Tainted Blood of a Ninja

Chapter Nine: Never Far Behind

Kisame reappeared next to Itachi and looked down at Mitsukai. “Itachi. Did you rea—“

“It was necessary. If her attitude and obedience wouldn’t possibly negatively affect our future missions and overall goals…I wouldn’t have bothered.” He lifted his gaze to the rustling bushes. “Someone is coming.”

“Whomever it is, may I kill them?” Kisame grinned wickedly, hand on the handle of his Sharkskin.

Itachi’s eyes narrowed. The chakra level for whatever it was wasn’t human…but too much for an ordinary animal. The sound of parting bushes came faster…

“Ruff!” Mitsukai’s furry friend darted out of the bushes, narrowly missing being sliced by Itachi’s Chinese stars.

“Again with the mutt…” Kisame groaned.

The dog went straight to Mitsukai and sniffed her. Kisame watched the dog curiously but something else had Itachi's attention. ‘Someone is coming…’

Pakkun listened intently. ‘She has a heartbeat…but it’s weak and irregular.’ They had to get her medical attention, and fast. “Kakashi, over here!”

Kisame just stared. “…Did it just talk?”

Itachi returned his attention to Mitsukai and the dog. “I thought so. That is one of Kakashi’s summoning dogs. I suspect Kakashi has been tracking us since it found us.”

Kakashi suddenly dropped down in front of the Akatsuki members, separating them from Mitsukai and Pakkun. “Sharp as ever, Itachi.”

“You again?” Kisame frowned. “This time I’ll finish you off.” He unsheathed his sword and prepared to move.

Two more figures dropped down, one on each side of Kakashi. Itachi looked at the figures. He didn’t recognize the female but knew the male pretty well. “Kuroko.”

Five pairs of eyes turned to him. Kakashi smirked beneath his mask. “It’s nice to know you remember your former subordinates, Itachi.”

Itachi didn’t change his facial expression. “How can I forget one of the few Kurama males born with the rare kekkei genkai? Kuroko was one of my best trainees from my days as ANBU captain.”

“I hate to interrupt but we have our priorities.” The girl said dryly, folding her arms in annoyance.

“Oh, right.” Kakashi nodded. “We have a deal for you two.”

Kisame scoffed. “A deal?”

“Yes. If you let us take Mitsukai and go, then you won’t have to waste your time fighting.”

Itachi felt the increase in chakra from the shadows around them. ‘…I don’t feel like dealing with them…’

“Are you kidding?! Fight? Where?” Kisame chuckled. “Bring it on.”

“Kisame. No.” Itachi spoke quietly. Kisame looked back at Itachi then felt it too.

“Well, if you insist on fighting…” Kakashi shrugged as the trees around them in the dark forest swayed and rustled ominously. Kisame turned slowly and noticed the small army perched on the branches of the old trees. “Of course either way…Mitsukai is coming with us.”

Itachi looked around. There were maybe fifty ninjas surrounding them. He returned his line of sight to Kakashi and his team. “ANBU?”

Kakashi simply nodded.

“I see you learned a few things from our last encounter.” Kisame chuckled, putting the end of his sword on the ground then leaning onto it.

“Yes. Also, the Hokage has issued a warrant for her return. We are not to return without her.”

The two Akatsuki members grew quiet, both contemplating their next possible move.

“Enough.” The female whispered raising her hand. “We don’t have time to waste.” A quick flick of her wrist signaled their backup. Kunais, Chinese stars, and arrows rained down on the pair. Kisame repelled most of the weapons while Itachi moved out of the way, appearing behind the trio about fifty feet from fallen Mitsukai.

“You didn’t give us time to answer.”

They whirled around and looked at him. His speed was incredible.

“Itachi, do we fight?” Kisame yelled to his partner.

Itachi barely narrowed his eyes, creating an expression similar to an annoyed scowl. “We have no choice.” He looked down at Mitsukai. Although her face was lightly matted with drying blood, she still had that damned innocent look he despised….That look that little Sasuke once had. Thankfully Sasuke no longer had that look, but she did. It took more effort than necessary to treat her indifferently. He had once even regretted unlocking her memories because that was when the look reappeared. They couldn’t risk her getting hurt. He made a decision quickly. “Let’s go.”

Kisame stared, ignoring everyone around them. “You want to leave her behind?”

“We have no choice. There are novice ANBU members amongst our enemy. If we try to take her with us, they’ll all pursue while attacking. She could be accidentally killed. It’s an unnecessary risk.” Itachi closed his eyes. “Besides…at the moment we have no immediate use for her. It’s best to leave her behind…for now.”

Ninjas dropped down from the trees and rushed toward them. Kisame groaned in disappointment (knowing that they would surely hear a complaint or two about this from Leader) and they both disappeared, with the ANBU members following them.

“Kakashi!” Pakkun called out again. Kakashi turned and squatted next to Mitsukai, checking for her pulse.

“What happened?” Meisuta looked at Mitsukai’s broken body.

“From what I heard,” Pakkun looked up at them, “she was disciplined for disobeying Itachi. They forced her to kill someone and when we left the village…she took off.”

“They forced her to kill?” Kuroko looked down at Mitsukai, trying to keep from feeling anything towards his baby cousin. She was an exact opposite of his own little sister, Nozomi, whom he hadn’t seen since he had been assigned to guard Mitsukai. He looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi touched her face. She was going into shock. Sure, she had the slow regenerative powers of the demon, but she was unconscious. That already slow process wouldn’t repair the vital damaged organs fast enough on their own. “No one will mention it.”

They stared at their commander.

“No one will mention what they made her do. She has so much going against her already: jinchuuriki, the Kurama clan’s name, target of the Akatsuki. If we add murderer to that…it would only serve to make her life harder. I’ll personally tell the Hokage…but no one beside her must know.”

They nodded. Kuroko stepped forward. “Please. Allow me to carry her. If they come back, you stand a better chance against them than I do.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Meisuta cut in. “We have twenty ANBU members still here to return with us. They’d have to disable all twenty and get past me to reach you three…” She softened her tone as her eyes once again came to Mitsukai’s face. “Allow Kakashi to carry her home.”

Both men nodded and with a group effort, Mitsukai was carefully put on Kakashi’s back. Once she was secured, Kakashi gave one brief nod and the entire group disappeared in jutsu smoke.


A waning half moon hung in the dark night sky as the retrieval squad entered back into the village borders a day later.

“Miko,” Kakashi addressed Kuroko by his code name in case Mitsukai had regained consciousness along the way, “you and Meisuta go report to the Hokage. I’ll take Mitsukai to the hospital.”

“Yes.” Kuroko nodded and the pair disappeared.

It didn’t take the available nurses long to move quickly when they saw Mitsukai’s condition. Kakashi kept worry at bay by reminding himself that Itachi hadn’t deemed it necessary to use doujutsu on her; she would be fine since he didn’t use any mind damaging Sharingan techniques on her. Once she realized how bad Mitsukai’s condition was, Tsunade took over as her doctor.

It was nearly four in the morning before Mitsukai was stabilized.

Tsunade, Jiraya, and Shizune all stood together against the wall opposite of Kakashi, Meisuta, and Kuroko.

“What I can’t wrap my mind around,” Jiraya muttered while massaging the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, “is why would they even take such a huge risk?”

This earned him curious looks from the others.

He kept his eyes closed but refolded his arms. “Surely, they knew someone would be tracking them right? I can imagine how much trouble Mitsukai is conscious and able to move around. Why stop and beat her within an inch of her life? To my knowledge, neither Itachi nor Kisame have any medical jutsu skills. You all saw the way she looked when she was brought here. Near death. With the demon in her, why even take a chance with her life? Even if they knew she would live, she’s useless to them in this condition. It doesn’t add up…doesn’t make sense to me.”

As they agreed, Tsunade was told about Mitsukai’s special “mission”. In turn, Jiraya was also told. No one else knew…

Kakashi closed his visible eye. He remembered Pakkun’s explanation and then thought about how Mitsukai sometimes acted during team training. Defiant. “She isn’t exactly the most obedient girl in the world…”

“Are you justifying this, Kakashi?” Shizune narrowed her eyes.

They all stiffened at this accusation but let it go since Shizune didn’t know the full story.

Kakashi rewarded her with an icy glare then just a quickly let it go. “Of course not. He was wondering why and I’m giving you a suggestion. Nothing can ‘justify’ what he did to her.” Kakashi stood straight and put his hands into his pockets. “In so many ways…she reminds me of Sasuke. When I first met her, she was unsociable and didn’t trust anyone. The more time she spent with us as a team, the more she interacted with others. Seeing her change…gives me hope that Sasuke can one day come to terms with what Itachi did…and move on with his life.”

A day turned into a week. A week turned into three and it was soon spring. Kakashi sat by his student’s bedside looking over her and her improvement. Although, physically she looked better having no visible bruises, she hadn’t woken up once upon their return to the Leaf. All of her bones had healed, organs just fine…yet she hadn’t opened one eye even slightly. Tsunade offered to heal her mind just in case Mitsukai had suffered any head trauma, but Jiraya promptly rejected the idea by pointing out that attempting to do so could open a direct channel between her and the demon within. Such a risk was highly unnecessary for any village’s Kage.


It was very early in the morning; the sun was just beginning to lighten the dark sky. On the horizon, three shadows bonded together appeared. Naruto and Sakura held up Sasuke who had been terribly weakened by Aoi’s Raijin sword. Although he was conscious…he refused to speak. Two words echoed in his mind…’you’re weak’...

Again he had been beaten so easily, without any real effort from his enemy. To make matters worse, that one person (whom he’d planned on killing yet failed to do) made a mockery of him by successfully kidnapping one of his teammates. He’d tried to convince himself that she left willingly…but the look in her eyes when the last mission was assigned haunted him. Those empty dark blue eyes had reflected fear. Of what, he would never be certain…but he’d clearly seen it. If she had truly been working with Itachi…she wouldn’t have looked like that. Even for an actress, it looked too authentic. She truly feared him. Itachi was so powerful…so dangerous that she actually feared him. Even the Hokage had picked up one it.

But now she was gone. Had Sasuke been strong enough to kill the traitorous bastard…another person he’d failed to protect…

…All because he was weak. Naruto had once again come to the rescue, proving how much of a wuss Sasuke was.


‘Iwill get stronger…’

Orochimaru’s words whispered across his mind.

‘He will seek me to seek power…’

Sasuke promised himself that he would attain the power to make Itachi suffer…by any means necessary…and he’d meant it.


Kakashi met the group at the hospital entrance. “Everyone in one piece?”

Sasuke stared down at the ground angrily so Sakura spoke up. “More or less. We just need to rest.”

Kakashi gave an acknowledging nod before his visible eye turned to Sasuke. “Sasuke? Are you okay?”

Sasuke mentally cursed him for asking such a stupid question. All of them knew there wasn’t any other logical reason as to why they could touch Sasuke unless he absolutely needed them to. Sasuke chose to ignore the question.

“At any rate, before I call over the nurses—“

Naruto looked around. “Where’s Mitsy? If you’re here in the village then you brought her back, right?”

His gentle tone caught them all off guard. Kakashi closed his eyes and sighed, then spoke matching the blonde’s soft tone. “Naruto, you should let me finish…Before I call for the nurses…if you want, I’ll take you to Mitsukai’s room.”

Three pairs of eyes locked onto him. Naruto nearly dropped Sasuke as he tried to move closer to Kakashi. “She’s here?! Where?!”

Sakura’s smile quickly faded. “She’s here in the hospital? What’s wrong? What happened?”

Kakashi decided to ignore Sakura since the answers would only send the children into distress…He turned and led the way. Only the sounds of shuffling feet could be heard going down the quiet hallway as the group moved towards their teammate’s room. Kakashi turned the doorknob slowly and opened the door. The moonlight was filtered by a drawn curtain, lightly illuminating Mitsukai. Sakura’s gasp was audible when her eyes landed on Mitsukai’s uncovered face as her silver hair framed her soft face. Despite the ethereal appearance before them, the only thing Sasuke saw were the bandages she was covered in. They weren’t the heavy kind, just the light weight kind used to ensure safety when newly healed wounds and bones tried to move.

Naruto left Sasuke’s side to take a spot near Mitsukai’s.

“What happened?” Sakura asked, teal green eyes focused on Kakashi.

Inwardly, the man sighed heavily. “We can talk about that later—“

“Itachi did this,” Sasuke slowly looked up, “didn’t he?”

The other three looked at him.

“I can tell…” He looked back down at Mitsukai, “by looking at the condition she’s in. It wasn’t too long ago that I experienced his attacks.”

Sakura examined Mitsukai. “But she was worse than you were.” She pointed out and once she realized what she had said, covered her mouth.

Sasuke didn’t respond. She was right. Had Jiraya not interfered…his injuries would have been more complicated than a broken wrist, cracked ribs, and a tortured mind. Mitsukai was a living example of how much weaker he was than his older brother…

‘You're still weak…You don't have enough hate…And you know what...You never will

He was weak…he needed more power to kill him…

‘Seek me to seek power…’

And it seem that the only way to get it…was from him. The one whom had the power to organize a successful infiltration of their village…and had practically brought it to its knees. The one whom had the power to kill their Hokage. A legendary Sannin…Naruto was being trained by one…look at his growth. He had become more skilled…more powerful…more lethal just by training with Jiraya. But Jiraya was soft—he cared about others. He didn’t. And because of that…Sasuke knew he could make him more powerful.

“She’s back…” Naruto covered one of her hands with his own, “and that’s all that matters…right?”

Kakashi and Sakura nodded in agreement, but Sasuke looked away. ‘I would rather her be with the Akatsuki…than here in the hospital.’

A figure appeared in the doorway behind them. “You three should go to be examined by doctors. Especially you, Sasuke. You don’t look too good. I had half a mind to keep you here after I first healed you to allow you time to fully recover.” Tsunade spoke quietly. Sasuke resisted the urge to hit something when he heard her address him. However, he and Sakura left as instructed, both casting a glance over their shoulders at Mitsukai. Naruto didn’t budge.

Kakashi took a step forward. “Naruto…it’s okay. I’ll stay right here until you come back.” Naruto looked up at him with surprise then his expression eased into one of appreciation. “She isn’t going anywhere with us around…right?”

A faint smile teased the blonde’s lips. “Right.” He turned and followed the others.

Tsunade looked at Mitsukai. “If she doesn’t wake up after tomorrow…I’m going to use medical jutsu to wake her up. I don’t care what Jiraya says. She stands a better chance of defending herself if she were conscious than us protecting her.”

“Yes, but—“ Kakashi started but she held up her hand.

“I’m not saying she’s fine on her own. That’s been proven to be an incorrect assumption already. It would help if we could lessen the number of those guarding her and send them out on missions to help raise our incoming funds. Only one or two guards would be needed if she were awake.”

“…And Naruto?” Kakashi looked at Mitsukai with his hands in his pockets.

“For now it seems that she’s their primary target. Only time can tell. If I feel it’s necessary then later I’ll pull him from missions.”

“You know he won’t allow that.”

She smiled and folded her arms. “I know.” She thought of how stubborn her little brother had been. “Oh, trust me…I know.”


‘You're still weak…’

Sasuke tossed and turned in his sleep. That voice…even in his dreams…those words were there…

'You don't have enough hate…’

Screw him. He had no idea how much hatred he had for him. One day…one day…he’d show him the real meaning of power…and would slowly extract his life force with it.

‘And you know what’


You never will.

“Gah!” Sasuke sat up quickly, forehead drenched with sweat. He looked at the window. He had left it open when he fell asleep but it was now closed. One of the nurses must have been trying to burn him up…He pulled back the covers and got out of the bed. He opened it enough to allow the cool night air to come in. It had been a full day since he had been checked in. He felt fine now. According to Kakashi, he would be released soon. It had already been one too many days…why did he need another day? He heard a faint cough come from the room next to his. Mitsukai. At the request of his teammates, Sasuke had been given a room next to hers so they wouldn’t have to travel all over the hospital just to visit them. He hadn’t been in her room since they had returned…yet he now was curious…he now wanted to sit and look at her. His bare feet padded quietly on the cold tiled floor as he moved to his door and slipped out. The cool metal of the doorknob touched his warm palm as he turned the knob and went inside.

As if expecting his arrival, a chair was stationed his preferred safe distance from her bed. He sat down and looked at her. The air in her room was much more comfortable than his.

‘Seek me to seek power…’ Snake eyes appeared in his mind as the mark on his neck painfully tingled. The more he considered the idea…the more the mark hurt…the more he heard the summon…the greater the urge to leave.


He looked up to see Mitsukai looking back at him. He squinted a bit in the darkness to make sure she was really looking at him.

She sat up slowly and looked around. “Where am I?”

Sasuke frowned. ‘She wasn’t even conscious when she was brought here…’ “In Konoha. Kakashi brought you back.”

She looked down at her arms. “My whole body aches.”

Sasuke looked away.

She looked at him. “What time is it? It’s so late…yet you’re here.”

“My room is next to yours.”

It took her a minute to process what he said. “So then Naruto and Sakura are here too? Why is everyone in the hospital?”

“It’s just me and you. They’ll be here to visit later on…when it’s daytime.”

She uttered a soft “oh” before lying back down. “I’m hungry.”

“You can call for a nurse.”

Mitsukai closed her eyes. “Maybe when I wake up. I’m sleepy.”

Sasuke nodded and stood up. “I’ll let the others know you were up.”


He slipped out of the room and went back to his room. Although seeing that she was practically fine…the desire…his hunger for power was overtaking his mind. Surely Naruto wasn’t that much stronger than him….


Mitsukai woke up to an eerie silence. There wasn’t a quiet chatter in Sasuke’s room like it had been the day before. She looked at the clock on the wall that Sakura had put up for her. 11:08 a.m. Sasuke was usually up by now…yet there wasn’t one sound coming from his room. She pushed back her covers and sat up. Her feet touched the cold tile and instantly she knew something wasn’t right. Something was wrong.

She quickly dressed and dashed out of the door. Being led by her instincts, Mitsukai found a sobbing Sakura standing at the entrance of the village. “Sakura?”

The pink haired girl looked up at her, her teal green eyes red from hours of crying. “Mitsukai?”

“What’s going on?”

“S-sasuke…” Sakura tried to speak clearly. “Sasuke left the village.”

Mitsukai felt her jaw drop open in shock. “He what?”

“Left. I think he’s going to Orochimaru.”

Mitsukai blinked several times. Orochimaru. The one whom had shown her his Impure World Resurrection jutsu when she was too young to understand it. “Orochimaru?”

Sakura wrapped her arms around herself. “The Hokage sent Naruto and the others after him…and Kakashi-sensei just left as well.” She looked towards the woods. “I hope they bring him home.”

Mitsukai looked in the same direction. “Which way are they headed?”

“Northwest.” She pointed. Mitsukai nodded and tightened her arm and leg wrappings. “Wait. Surely you’re not going to follow, are you?”

Mitsukai didn’t answer as she sent an enormous amount of controlled chakra to her feet and disappeared. The most she had to help direct her in the right direction where the broken trees along the way. She noticed a body leaned up against a tree and dropped down beside it. “Choji?”

He didn’t move…he didn’t even flinch.

She knelt down and touched his cheek. It was still warm…he was just unconscious. With one skillful leap, she jumped onto a branch overhead and continued forward. ‘I’ll just have to come back for him.’ She promised herself that if she had to carry him back, she would get him help. She lost her balance and fell when she spotted Neji lying on his side. “Neji?” She gently turned him on his back and examined the wound. It was beyond her mediocre medical skills. She placed an ear to his chest….thump…thump………..thump….

Remarkably, he was still alive! She decided to at least stop the blood flow to lessen his chances of dying from excessive blood loss.

“…Thank you.”

She looked up at his face and saw his eyes were barely open. “Neji, w—“

“Please…go find the others and leave me behind. Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kiba kept going while I fought him…please go help them.” He rasped closing his eyes. Mitsukai blinked back forming tears and nodded.

“But I will return for you.”

“Just…go…I will be here.” He gave a small smirk before falling unconscious again. Finally understanding just how dangerous the situation had become, Mitsukai turned and disappeared. ‘Sasuke…what have you done? Your friends and comrades are risking their own lives to bring you back…looking death in the face just for you.’

The scenery began to become familiar to her. The roar of a waterfall reached her ears as rain clouds darkened the sky above. Sasuke stood over an unmoving Naruto. The sight was surreal; she wasn’t sure if it was real or not. Sasuke suddenly fell over, coughing. She landed quietly behind him, watching him carefully.

Sasuke stared down at Naruto’s face. He could kill him. He could do it….Right? He had to become his brother to kill his brother…didn’t he?

Even with the rain coming down hard, Sasuke heard someone land behind him and sensed a bit of their chakra. He glanced over his shoulder then looked back down at Naruto. “So…you’re awake?” He gave a small smirk

“And you’re leaving the village. Kakashi-sensei is on his way as we speak.” She lowered her gaze to her feet. “There are a lot of hurt people back there…they all were trying to stop you.”

Sasuke stood slowly and started to walk away.

Mitsukai waited for some acknowledgement of she’d said to him. When she received none, she quickly checked Naruto’s pulse then followed Sasuke. Rain soaked her clothes and she began to shiver from the cold water, yet she kept following Sasuke.

I know this really isn't you…

Mitsukai stared at the red and white fan on the back of Sasuke’s blue shirt. Despite having been walking behind him for nearly a half hour now…he still had yet to acknowledge her. Was he that determined to leave the village? She had always known that Sasuke wanted nothing more than to kill Itachi. He had nearly killed her when he found out that she was once associated with the elder of the two…but to abandon his village and go to someone who wanted nothing more but to destroy something she had come to love? Was this the same person who had ordered her to protect Naruto with her life when he believed him to be in mortal danger? Was this the same person who had told her about their team’s wacky definition of teamwork? Was this the same person who had laid a gentle hand on her shoulder and told her to be safe…and meant it?


It couldn’t be. The person in front of her had abandoned all who cared for him…had made Sakura cry tears from her heart…tears that flowed directly from the open wound in her heart that appeared the moment she had realized he was leaving.

I know your heart is somewhere else…

Itachi…Itachi was doing this to them. He wasn’t even around, yet he was hurting them all in such a way that even a punch from him couldn’t compare to the pain that was developing in their souls. Sasuke was so set fixated on killing one person…that he was unknowingly killing the ones that loved him.

And I'll do anything I can to help you break out of this spell…

“Why are you following me?”

Mitsukai stopped and looked up at Sasuke’s back. He had stopped walking. “I don’t want to see you do this. I can’t bring myself to let you go.” She dropped her gaze to his feet…those same feet he was using to leave them all behind. “Sasuke, you’re like my little brother. Say what you want…but at one point you cared for your team. You’re still my teammate. You said it yourself…all we do is get in your way.”

The soft rain fell around them.

I see you following your crowd…

Sasuke’s expression remained lifeless. “And you said our definition of teamwork was getting in each other’s way then helping each other get out of the way.”

Mitsukai couldn’t bring herself to respond…only smile sadly.

He turned around to face her. “So are you getting in my way?”

She felt herself nod slowly as tears filled her eyes. “It will take teamwork to bring you back home.”

“Mitsukai, there is nothing you can do to stop me—“

“I don’t want to stop you, stupid!” She screamed at him. His eyes widened slightly upon hearing her raise her voice. Her shoulders slumped and she lowered her voice to a whisper. “I know that there is nothing anyone can say to deter you from your decision. Naruto lying on the ground unconscious is a testament to that. You’ve been around him since you two were in the Academy. I am not dumb enough to think that I can think of something to say or do that he hasn’t already tried that would succeed in changing your mind.”

“…Then what are you doing?”

I know you're trying to fit in…

“I wanted you to know…that I understand you.”

Sasuke simply stared her, mentally trying to decode her message.

“I had a family…and lost them. Had the circumstances not be what they are…I would do everything necessary to eliminate those whom had caused their deaths.”

“Naruto tried the ‘we grew up the same’ speech.”

Mitsukai nodded. “This isn’t a speech. It is simply a statement. You are doing what you feel is necessary to bring justice to your family’s memory.”

But if you’re gonna find yourself…

She looked him in his charcoal black eyes. “What will it mean in the end? After you’ve killed Itachi…will you return?”

Sasuke looked down. “I have too many other things to do before I can think about that.”

“Will you allow yourself to live a normal life? How can you be sure that killing him is all you need to do to ease the pain?”

You gotta start from deep, deep within…

“I don’t know. I never knew. But my future lies in my past. I have to correct the past…in order to move forward.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I don’t expect you to.” He started to turn away but she called out his name.

“Please. No one will be able to move on…unless they understand what’s going on.”

“My future changed the minute I found my family dead. My future was altered when I saw him standing over my parents’ bodies. Dreams of becoming captain of the military police force like my father were torched and the ashes scattered to the wind. That is what my future was…and thanks to that monster masquerading as my older brother…my future is to avenge my family by making him die a slow painful death, begging for it to end.”

Mitsukai felt more tears threaten to fall down her cheeks…yet the rain shielded this from Sasuke’s eyes.

“I cannot move on…until justice is served. I can’t have a ‘future’ until I know that he is dead. No tricks. No substitution jutsus. Dead. My future is not where my dream is…it’s in the past…where it will always be.”

Hold on to what you believe

Mitsukai’s heart clenched upon hearing his words…how could she possibly try to stop him?

I will always be your friend

“I understand…and I support your decision.”

I know who you are inside

Surprised, Sasuke didn’t know how to respond.

I am with you till the end

“As long as I am alive…I am on your side. Even if I am not physically by your side…I will never be far behind.”

Never far behind

“…Thank you.” Sasuke turned around. Mitsukai willed her feet to stay still as she watched the youngest Uchiha to leave her behind…moving closer to his goal…the border of Fire Country in which they could no longer pursue him.

I am standing in the distance

He became a distant figure…she couldn’t even make out the clan’s emblem anymore…then he was….gone.

You can take your time

‘Sasuke…whatever you do…please just come back. The others will never forgive me for allowing you to go….never.’

And I will be here waiting

‘I’m sure that you’ll run into me again…especially if the Akatsuki want me as much as it is said they do. Promise me Sasuke…if I get in your way…if you choose to kill me, do it quickly.’

Never far behind

‘……………….Good luck……………….’


Never far behind…
♠ ♠ ♠
Lyrics brought to you courtesy of Aly and AJ's "Never Far Behind"