Tainted Blood of a Ninja

Chapter Five: Taken Away

Kakashi wasted no time getting right back to training. At first, Mitsukai was more than happy to be facing Sasuke, but by the third day, she realized that something was different about him. His attacks were more brutal and he was a lot harder on her. He had no problem hitting her and often became angry if she managed to hit him back. He didn’t seem to actually see her; she suspected that he pictured his brother instead.

“Sasuke.” Kakashi put his book down. Sasuke ignored him and kept swinging at Mitsukai. She kept jumping out of his way and did a back flip to avoid one of his punches. Instead, he took advantage of this and landed a well placed kick to her stomach, making her lose her balance and fall on her back hard. She gasped as her diaphragm fought to regulate her breathing. The heel of Sasuke’s foot came into view and she instantly shielded her face to prepare herself for the attack. But it didn’t come.

“Sasuke, I don’t know what’s gotten into you but you need to calm down. There’s no reason to be so tough with her.” Kakashi held Sasuke by the back of his collar, keeping him out of Mitsukai’s range. Sasuke huffed angrily then calmed down.

“Forgive me.” He whispered and Kakashi let him go. Sasuke helped Mitsukai up. She nodded then watched him walk away.

‘Sasuke,’ Mitsukai brushed dirt off of herself, ‘This is your brother’s doing. Before he came back you weren’t this cold…now he has you questioning everything that Kakashi-sensei has taught you. I can see it in your eyes. You intended to defeat me by any means necessary until Kakashi-sensei stepped in. What could have Itachi said to you…to make you turn so cold?’


“I’m sending you four on a simple mission. There’s a farmer who needs help…” Tsunade began to explain but Mitsukai wasn’t listening. Upon hearing the word “sending”, her mind instantly flashed back to the two members of the Akatsuki who tried to capture her. They almost succeeded even in the middle of the village. She could only imagine how they would fair against the four of them. She looked to her left and let her eyes take in her teammates. When compared to the level of the two Akatsuki members, even Kakashi-sensei was weaker than them. It was bad enough that they were after Naruto but if she were to be added to situation, that’d only put the other three at a greater risk. “Mitsukai.”

Her attention snapped back to the woman seated before them. “Yes?”

“You have every right to be worried.” She nodded.

Mitsukai’s eyes widened then she let her head hang.

“What’s she talking about?” Naruto looked curiously between the two.

“She’s wary of accompanying you on this mission with the whereabouts of the two Akatsuki members whom are after you two unknown. It’s in her eyes. With them already after you, Naruto, she knows that if she goes along that would only increase the chances of them trying to make a grab. I’m sorry, Kakashi, but even you must admit there’s no way you could protect both at once.” She waved a hand dismissively.

“So what are you saying?!” Naruto leaned forward.

“She’s staying here.” Tsunade sat back. Naruto’s jaw dropped open in shock.

“Whaa--?! We can’t just leave her here! The last time we did that they came after her anyway! Granny, have you gone nuts?!” Naruto spat fire. Kakashi only held his head in one hand as Sasuke and Sakura looked at Mitsukai.

“Naruto,” Kakashi put a hand on the pre-teen’s shoulder, “Please be logical about this. She’s right. I can’t protect both you and her at one time.”

“You could use shadow clones.” Naruto pointed out. “And if that doesn’t convince you then I can use shadow clones.”

“Naruto, shadow clones are useless against a Sharingan user.” Sasuke interjected.

Naruto looked between the three then his eyes finally connected with Mitsukai’s. “I won’t leave you here again. I promised that I would protect you. You can come. I’ll protect you.”

“Naruto,” Mitsukai shook her head, “Listen to someone else’s reasoning for once. They’re all right and I agree. Besides…I want to stay here.” Images of Itachi from Sasuke’s memories flashed in her mind and she shivered. There was something about him that chilled her to the bone. Every time she saw him since she’d seen those memories made her freeze up in terror. There were few things that scared her like that and he was now definitely number one on the list. ‘Those demonic eyes and lifeless expression. No one can be that emotionless, that expressionless…It’s almost as if he’s not human at all.’ If staying in the Leaf village meant decreasing the odds of seeing him again by even one percent, it was worth being separated from her team again. “It’s safer for all of us this way.”

Naturally, Naruto threw a fit in a way that would make a three year old seem mature; Kakashi had to literally drag him out of the Fifth’s office. The others followed them out the door.

“Mitsukai?” Tsunade called out. She stopped and turned around. “Please close the door and come here.”

Mitsukai did as she was told and took her place in front of the desk once more. Shizune, the Hokage’s aide, shifted uncomfortably but remained quiet. “Yes?”

“You want to know why the Akatsuki are after you and Naruto?” Tsunade laced her fingers together and then rested her chin on top of them.

Mitsukai’s interest rose at an incredible speed. “You know why?”

“Yes, I was informed by Jiraya and he wasn’t sure if you should be told since your memory hasn’t fully come back yet. I know you know enough that it’s time that someone told you. You may want to sit down.” She gestured to a chair positioned slightly to her right. Mitsukai took it and leaned forward just a little bit. “Now, I won’t tell you everything but I will tell you the most important thing. You and Naruto are Jinchuuriki.”

Of all the reasons Mitsukai thought she would hear, that certainly didn’t make the list. “We’re what?”

“Jinchuuriki. People who have a tailed demon sealed within them.”

Mitsukai blinked several times.

Tsunade sighed. “Naruto knows about Kyuubi, the nine tailed fox, that’s in him. He’s even been able get it to let him use its chakra on occasion. Jiraya told me that the Akatsuki personally sealed a demon within you. He’s not sure which one it is, but he is sure that they will stop at nothing to get you back. They feel that you belong to them.”

Mitsukai stared. “A demon? In me? You’re kidding, right?”

“This isn’t something I’d joke about.” The expression on the woman’s face was very serious. “Also, he told me that your birthday is on December tenth. That would make you fifteen.”

Mitsukai felt a smile form. “I’m older than I thought I was.”

“You only thought that because Kakashi assumed that you were. Your team heads out tomorrow afternoon. I assigned your last bodyguard to resume his duty—“

“Miko?!” Mitsukai’s eyes shined with hope. She’d missed him lately.

Tsunade’s eyebrow arched in interest. “Yes.”

“Cool. Then this won’t be too bad.” Mitsukai nodded.

“Yes but he’s out on a mission and won’t be back until the day after tomorrow.”

Mitsukai paused then nodded again. “I’ll be fine until then.”

“Good. Shizune, go deliver this message to the ANBU captain so he’ll know to send that member along as soon as he comes back.” Tsunade handed a note to her. The girl nodded and left.


Sasuke sat in his favored tree out in the training field, watching the sun set. His mind was overloaded with a million thoughts. ‘How could I be beaten so easily? He didn’t even seem like he was making a real effort to hurt me…’ He let out a wry chuckle. ‘That’s why. I let my emotions get in the way. I was so concerned about that idiot that it clouded my judgment. A true shinobi doesn’t just charge at his opponent when he doesn’t know what his opponent is capable of. My stupid emotions…Stupid Naruto…Stupid me.’

There was a rustle and Mitsukai landed in front of him. She saw the annoyed expression on his face and sat down in front of him, straddling the branch. “I’ve been looking for you. Kakashi-sensei said I might find you here.”

“You found me. Now go away.” Sasuke muttered bitterly. Mitsukai tilted her head to the side.

“Touchy, aren’t we?”

“You’re annoying the hell out of me. Go. Away.” He closed his eyes.

“Okay but can I talk to you about something first?”

“I apologized for trying to beat the crap out of you earlier. What more could we have to talk about?”

Mitsukai’s shoulders slumped. “I wasn’t talking about that. I meant about your brother, Itachi.”

Sasuke stared at her. There was one word he didn’t want to hear at that time and she had just said it. “I do not want to talk about him.”

“Sasuke, please. I need to…know. I need to hear it from you.”


“Back when he was using that genjutsu attack on you...somehow when I tried to pull you out of it—“ At this Sasuke grit his teeth and balled his fists up at his sides. “—I accidentally was pulled into it as well. Everything you saw, I saw as well. He…He killed your family?”

Sasuke closed his eyes and nodded slowly. ‘If I answer her questions, she’ll go away.’

“From what I saw…he didn’t give you a real reason. He just wants you to hate him and get the same eyes as him.”

“I’m sure you have a point for saying all of this.” He narrowed his eyes.

“Well, while you were unconscious in the hospital, I kinda did it again.” She fidgeted.

He leaned forward and lowered his voice to an icy whisper. “Did what?”

Mitsukai took a deep breath. “I looked at your memories again. This time I saw scenes from after that night like when you woke up in the hospital that next day… and when you went to that shrine.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened with anger. He felt as if he had been spied on. “Why would you do that?”

“I needed answers!” Mitsukai could sense his rage brewing. “I wanted to know why Itachi did that and I thought that maybe you knew.”

Sasuke jumped to his feet, towering over her. “How would I know?!”

“I thought he told you. He mentioned going to a temple so I thought that if I saw a bit more I’d know.” Sasuke turned his back to her and bit his lip. She lowered her voice. “I saw you reading a scroll about the Mangekyou Sharingan. Did you know that there was a second page? I think that whatever was on that page may have explained why he did it.”

Sasuke turned to face her, anger blazing in his eyes. “You don’t know shit! He’s a monster that wants to die! That’s all, Mitsukai. There’s nothing more to that other than the fact that he had one bad day and took it out on people who loved him. Now he wants me to avenge our clan by punishing him with the same death he made them suffer. He made me an avenger…and I plan to one day do my job.”

Mitsukai bowed her head and nodded. “I understand.”

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t share with anyone anything you saw. That’s personal information that I’ve never shared with anyone and I never intended to. You stole those memories and then you co me to me wanting to explain away his crime. I do not care to know why he did it; I only want to see him die. Because of that night, I cannot have a future. I live in my past because it defines my purpose in life.”

“What will you do after you kill him?” She didn’t dare look at him.

He was silent for several minutes. “I will revive my clan.”

She slowly brought her eyes up to him and was surprised that he was looking down at her. “How do you know that you’ll be able to? How do you know that he won’t injure you in such a way that you die earlier than you plan to?”

Sasuke’s face became blank, empty of emotion. Her blood ran cold when, for a fleeting moment, she thought she was looking at Itachi. “Then so be it. If meeting him in battle means the extinction of the Uchiha blood…then that will be the outcome. As long as he’s dead, I will be able to rest peacefully.”

She took a deep breath and exhaled silently. “I understand.”

Sasuke studied her for a moment. “I don’t know what he wants with you. I don’t know what he wants with Naruto. I do know this: I personally do not care for you individually however I will keep him from acquiring either one of you. It’s the least I can do for forgetting my basic ninja principles when I first met with him in battle.”

Mitsukai frowned. “But—“

He silenced her by holding up her hand. “I’ve told you once. Emotions only make you weaker. Caring for any of you will only hold me back. Don’t ask me to reconsider. I have a job to do. You have power and skills that you don’t even need. I have to work hard in order to surpass my brother and kill him. You three are nothing more than comrades. Not teammates, not friends. Understood?”

She bowed her head again, unable to look at him.

“Surely you can understand this. You said that you traveled alone for years. Look at you now.”

“Sasuke, you don’t understand my past…Itachi used to be my sensei.”

His eyes widened.

“The reason the Akatsuki are after me…is because they did something to me and they believe that I belong to them. I know that Itachi trained me himself.” She lowered her voice so much that Sasuke had to strain to hear her and it was only the two of them for at least a mile. “I don’t want to go back…The more I remember my past the more afraid of him I become. He has this aura about him…like he’s…evil. I don’t know what they have planned for me and I don’t want to find out. Itachi’s the reason I’m so…skilled as you put it.”

Sasuke felt his blood boil. ‘How could he?’ Sasuke remembered all of the times he had to practically beg his older brother to train with him yet a female who didn’t have a speck of their blood in her was worthy of his attention and devotion? Her speed was incredible…her battle tactics were exemplary. The more he analyzed her, the more he saw Itachi. Everything from the way she moved in battle, the way she formed the seals for her jutsu, even her “poker face” was modeled after that monster. Here she was claiming to want to know why Itachi murdered their clan in cold blood, when she knew and was only taunting him.

His stare became icy and murderous. “If I didn’t intend for my first kill to be Itachi, I’d kill you right now. I know I’m skilled enough and capable of doing it. How dare you try to toy with me?”

Confusion showed in her eyes as she scooted away from him. “What are you talking about?”

“You trained with him. How could you not know why he did it?” He took a step forward. “You only want to taunt me for watching your real sensei defeat me so easily.”

If she hadn’t been concerned with the possibility of her life being in danger, she would have laughed. “I don’t even remember actually training with him. I just know that I did.”

“Keep lying to me and I’ll do my best to beat you within an inch of your life.” He took another step towards her. She looked back and realized that if she moved any more, the branch would be too thin to support her weight. He knelt down and grabbed her shirt. “Admit that you know why he did it. Admit that you only want to taunt me. Admit that you are loyal to him.”

She placed a hand on his wrist and tried to pull it away from her. “Sasuke, I’m sorry that I looked at your memories, and I’m sorry that your brother did what he did…but I have nothing to do with him. I may have all those years ago…but not now. I just want to help you figure out why he did it…and help you bring him down in any way I can.”

Sasuke let her go and stood. “I don’t need your sympathy nor do I need your help. I can handle this on my own.”

“Just like you did when he kicked you and you went flying down the hall with a nice mid-air ballerina spin?” She snapped and turned her nose up at him. She gasped as one of his hands grabbed her hair and yanked her head back and the other pressed a kunai to her neck.

“I don’t intend for you to be my first kill.” He stated evenly. “But you are asking for it.” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and saw his red eyes. She’d managed to unintentionally piss him off more. Not good.

“I apologize.” She closed her eyes and swallowed to ease the dryness of her throat. Long seconds passed before he released her. When she finally opened her eyes, he was gone.


Itachi and Kisame sat side by side as they looked at the holographic projection of their leader. “You failed to capture the Kyuubi?”

“Yes; we were not aware that he’d be accompanied by one of the legendary Sannin until we reached the village and actually saw them. We’ll need to re-think our strategy.” Itachi murmured.

“That is understandable. We have to capture the other Bijuu and seal them before we seal the Kyuubi or else the statue will not be balanced and will crumble. Take your time. However, Kisame, I’ve decided to personally assign you the four tails, Soukou. For now, everyone’s missions are to simply locate the Bijuu. Once that’s done, we’ll move in and begin extracting them and sealing them. Head back to headquarters.” The figure faded and Kisame looked at Itachi.

“Why didn’t you mention that the girl is still alive?”

Itachi looked at him then stood. He dismissed the question and started walking. “It’s time to go meet with the informant.”

Kisame sighed with annoyance and followed. They came across a man who looked around nervously.

“What information do you have for us?” Kisame demanded.

The man jumped at the sound of his voice and began to shiver with fear. “H-h-her team has been sent on a mission. They leave tomorrow afternoon.”

“Where are they going?” Itachi asked in his flat, uninterested tone.

“That is not important for the Fifth has ordered her to stay in the village. She believes that if both the girl and the boy were to leave the village only being protected by just their sensei, it would be more likely that you’d try to take them.”

“Damn straight.” Kisame chuckled. Itachi cut his eyes at the blue man.

“Continue.” Itachi ordered.

The man swallowed. “The morning after her team leaves, a member of ANBU will be assigned to stay with her at all times until the team returns. The Fifth has also mentioned that she may assign this member to permanently watch over the girl even when she goes out on future missions. She’s not allowed to leave the village until it’s decided that it’s safe for her to do so.”

Itachi’s mind sorted out the information. “There’s a large gap between the time her team leaves and the time her guard arrives to her. Why?”

“He is currently on his way back from a mission and will not be here until that morning. As soon as he arrives, he will be sent directly to her.”

“They’re willing to chance that we won’t show up during that night?” Kisame frowned. “They’re getting very careless.”

“Unless they plan to have someone secretly watch over her.” Itachi looked at the man for confirmation. The man nodded in agreement.

“A team of five Chuunin and five Jounin.”

Itachi turned away. “That will do. Go back and make sure they stick with that plan.”

The man nodded and literally ran back to the village.


Mitsukai found the branch she had first sat on back when she first arrived to the village a little over a month beforehand and waited. According to Naruto, they were ready to leave now. She leaned forward and rested her head on her folded arm to create a pillow. The wide branch sparked memories from that day and they flooded her mind.

‘…My name's Kakashi. What's yours?’

She smiled. Even then he was kind and gentle with her. He gave her a strong sense of security that she welcomed. She didn’t have to constantly be on guard with him around.

‘My name's Naruto Uzumaki! One day, I'm gonna become the Hokage! Believe it!’

She closed her eyes as her smile widened. He was so annoying; yet one couldn’t help but to accept him as a friend.

‘My name's Sakura Haruno.’

Hearing those words in her head made her cringe again. However, she had to admit the girl wasn’t as irritating as she thought she would be.

Sasuke didn't say anything, shoving his hands into his black shorts pockets.

Just as mysterious and distant as ever. She heard excited chatter and looked up to see her team walking towards the village’s only entrance and exit. She jumped down.

“So, you guys are finally leaving?” Naruto and Sakura turned towards her but Sasuke kept his back to her.

“Yeah.” Naruto rubbed the back of his head with a depressed look on his face. Sakura only nodded.

“Hurry up and come back.” She closed her eyes as she smiled and felt two bodies throw themselves on her. She opened her eyes to see Naruto and Sakura anchored to her.

Naruto moved her silver bangs out of her face to look her directly in her deep blue eyes. “You’d better be here when I get back or else there’s gonna be trouble. You got that?”

“Okay…” She tried to lean away from him but Sakura was on the other side.

“Please be safe, Mitsukai.” She squeezed her tighter.

“Okay!” Mitsukai choke out. The two of them finally let her go and re-adjusted their backpacks. They all looked over at Sasuke who looked over his shoulder and shot Mitsukai a dirty look. Her head dropped. She hadn’t expected him say anything but that look was a little more than she could bear. She saw someone’s feet approach her and she looked up to find Sasuke standing in front of her. For the longest time they stood there staring at each other.

“Um…guys?” Naruto’s eyes darted back and forth between the two.

Sasuke’s gaze was intense and it took every ounce of will power to keep Mitsukai from looking away. Finally it softened and he put a hand on her shoulder. “You heard them. Be safe and you had better be here when we return.”

She exhaled with relief and nodded. Sasuke moved and Kakashi stood in front of her. “If they do happen to show up before Miko comes in the morning, promise me you’ll go straight to the Hokage.”

She nodded, not taking her eyes off of him.

“Promise me that if you’re unable to make it there, you’ll create a signal like you did last time?”

Again, she nodded.

“Good. Then you’ll be fine.” He turned and walked off. Mitsukai waved at her departing sensei and teammates until they had disappeared. When they were completely out of sight, that familiar sense of loneliness settled in and her sense of security vanished.

‘Miko, please hurry back…Kakashi-sensei, you guys too.’


Mitsukai woke early that next morning to sound of hard rain pounding her window. Relief washed through her when she realized that she had made it through the night without a visit from the Akatsuki. Miko was due to be back in the village within those next few hours so all would be well. She smiled warmly and rolled over, opting to sleep another hour.


One thing that the Akatsuki were aware of was the fact that their cloaks stood out in a crowd. Although it was very early in the morning and the streets were practically empty, it made no sense to Itachi for them to risk being recognized. The solution was simple: he and Kisame used a transformation jutsu to disguise themselves as two teenagers. They even held an actual conversation to make it more believable. No one stopped the two boys to ask questions, instead ignoring their presence altogether.

“Her building is just up ahead.” Kisame pointed out. Itachi nodded.

“Remember: in and out. We don’t want her causing any commotion or trying to run. As soon as you lay eyes on her, absorb her chakra. I’ll do the rest.” Itachi looked up at Kisame who nodded.


Mitsukai had trouble going back to sleep. For some reason, her body was suddenly too fidgety to go back to sleep. Her nerves were almost fried because she jumped at every little noise. She decided to take a shower and get dressed. Once that was done, she made her bed and tidied up the rest of her apartment—anything to keep her moving around.

There was a sudden knock on the door that almost caused her to jump out of her skin. She put a hand over her heart and ordered herself to calm down. Surely it was Miko. She approached the door and put her hand on the knob and froze.


Itachi’s finely tuned ears could hear everything that went on behind the door. She was alone…and she was afraid. He could almost hear her heart beat increase along with her quick gasps for air. What was about them that frightened her so badly?

Her hand touched the door knob and she froze. Maybe she could sense them by their chakra…Itachi quickly dismissed the thought. In order to do that, one had to be calm. That was something she surely wasn’t.

“W-who is it?” She sounded as if she had just gotten out of bed; her voice was very delicate and her words slightly dragged along. Itachi looked at Kisame then spoke.

“I’m a Jounin with a message from the ANBU captain in regards to the guard who was assigned to watch over you. There’s been a slight delay and we must escort you to the Hokage at once.”

He listened intently. Her hand left the door knob and she took a few steps back. She paused as if contemplating his words. She then turned and hurried across the room towards the window. Itachi signaled for Kisame to break the door down. She stood on her bed trying to open her window enough to get out. Both he and Kisame stepped inside of the room.

“Mangekyou Sharingan!” Itachi muttered and waved his hand and a strong gust of wind caused the window to slam shut before she could hoist herself up to get out. Itachi lessened the chakra flow and his normal Sharingan returned. He could not afford to use it too much today.

Mitsukai whirled around to face them, careful to avoid eye contact with Itachi. “What do you want with me?!”

“You belong to us. Let’s go.” Itachi stated evenly, seemingly bored with the whole situation. “You can choose to walk out of here or be carried unconsciously. Either way, there’s no escape. You have no choice in the matter.”

Mitsukai looked around for something to help her.

“Kisame.” Itachi whispered and Kisame automatically knew what to do. He stepped forward and made one wide swipe with his sword, effectively sapping her dry of chakra. She stumbled to her left and looked at them in confusion.

“What did you do…?” She fell over on her side, unconscious. Itachi smirked. She’d made the mistake of dropping her guard and looked him directly in the eye. His sleep genjutsu worked.

Kisame approached the girl and bent down. “I still can’t believe you’re alive. I’m sure it was your body I pulled out of that fire…” He studied her sleeping face with awe.

“Kisame, come.” Itachi commanded. Kisame sighed and lifted Mitsukai up and threw her over his shoulder. “We don’t have all day.”

“I know, I know. I also know that I have yet to be rewarded with a kill…”


Miko came to Mitsukai’s apartment door and froze. The door and been kicked down and the room was slightly messy, papers and other light objects scattered about the room as if she’d opened a window or turned on the fan too high. He knew Mitsukai well enough to know that she wasn’t a messy person, especially when she knew that she would have company.

“I must go inform the Hokage.” He told himself and disappeared in a puff of smoke.