Something Like Fun

Contemplations and Considerations

Following my conversation with Filatov, Deliah came to check on me. Once I’d briefed her, we set to work figuring out what sights I hadn’t gotten around to seeing when I had first signed on for the project. I had a monster list of architectural must-sees in Finland, but had only gotten around to visiting about half of them.

With a computer and a map before us, we began setting my course for the rest of the week through the countryside and cities of Finland. An hour, a shared pack of cigarettes (Deliah claimed they worked wonders for stress), and thirty-some crumpled pieces of paper on the floor later, my life was fully planned out for the next week… starting tomorrow morning. Oh, joy.

Staring down at our finished work, thrilled that it was done, I jumped as my cellular device vibrated in my back pocket. It was a text from Leo informing us that supper was ready downstairs in the kitchen. “Oh, shit! I never called Ville back,” I exclaimed, gripping the phone tightly in my hand.

Deliah turned to me smiling triumphantly, “He called you already?”

“Yea,” I grinned, sharing her excitement, “I was just getting ready to call him back when…” We both stopped and stared down at the paper that held my life sentence.

“Call him,” she ordered, staring at me until I nodded in agreement.

“This is one of those moments when I love my job,” I mumbled sarcastically. Deliah chuckled as she left me to make my call in peace.

I walked back to my bedroom and faced the window finding solace in the grey-blueness of the horizon. I hit the necessary buttons and placed the phone up to my ear. Ring. Ring. Hmmm I hope he answers. Ring. Ring. Sigh. Ring.

“Ville Valo,” a deep voice said in a rush, making me smile.

“Hey, it’s Rosalie,” I spoke, hoping to sound somewhat cheerful. “Is this a bad time?”

“Hey! What? No, don’t be foolish,” he replied a little slower.

“Yea, I got your message,” I said, chuckling.

“You, my dear, have one of the most bizarre answering messages I have ever heard-“

My eyebrows scrunched in slight offense. “What? It’s not bizarre.”

“Rosalie, most people say their name and ask you to leave a message,” Ville explained. I shook my head as I grinned, absent-mindedly twirling a strand of hair around the index finger of my other hand. He continued in his ever soothing voice, “You, however, tell me to ‘step inside…walk this way, you and me babe? Hey. hey?’ It doesn’t make any sense, darling, really.”

I sighed, “Well, I guess you can just call up Def Leppard and complain to them, Ville.”

“Yea, yea, I should,” he laughed and then paused. “Listen, some friends of mine are gathering a couple nights from now and I was hoping you could come with me.” As he spoke my face dropped. “Ville, I would love to, truly I would, but I’m going to be out of town. I hit a snag with work and, well, I’m going to be gone from tomorrow to...” I rushed back to the desk, "next Wednesday.”

The silence was thick for the single moment it lasted. “I’d really like to see you, though,” I said, eager both to see him and make him happy again. “Do you have any plans tonight? We could do dinner or just hang out…” I practically pleaded.

“Dinner would be great, sweetheart,” Ville said tenderly, a smile visible in his voice.

That night was different and left a lingering sense of unrest and uncertainty in me as I went to bed. Reflecting on it as I removed my makeup, I ran the events through my head. I had offered to cook and Deliah took it upon herself to get everyone off of the premises for the majority of the night. Ville insisted that he’d rather have me spend my time with him then preparing his dinner, though, so we compromised on take out and a movie.

With full stomachs, we leaned against each other on the couch in front of a massive TV that was Leo’s pride and joy. Ville and I had decided on a comedy, but I found myself not able to pay attention to it as my mind raced uncontrollably.

Laughter erupted from the TV and both Ville and I jumped. We quickly glanced at each other and quietly chuckled. “Having difficulty focusing on the movie too?” Ville inquired knowingly with a small smile.

“I was just lost in thought,” I replied, blushing.

“Uhhuh.” Ville muttered still looking at me.

I groaned and fully turned to face him. “Counting today, I’ve only known you one week,” I said matter-of-factly as Ville nodded.

“Yea, that’s actually why I was inviting you to join me and my friends,” Ville responded his gaze slowly losing focus, though his face was directed towards me. My eyebrows scrunched in my response.

Ville’s eyes moved to mine quickly and then away again. “I just find it rather curious how well we get along,” he cautiously stated, “not that it’s a bad thing.”

My face relaxed as I nodded. “I understand your point completely. I’d been pondering the same thing actually,” I softly admitted.

Ville’s eyes slowly returned to mine and a small smile appeared on his face. “It’s probably nothing, darling,” Ville said and I nodded.

He left shortly after the others returned that night. Mike had been prepared to be the overprotective brother figure, but his preparations fell short when he realized that the guy I’d been seeing was the frontman for his favorite band, much to my dismay. A simple look from Ville told me that he’d clarify everything later, and I nodded in acknowledgment. He had made Mike’s day with a handshake, and after he had wished a goodnight to everyone, I walked him outside to the taxi he had called.

Pulling the door shut, I had turned and been met by Ville who had paused to give me a short peck on the lips. “I’m sorry about tonight,” he said as he pulled away.

“It’s fine,” I responded in a small voice.

“I will tell you, Rosalie,” he promised looking into my eyes.

Unsure of what to say, I gave a simple ‘I know’ statement and hoped that it would suffice. He must have taken note of my timid actions, for after cradling my chin in his palm for a moment, he left, walking to the waiting vehicle. I remained on the porch as the car turned the corner and then dejectedly, went inside.

The overall events of the night had amazed me. I couldn’t figure out what had soured the mood: my leaving or our almost too quick friendship. I frowned, tossing once again in my bed; I could tell it would be a sleepless night.
♠ ♠ ♠
ah, yes. moody ville. :) happy fourth of july, folks.