulled the zipper shut just as Ville opened his eyes.

“Wha-what is your bag doing out?” Ville managed to stutter in his clearly drowsy state. “You didn’t take a picture of me, d-did you?” he spoke, his voice still raspy from sleeping.

I blinked.

“No, of course not. The train stopped, we’re at the station in Helsinki now,” I replied, trying my best to sound nonchalant. Standing up, I shouldered my bag and looked to Ville who groggily nodded in acceptance, and, nearly falling over, slowly clambered to his feet and began to walk to the exit.

I frowned and hurriedly snatched up our belongings as I inwardly hoped that Ville, as tired as he was, would not walk fast. Awkwardly clutching our things, I spotted him ahead of me a ways and followed the zombie-like man from the train. My hope of catching up seemed to be in vain, though, as the people directly in front of me stopped.

I clenched my jaw as Ville’s bag weighed heavily on my shoulder. Sighing, I rose to my tip-toes, and having taken note of Ville’s location and direction, decided to make use of the temporary pause by readjusting the bags. I got everything situated just as the clump of bodies started to move again. As the cluster disbanded and I could now walk freely, I spun around to find Ville nowhere in sight.

“Great,” I bitterly sighed. Tightening my grip on the strap of Ville’s back pack, I traipsed down the hall. Having reached the exit without a sight of Ville, I stepped into the cool night air, praying that I would find the man enjoying a smoke since he couldn’t on the train. I lowered my head in defeat as my luck failed me once more.


I popped my head up, alert. The silence was deafening as I glanced in every direction. There was no sight of Ville, no sight of anyone even calling to me. There were men bickering to each other, a woman carrying a sleeping infant, a group of college age students drunkenly stumbling to a friend, but there was no Ville.


I spun around hopeful. As my eyes met taxis, I frowned. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him leaning out of a taxi window, frantically waving his arms. Sighing in relief, I jogged over and collapsed into the taxi.

“Where were you?” Ville inquired, now seemingly wide awake.

“I was carrying the bags, I couldn’t walk as fast.”

“Oh.” Ville tilted his head in confusion and squinted his eyes.

“I was practically passed out on the train, wasn’t I?” he finally asked, meeting my gaze.

Chuckling, I nodded. “That’s putting it lightly.”

Groaning, Ville snapped his eyes shut. “I’m sorry for abandoning you back there,” he whispered, apologizing with both his voice and eyes.

“It’s alright,” I whispered back and placed my hand over his. “Let’s just go home now, yes?”

Smiling, Ville bobbed his head in agreement. “Yes, let’s.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ok 1) opening lyrics from Madoona's "Give It 2 Me," I was listening to the Paul Oakenfold version, mind you,

2) god, is this a long time coming. as I've mentioned to some of you who have asked about my absence, not to mention lack of updates, july was a very long, stressful month. I'd like to say I'll be able to write more in August, and hopefully that'll ring true.

i apologize for this being shorter, but I thought I'd present it to you guys. hope you liked it