Jamie All Over

Get Up

“This place is not quite what it seems, or anything that I was told it’d be. New York you know you make my heart skip. In my dreams I make it into Vegas. Seattle hits me every time. I can’t get Chicago off my mind. New Jersey taught me how to let go, and I’ve learned it’s all that I need to know.”


Six Months Later


“Come on babe or we’re going to be late!” Derek called.

“I’m coming, calm down!” I replied as I came down the hall way. He had been calling me out for the past ten minutes. We were headed Jake’s house, bags in hand. From Jake’s we were getting on the tour bus and going on a month long tour with the last stop in Los Angeles, California. When we got to Los Angeles we were heading to the studio so the boys could start recording their brand new album. Ayden was packed and ready to go; he waited patiently by the door with Derek. We were the last one’s to arrive at Jake’s house. We loaded up the bus and we were off.

“New York City here we come!” Jake hollered like the little kid he is as we pulled onto the highway.

“Here we come,” I agreed with a smile…
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Chapter Title: Mayday Parade

This is a preview into the sequel. More coming soon because this obviously isn't done yet. I'll be posting the actual sequel soon.