Tainted Blood of a Ninja

Chapter Fourteen: How You Really Feel

The attempts to change Itachi’s mind proved to be a wasted effort. However, Deidara refused to be ordered around by the younger of the two and took it upon himself to travel with Mitsukai. Kisame didn’t mind the company. Tobi found joy in terrorizing Mitsukai with his childish pranks and jokes.

“Hey, Mitsy-chan?”

“Yes Tobi?” Mitsukai huffed and turned to him reluctantly only to find the Halloween mask less than an inch from her face making a noisy kissing sound. “Ew!”

“Mitsy-chan, come on! Have you never kissed a guy before?” Tobi pouted folding his arms across his chest and turning away.

“No.” Mitsukai spat scrunching her face up in disgust. “And I don’t want my first kiss to be with a guy who looks like he plans to go rob children of their candy.”

“I’d do anything for you, Mitsy.” Tobi clasped his hands together in a mock romantic pose leaning towards her for another attempt.

“Tobi, I will personally rip your lips off if you don’tget away from me.” Mitsukai threatened quickening her pace to get away from the good retard.

Tobi merely shrugged and moved onto to questioning Kisame about his heritage and the cause of his blue skin. An arm snaked its way around her shoulders and she shot a dirty look to the offender only to smile. “Yes?”

Deidara smirked but kept his eyes on Itachi’s back. “Remember you told me that this time you had no intention of trying to leave?” He waited until Mitsukai nodded to continue. “I was thinking that we could ask Leader-sama to have you partnered with me and Tobi.”

“That would be—“

“He won’t go for it.” Itachi stopped but didn’t turn around to face them. “And even if he did consider it, I’d let him know how vulnerable you are to each other. You both are too wrapped up in each other to be efficient for any missions. Furthermore, with one of you harboring a jinchuuriki within you, it is in our best interest to keep you around others that can contain and control you should you decide to make a run for it, Mitsukai.”


Itachi suddenly appeared in front of her holding her by her throat, slowly lifting her up off the ground. “You are more trouble than you’re worth. You’re always asking for things you have no right to ask for. You’re lucky that we haven’t sealed the demon your body contains just to rid us of the headache that you really are.”

“Itachi!” Deidara yelled.

Itachi ignored the blonde and tightened his grip. “You will respect your seniors. You will respect the fact that your life belongs to me. I am the one responsible for you, not your precious boyfriend. You will not even consider trying to be placed with another team.”

“He’s…not…my…boyfriend!” Mitsukai protested trying to pry his hand away from her throat.

Itachi’s eyes narrowed dangerously and he gave Deidara a menacing look. “Are you sure?”

Before anyone could react, Itachi threw Mitsukai up into the air and allowed her fall back down only to deliver a swift kick to the gut that sent her flying into the trunk of an old hallow tree that toppled over from the impact. As predicted, Deidara shoved his way past the Uchiha to Mitsukai’s side. “Are you okay?”

Mitsukai tried to sit up but her vision blurred every few seconds causing her to hold her head and groan. “I’ve been worse.”

“What the hell is your problem, hn?!” Deidara whirled around to face Itachi’s stony expression. “You could have killed her!”

“You forget that she is a container. She has regenerative powers. Unless the attack is fatal, she cannot die from being thrown into a tree.” Itachi whispered coolly. “Like I said, you both are too concerned with each other to be aware of such insignificant things. There is no time for intimate relationships in this organization, especially with other members. We all have duties that take precedence over our personal goals.”

Mitsukai winced as she was pulled to her feet by Kisame. “Even so, Itachi, broken ribs take time to heal—regenerative powers or not. There’s no sense in hurting me so that I cannot be of help in a mission or even protect myself should I need to do so. Would it hurt you to make your point without hitting me?!”

Itachi turned away. “You missed the point. You were originally placed with Kisame and I for a reason. No one else can contain you as effectively and quickly as we can. You aren’t allowed to be with Deidara because of the personal relationship you two developed. It’s no secret that Deidara would escape from us if he ever decided to…” He looked over his shoulder, Sharingan blazing, immobilizing Mitsukai. “…and that he’d attempt to take you with him.”

“Now, now.” Tobi stepped in between Itachi and Deidara with his hands on the back of his head. “There’s no need to fight over Mitsy-chan. She’s taken. If anyone takes her anywhere, it would be me!”


So many questions raced through her mind. She felt so utterly alone without Deidara’s company. After the standoff with Itachi, Pein had contacted them to deliver assignments. This time he was immediately informed of her presence. She was given a half-hearted welcome back then Deidara and Tobi were assigned a mission to retrieve a missing scroll. Due to the village’s location, they had to leave immediately in order to intercept it. As soon as Deidara and Tobi disappeared on a huge flying bomb, Pein assigned them the task of locating a feudal lord’s son who disappeared. It was an important mission to the Akatsuki because in exchange for returning the boy alive, they would be granted a large monetary reward and the Wakkanai Village’s loyalty and resources. The boy’s name was Ichiro and he was only five years old, meaning that if he had run away from home he wouldn’t survive for long on his own.

Pein then asked Itachi about Mitsukai’s condition, mentally and physically. She bit her lip hard nearly drawing blood out of anger as she listened to Itachi basically repeat everything he’d said earlier to her and Deidara. ‘He is such a dipstick.’She thought angrily as their Leader agreed with everything the surly man complained about. Then to add injury to insult, Pein made it known that he would never allow such things to occur and would personally talk to Deidara so that he’d know to keep his distance from her. Great. So now there was a restraining order.

Now she sat near their campfire, her heavy cloak underneath her as a cushion as she held her knees. Itachi sat directly across from her staring at the fire, casting the illusion that he was looking directly at her. Every now and then she’d allow herself to stare at him then drop her gaze back down to the fire.

“If there’s something you’d like to ask me, you’re welcome to do so.” Itachi’s murmur was as soft as velvet.

“Why…?” Mitsukai’s voice faltered as the sudden awareness of how his voice had appealed to her for a split second made her lose her train of thought.

“If it has anything to do with Sasuke or Deidara I’m not in the mood.”

“No…well…sort of.” She took a moment to recollect her thoughts. “I remembered something I’ve always wanted to ask you about. In fact, I tried to ask you about it the night I was taken back to the Leaf.”

Itachi made eye contact with her, curiosity clear in his eyes. “Hm?”

“Years ago, after you mentally attacked Sasuke…I went into his head and saw…things.” At this his gaze became intense, as if he were mentally searching her head for information so she stared down at her toes instead. “I wanted to hear more about Sojobo and the scroll.”

It became so quiet even the surrounding wildlife had paused.

“That is none of your concern.” Itachi said finally. He shifted and pushed his sleeve up his arm to check his kunai holster on his arm.

Mitsukai gritted her teeth. “How is it not? It seemed as if that was part of the reason of you murdering your family.”

Itachi’s hand stopped but he didn’t look up. “Stop trying to figure me out. I did what I did because I wanted to. Some things don’t require much more of an explanation than that.”

“But they were your family. Aunts, uncles, cousins…your own mother and father. You had to have felt something, Itachi. To just mutilate them the way you did ‘just because’ doesn’t make any sense! You had a reason. ‘Measure my capabilities’? You could have went and killed a whole village somewhere else if you wanted to do that.”

“There is no greater opponent than one who is exactly like you.” Itachi murmured. “One who has the same strengths and weaknesses. I was my greatest opponent.”

“So then why did you instruct Sasuke to go to the Nakano Shrine? To go look at that scroll? What was on it? What does Sojobo have to do with it all?” Mitsukai stood. “You’ve turned Sasuke’s world into a living hell without a just reason! How can you—“

Itachi stood and within the second she found herself pinned by the throat to a tree. “You know,” she pulled on his hand and gasped for air, “this is getting old.”

“Stay out of my business.” Itachi hissed, eyes flickering from black to red.

“Sasuke is my teammate! You’re the reason he defected. You’re the reason he left people that care about him solely to find a way to get stronger! You’re the reason why no matter what he does—even if he kills you—he’ll always be alone and will always be unhappy! You trapped him in the past, where people that he loved and cared for are alive. What future does he have…if he can only live in his past?” Mitsukai’s eyes filled with tears remembering the last time she saw Sasuke.

For a moment, her outburst had truly stolen Itachi’s words and had him captivated by the tears she held in her midnight blue eyes for his younger brother. He had honestly never thought of it that way. “I will not tell you this again. Mind your own business.”

Mitsukai stared at him in disbelief. “You don’t care. It doesn’t even ignite a small ounce of care within your cold, dead heart!” She began thrashing to free herself. “You asshole! Let me go!”

Itachi’s eyes narrowed. “How about we revisit some of your old memories?”

The hairs on Mitsukai’s arms stood as a familiar eerie feeling washed over her. Instinct warned her not to do it, to run away instead, but she held her ground and looked the man in the eye. In a brief second, she saw the shuriken warped tomoe of Itachi’s eyes before the horror began. Her father’s cold stare and apparent dislike for her. Her mother’s attempt to be both a mother and a father. The fire that killed the first person to love her…

Years of training prepared her for this. She knew that if she pushed the right buttons she could get him to resort to using his Mangekyou Sharingan’s Tsukuyomi on her to create that window of opportunity. For the first time since she’d unknowingly tried it on Sasuke, she showed Itachi just how much his former student had improved her worth to the Akatsuki. “Dream Eater Genjustsu.” She whispered, stealing a quiet surprised gasp from the Uchiha. “How about a taste of your own medicine, hm?” Gold eyes flashed behind her eyelids abruptly breaking the mental hold from Itachi’s Tsukuyomi. Her hand grabbed his wrist and she smiled. ‘Let’s take a peek at what’s in your head…Itachi-san.’ Breaking open his mind was nearly the same as trying to push a boulder…it wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t impossible either.

“What…what are you…” Itachi’s words faltered the second the first memory was pried free. ‘Sasuke.’ He wasn’t sure if it was his actual voice or mental voice that whispered his little brother’s. Pain registered as his heart stuttered briefly at the sight of his newborn brother in his mother’s arms.

Itachi…come meet your brother.’He remembered his mother’s innocent proud smile. He remembered how red Sasuke’s face was…how feather soft his skin had been. With the memory, old emotions he had purposefully locked away were ignited. The pride he’d felt upon being appointed Sasuke’s guardian…his big brother. Every event that led to their departure ripped open an old, ignored wound in his dead heart, crushing his spirit as the weight of the consequences finally caught up with him. It had cost him his little brother’s love and adoration. Because he wanted to free them both from their own personal Hell, it had cost him the one thing that he secretly cared for more than his next breath—Sasuke. Knowing that Sasuke, who had at one time sought refuge near him during stormy nights, now wanted his head on a silver platter and his heart gored out with a blunt spoon ate at his conscience. The cold, hard truth slammed him nearly causing him to fall over. The person he originally intended to protect from enduring the same childhood he had—though he still ended up manipulating him the way he had been—would, inevitably, take his own life.

As rain began to pour down on them from a swiftly approaching thunderstorm, Mitsukai watched the memories replay in Itachi’s head, slack-jawed and frozen in total surprise. Every time she contemplated what it would be like to invade Itachi’s head, she’d always come to the conclusion that he was nothing more than the monster Sasuke insisted he was. The tender, cherished memories were both breathtaking and heart breaking to watch. Itachi truly enjoyed every moment spent with little Sasuke. From training with him to explaining what it meant to be a big brother, there was never an inhumane moment when Sasuke was near. ‘It's just that we're unique siblings. I'm the barrier you must overcome, so you and I will continue to exist together. Even if you hate me. That's what being a big brother is.’Itachi’s voice was tender. And it was all for Sasuke… Tears lined her eyes and wet her cheeks as Itachi had to pretend Sasuke never mattered to him and shut his own emotions off in order to ignore the fact that he was breaking his brother in ways that would take years, if not a lifetime, to mend and heal properly.

It was more than he could bare. The heartache that awoken within him shattered every ounce of strength he’d been using to effectively remain emotionless. The sinister presence stirred angrily within him and he didn’t bother to try to keep it in check. He felt his fingers tighten around Mitsukai’s warm, delicate throat until the images suddenly stopped and her face returned blurred by unshed tears. Her eyes were rolling up into her head as her nails dug into his wrist drawing blood. Kisame was behind him trying to coax him into releasing the girl before he killed her and the tailed beast within her, thus ruining the Akatsuki’s plans. Slowly, his grip loosened and he watched the girl slide down the tree’s trunk to a sitting position and her head slumped to the side. Even this reminded him, painfully, of what he had done to Sasuke. He’d made his brother suffer much more than his family would have… So much more…


“Watch her.” Itachi’s was foreign even to his own ears; it was weak and defeated…emotional. He could practically feel uncertainty wash over Kisame and was grateful that he didn’t follow him as he turned and left the man with their unconscious member. He needed time alone to pull himself back together, something he hadn’t done in years.


Three nights had passed and still no sign of Itachi. At first, Mitsukai was relieved and welcomed the calm associated with his absence. However, by noon of the fourth day she got worried. She constantly questioned Kisame and grew more and more frustrated with his dull “I don’t know” responses. Despite Itachi being the continuous rain on her parade thus sucking all of the fun out of whatever she tried to do…he was still, in a very shrewd way, herrain, wasn’t he? She gasped at the thought then immediately shook her head at her own silliness. It was natural to be concerned about one’s teammate. Kakashi had dedicated weeks of training to drill that very concept into his students’ heads, even if it all still fell on deaf ears.

“Mitsukai…relax.” Kisame said finally. Dusk was approaching and the heat of the summer day slowly began to fade into a relaxing night breeze. She nodded but found it to easier said than done. Once she’d had time to sit and focus, all of Itachi’s memories and their respective emotions flooded. So much more made sense now and it was nearly impossible to see him as the monster he’d tried to portray. She realized that Itachi was never properly taught to speak out in order to stand up for himself. From the day he picked up the ninja tool nothing but information in regards to his new forced way of life was drilled into his head. No one had told him to simply tell someone if he didn’t like something. It was horrible. She didn’t have to imagine what her life would have been like if she’d grown like Itachi—she’s seen a good example through his eyes.

Kisame decided it would be best to keep going. Mitsukai did not protest. The more she analyzed the memories, the more information she uncovered. Itachi’s lack of communication skills played a vital role in the massacre. In his warped mind, eliminating the threat was the only way to defend himself from the oppression he felt. She knew all too well how that felt and sympathized with him. Yet, the one fact that arrested her heart and left her absolutely speechless was knowing why. Itachi might have endured and suffered the path his life was taking had his mother not appointed him Sasuke’s keeper. Itachi felt responsible for protecting Sasuke from everyone, including their own family. After the first hour, Kisame stopped trying to figure out why Mitsukai was crying. All that she could think of was the last poke delivered to Sasuke’s forehead that Itachi felt as the physical severing of their brotherly bond and how she knew Sasuke felt about Itachi now. ‘If only he knew…’Sadly, she knew Sasuke would never listen to reason.

Soon a full seven days had passed. Mitsukai spent most of her evenings perched in a tree with her eyes closed, using Houkou’s chakra to bond with the tree and scan the area for that familiar chakra signature. By now the most important information of all had been extracted from the memories. When the connection between Itachi and Sasuke’s memories hit her she nearly fell over. They had both looked at the scroll.However, they hadn’t walked away from it the same way they came to it. In fact, Sasuke’s lust for revenge, for Itachi’s blood, had doubled…and Itachi’s chakra signature became tainted, darker, and blood thirsty.


Itachi wasn’t the monster he’d allow so many to believe he was.

But the entity within him was…and he was most definitely in danger.


The cool rain against his feverish skin was more than welcomed. Standing on the roof of his old home in the middle of a city where he was more wanted, Itachi allowed more old memories and emotions to wash over him and coat his cold insides. Since the floodgate had been opened, what point was there in trying to close it? It was surprising to find that after so many years, the villagers had finally developed the nerve and backbone necessary to move into the old Uchiha neighborhood. He looked up at the dark night sky and sighed deeply. He’d been gone too long. It was past time for him to catch up to Kisame and Mitsukai.

There’s no backing out of it now…Itachi-san.’ A cruel voice drawled from within his mind.

“I know.” Itachi whispered aloud.

Then get rid of the memories. What’s done is done.’

Itachi’s eyelids dropped until a sad look formed. “…I know.” He knew. He knew all too well now that his betrayal to Sasuke had destroyed the bond they once shared…and that there was no way to resurrect it.

As he expected to, he found Kisame and Mitsukai in town…dining out. “Hello.”

Mitsukai promptly choked on a piece of pork in her Okonomiyaki and whirled around (small flakes of aonori, a dried seaweed, on her face notwithstanding). “I-Itachi-san?!”

Kisame chuckled with the stick that once had Yakitori on it in his mouth. “It’s about time you showed. This grilled chicken is delicious and since it’s your favorite I thought you’d like some.” He pushed a plate towards him. “I was beginning to think I would be left with Little Bit for the mission.”

Itachi’s gaze averted from the Yakitori to the awestruck girl quickly then he closed his eyes. “I…needed to check on something.” He opened them slowly, moving to take the empty stool on the other side of Mitsukai, reaching around her for his plate.

Kisame made a noise similar to a swallowed sigh and drank his tea quietly.

“I-Itachi-san?” Mitsukai stammered, actually reaching out to gingerly touch his shoulder to make sure he was actually there.

Itachi merely nodded reaching for a napkin, unable to resist wiping the food off of her face. A waitress came and asked Itachi if he needed anything, but instead of answering her, he looked at Mitsukai. “Please, order for me.”

At this her jaw dropped. “Um…tea.” She nodded confidently looking to the waitress. “And a side of beef dumplings.”

“If you don’t mind,” Itachi laid a hand on her forearm and looked at the waitress to look her directly in the eyes with a smirk. “I’d like something stronger. How about Shochu mixed with fruit juice? The beef dumplings sound fine.”

Mitsukai opted to openly gap at this new uncanny Itachi. She would save sheer terror for later in a more private setting. The waitress swooned and disappeared to fill her new favorite customer’s order.

“Are you okay?” Mitsukai whispered as Itachi picked up a stick of Yakitori. He nodded. “Then…where have you been? And…where is your cloak?”

“I needed to think.” He lowered his voice to a barely audible whisper that she had to strain to hear. “You and I will talk later. Finish eating.”

It was the unspoken promise of answers for her questions that put Mitsukai on her best behavior. Kisame even seemed surprised by her obedient nature. For Mitsukai, the whole thing was surreal. She’d hoped for his safe return, yet fully expecting him to be very brusque and to even knock her around a little. Is that what he meant by talk?Maybe the most disturbing thing about Itachi was how his once stoic expression now flickered with emotions, as if he were trying (and failing) to keep his emotions hidden. She seriously considered the possibility of brain damage. Even as they left the village in silence, Itachi had a softer, more somber look.

“Itachi. You okay?” Kisame asked after an hour of the sad look. Itachi nodded and his eyes looked back down at the path they were taking, clearly pretending he didn’t want to trip over something. Perhaps it was this look that made Mitsukai regret her decision to pry into his mind. She could have simply endured the torture or simply deflected the Genjutsu. But, no…curiosity killed the cat.



His voice was soft, like a silk pillowcase.

Mitsukai, wake up.

Exactly when did it become so appealing Mitsukai wondered as she concentrated hard to regulate her breathing in order to successfully feign sleep.

I know you’re awake. You snore when you’re asleep.” This time his voice held both amusement and annoyance. Mitsukai’s eyes shot open and she rolled over to face his crouching form with a scowl.

“I do not.” She whispered heatedly.

“But you aren’t sleeping.” Itachi pointed at her as amusement took over.

“Ass.” She muttered darkly sitting up and looking at Kisame’s sleeping form. “I’m up.”

Itachi’s eyes followed Mitsukai’s gaze and he nodded. He tapped her arm and brought his index finger to her lips to signal silence. He stood swiftly and beckoned her to follow. She blinked a few times, watching him disappear into the brush surrounding their campsite. For a brief second, her teenage mind kicked in and she felt a wave of nervous anticipation wash over, quickly shaking it off as she stood to follow. It wasn’t like he was going to kissher. After a few minutes of wandering in the darkness wondering if the Uchiha had finally decided to get his revenge by allowing her to get lost in the thick forest, she found him sitting at the base of a tree facing a large lake. The sight of the moon’s reflection shimmering on the lake’s glassy black surface calmed her mind a little bit.

“Itachi-san?” Mitsukai whispered. He didn’t look at her; instead, he simply waved her over with his left hand then patted the soft grass beside him. She obediently sat and drew her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees and stared out at the lake.

“…Thank you.” He whispered finally, breaking the silence.

“Um…for…?” Mitsukai turned her head to look at him.

“For opening my eyes.” He murmured then closed his eyes.

“Well, if anything, I do understand you better now.” Mitsukai sighed stretching out her legs in front of her. “While I believe murder wasn’t the best choice, I understand what you were going through. We all have our hardships and we all deal with them differently. Deep down, Itachi, you are a good person with a good heart. It’s just your methods of doing things make you look bad. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You have good intentions…but look at where they’ve placed you in life…I understand you now, Itachi. I just feel bad for you.”

The ambience of the night filled in the silence of their conversation. Itachi’s gaze was locked on the glassy surface of the lake while Mitsukai studied the starry, cloudless sky. Just as she was about to excuse herself back to her sleeping bag, Itachi's hand gently touched her elbow and warmth from his breath coated her right ear and neck. “Thank you…for understanding.

“Y-you’re welcome, Itachi.”

“Hn.” He tucked a stray strand of hair back behind her ear. She tried to look up into his eyes but his eyes were shadowed by the darkness. She noticed a slight smirk. “Get back to bed.”

“H-hai.” She spoke softly standing slowly then making her way back. Once she had passed a few trees, she turned to look over her shoulder to find Itachi in his same spot staring at her. She continued to stare back until, finally, his gaze returned to the lake. She chuckled softly, bringing her right index finger up to her mouth then biting on it slightly. She sighed and shook her head, then kept moving along.

Itachi’s finely tuned ears heard everything she did. Her laugh, her sigh, her retreating footsteps. His heart hurt because of that young woman. Emotions that he’d stopped feeling long ago now seized his mind and slowly turned his heart inside out. Guilt from knowing that he’d forced the same fate upon Sasukethat he’d tried to save him from. Heartache from the knowledge that nothing he could say or do could mend their brotherly bond or change their past. Defeat from accepting the inevitable. Yet, as he listened to Mitsukai nestle into her sleeping bag and soon after her breathing became deep from slumber, another feeling he didn’t recognize washed over him. In some insane attempt to shield her mind from his attack, she made him remember what once meant the world to him: Sasuke’s innocence. Somewhere in all of the chaos, he’d forgotten the very reason why it had all started. He’d compromised the pure heart Sasuke once had. Pain flooded his heart again and he feebly pressed left hand over it as if trying to suppress flowing blood from an open wound. More memories flooded his mind and he gasped aloud doubling over in pain. Sasuke’s childish laughter warped into blood curdling screams and his terror-filled eyes burned into the back of Itachi’s eyelids. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to block out the image.

Then an idea struck him.

He could attempt damage control. He was being used as a vessel until Sasuke was ready—

There’s no backing out of our deal now…Itachi.”

“Sasuke has been through enough…I won’t put more on him.”

Have you forgotten the source of your power? How crippled you’d be if I decided to disconnect my power to you? Without my help, Itachi, tell me exactly what you would see even with your Sharingan?”

Itachi’s answer was silence.

Very well. Do as you wish.”
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