The Six Changed



"I dare you to go in!" My, I guess she'd be ex girlfriend, I hadn't seen her since that day, whatever, that's what she said,"Come on, Luke, you too scared?"
I guess she wasn't a very good girlfreind badgering me like that. I didn't know the feeling, luxury, or anything of a true girlfriend or any other friend for that matter.
"Fine, I'll go, for you, babe," I said. I always felt weird calling her babe but, i think it made her happy. And that, was the biggest mistake I would ever make in my entire life.
I took a faithful step across the borders of the Black Forest. I had only made it a few steps inside the forest when I had noticed I was completely and unmistakably lost. How lame could you get? I pulled out my black MotoRazr for a bit of light and to try and call someone. No reception, no power, no nothing. Dark and powerless, like me. The forest wasn't so much black but more of a greenish-brown color like the color of crap. Trees swarmed around me. An animal howled in the distance. I jumped. I wasn't scared though, yeah, not scared, definitely not scared.
The sun had finally sunk down into the west after a while, while the moon floated up into the watery sky like a balloon; just, less cheerful. I suddenly got a great story idea. I pulled out my small journal out of my pocket and wrote it down. If the guys saw me writing they'd never stop laughing and ridiculing me, I thought. When I finished writing my idea I slammed my journal shut. Something rustled in the bushes. It's nothing, I thought with an unsteady laugh, more like a whimper.
I had just finished making a small "bed" made out of leaves, like they did in a few survival books I'd read, and laid down when a huge wolf jumped out of the blackness of the night, I was sure it was a werewolf. Too tired and shocked, all I could do was let the thing attack me. I suddenly felt enveloped in pain and intoxication. The thing was freakin' gnawing at my freakin' neck! All my will to stay conscious poured out of me and staining my shirt and the ground below me. Then I remembered no more.
* * *
Oh my god, I thought. What the hell happened? I was lying on the floor of the Black Forest. The sun hung high in the sky and shone bright through the thick forest canopy. I stretched out my arms and rubbed my neck, it was sore. Shit, I thought. How did my shirt get all bloody. I felt a scar on the back of my neck beneath my dark cruly hair but didn't remember my neck getting hurt. The scar was like a crescent shape, seared into the back of my neck and as I recall from my storybooks and legends crescents were the sings of werewolves. Some far off memory was pushing to the front of my mind, it just couldn't get through. This is weird, I thought. But to my knowledge that was only the beginning of my collaboration of weird happenings.
About a half an hour later I went off into the forest to find something. Which in fact I did find, I was just hoping for food or a way out of this forest. I had only walked a few yards when I came to a lonely wilting rose. Who would leave a rose withered here like this? I thought a moment, then again no person would come willingly into this forest... except a fool like me. I bent down to help it up. The moment my fingers touched the withered petals the rose sprung to life. A deep red sprung up throughout the petals and a lively green spun up the stem and stretched out over the leaves. Holy shit! Did I do that? How? I wondered. I looked around me to see if anyone/thing could have done it. No one and nothing there. Did it, the healing that is, have anything to do with the scar on my neck? Whatever it was I needed answers, and fast.
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Luke is a Healer Were-wolf