Something Like Fun


It had gotten windier since we’d last been outside. I pulled my jacket closer to me and hugged it in hopes of keeping my warmth from being blown away in the wind. We’d been walking what felt like a good ten minutes and he still hadn’t said a word. I was starting to get impatient. A sudden gust of wind blew and I got even colder. I groaned as the chilly air seeped into my bones; I hadn’t dressed for a long walk outside.

Ville stopped and turned to look at me. Guilt filled his face as he took in my current state. I guess I looked colder then I thought. “I’m sorry darling, I didn’t realize you’d gotten so cold,” he paused, stepping closer to me, wrapping an arm around my back.

“Why the sudden urge to leave the shop?” I inquired, feeling brave again, as we continued walking. The air was silent except for a lone bird who cried out as it flew by overhead. Looking up to Ville’s face- which I had earlier discovered is much more chiseled then I had originally thought-my eyes were immediately drawn to his lips, which were pursed, seemingly out of hesitancy.

“It started getting a wee bit too crowded in there for my liking,” he answered cautiously, glancing down at me just in time to catch me frowning. Sighing, he returned his gaze forward and tried again, “Let’s just say that Helsinki is a very small city-”

Confusion flooded my mind.

“- and I’m too well known here…”

I stopped as my mind froze in overload. “What, so you didn’t want to be seen with me?” I quickly exclaimed, doubtful of any reasoning that could ease the current situation.

Reacting instantly, Ville turned to face me, his eyes wide. “NO!” he passionately shouted. He moved closer, not breaking eye contact with me. “That’s not it at all. If anything, it’s that this,” he waved his hand in between us, “is too new to share with the entire populace,” he hurriedly explained in a single breath. I relaxed some. “Is that an ok answer for now?” Ville prodded, still appearing somewhat tense himself, “I realize it will only hold for so long, but is that ok for now?”

Not quite over the drama, I turned to face a statue just ahead of us as I paused, truly thinking over his words. I was all too aware of Ville’s eyes crossing over me countless times, though, and so, my deliberation was short lived. Pivoting on the balls of my feet, we faced each other again. Eyes reconnected, I did the only thing that made sense to me: I nodded. He sighed, closing his eyes. “Thank you.”

We turned and continued walking. “So, now that everything has gotten awkward-“ I started only to be cut off by his chuckling.

“Thanks for stating the obvious so delicately, Rosalie.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “As I was saying, now that we’ve got this whole awkwardness bit going, I think you owe me something warm and yummy to eat.” He laughed, and nodded. I stopped and turned to him, eyes wide, as my mind was attacked into awareness by all of the responses Leo and Mike would have retorted in a heartbeat. “And I did not mean that in a dirty way,” I clarified. Ville’s face lapsed from utter shock to one of pure amusement.

“Someone’s mind is normally in the gutter,” he teased with a big grin plastered across his face. I summoned my best disapproving look. “Before you said that, though, I did honestly believe that your intent had something more to do with you being cold,” he gently spoke, wrapping his arms around me, “but regardless, I shall oblige you.” I shook my head, looking up at him as he looked down at me. The wind blew some of his hair into his face as he had the cutest expression of curiosity and interest in his face.

“What would you like? Or do you even know that?” he asked me with a sly grin on his face. I scowled. “This is all referring to food, of course,” he winked, provoking a light whack on the abs courtesy of my hand.

“Yes, I was well aware, thank you,” I replied, enjoying the pout he wore, “and astonishingly enough, I do know what I would like,” I paused, “but it’s silly.” He smiled, his eyes crinkling with silent laughter.

“Humor me.”

“Cookies.” His face reflected surprise. “What? How are those warm-“

“You cook them, silly,” I stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

He paused, his smile widening again. “So, me owing you something tasty equates to me making you cookies…”

I grinned back at Ville in response, clasping his hand in mine, and took off walking once more. I glanced back at the man trudging behind me, lost by the swift changing of events, and grinned. “Well, I never said I wouldn’t help.”
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So, my boyfriend's roommates dog bit me last night and now I can only type with one hand because the other is a swollen mess. This affects you, the reader, in that there might be a slow down in chapters next week as I move from the edited chapters to new ones. Hopefully, the antibiotics I got at the doctor's this morning will help though, and it won't be as bad as I fear. Just thought I'd let you guys know.

It's really sad, though, I mean I just fell in love with my story all over again too :(