Something Like Fun

The Flaw

Somehow I managed to make it home. When I reached the door, however, I had to stop. The sound of a nineties dance number was obviously blaring inside the house. I sighed. Why in the world they had decided to blast "Another Night, Another Dream" by La Bouche was simply beyond me, but nevertheless I had to go inside.

Just as I had set down one bag to pull my keys out of my purse the door opened to reveal a Hispanic man, slightly taller then me, in jeans and a tired looking band shirt with a hat crooked haphazardly on his head, casting a shadow over his all too obvious stubble. "Well? Are you going to come in & feed us, or is all of this tastiness going to be a donation to the birds?" I giggled as a smile broke across his face. "That's what I thought" he said, picking up the bag I'd set down. Still laughing, I closed the door and followed Leo, my best friend, though he was practically my brother, through the house to the kitchen. "So, what in the world took you so long, lady? You left here at least 3 hours ago."

I paused. "Well, I stopped at a bookstore on my way in to find a good notebook, but they didn't have one I liked. Then, I just went to the store to get the food," I explained as I started putting stuff away.

"Uhhu" he said, staring at me, "You're so not telling me everything."

I gawked. "What do you want me to say?"

His eyes widened in recognition as a full grin emerged, "Oh, I have to get Deliah down here, she'll be able to weasel this out of you so much better then me!" My jaw dropped as he scurried out of the room despite my calls for him to return. I shook my head in resignation and continued putting the food away. During my walk back home from the store, I had been far too distracted by thoughts of my handsome champion to properly calm my emotions, and now, it was all too obvious that I would suffer the Spanish Inquisition.

With the last item in its place, I collected the bags and stowed them in the pantry just as Leo returned with his wife Deliah, a Moroccan beauty who was just shorter than her husband and also the only woman I actually got along with for substantial lengths of time. "Ok, so what's up? All Leo said was that you have something you need to talk about," she started.

I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Leo who was leaning against the fridge with excitement filling his face. "Gee, thanks Leo," I mumbled as he nodded. "It's not like I said anything anyway" I said to Deliah, putting on my best innocent face.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Leo, explain" Deliah commanded.

Nodding again, he obliged her, stating, "She was gone 2 hours at a bookstore and getting groceries and she's not in the least upset about the store not having a satisfactory notebook and she didn't even mockingly complain about getting us food when she got back."

Deliah's head popped up and she quickly turned to stare at me. "Who is he?" she demanded with dazzling eyes.

My face's carefully formed mask of innocence. "Ummm... no one,” I stuttered, quickly turning to find something else I could distract myself with, “I didn’t meet anyone.”

"Heh, she's crumbling. The mountain is crumbling" Leo quietly giggled. I shot a death glare at him, which thankfully got him to shush. Returning my gaze to his now beaming wife, I tried to regain some ground, mentioning that it was nothing; he just helped me get the groceries, nothing more, nothing exciting. Apparently, my attempt was feeble as I was soon dragged to a couch in the adjacent room.

"Ok, I can tell this is going to be good" Deliah happily exclaimed to Leo as she eagerly sat in a chair facing me and he next to me on the couch. "Now spill woman!" she spouted, barely containing her anxiousness.

I drew my legs up onto the couch. They won. I was a caged animal. Damnit, I hate being a caged animal. I looked to Deliah, who appeared to be much too thrilled, to Leo, who restrained his own excitement until brief moments when he thought I wasn't looking, and back to Deliah. Damnit, I was caged.

Sighing, I found a spot on the wall to stare at and proceeded to tell them how I couldn't reach the Mac & Cheese that Mike had insisted on and this guy had helped me and then proceeded to help with everything else too.

"Is he a sexy motherfucker?" Deliah quipped. I rolled my eyes and laughed; only she would first ask that.

I closed my eyes, recalling Ville giggling like a schoolgirl when, at the register to check out, I had pulled out my once beautiful black leather, now mainly ductaped wallet out. "Yes, he is," I said opening my eyes.
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this chapter was very slow coming I will admit. I didn't like it when I first wrote it and I still am not too fond of it. after several attempts at rewriting it, though, this is what I ended up with. hopefully, editing the next couple of chapters won't be nearly as exhausting and irritating. thanks for reading