The Six Changed


We cracked up when Asako made a really racist remark about Americans, stupid hypocrites.
"So that's why," Asako stuttered, "You never g-go out a-alone, right Harumi?"
"Right," I said, more steady, and more sober.
"Now, time to go home," I thought.
"Damn it",she thought, "and it was fun this time.... ha!"
"Damn hell, you are high!" I said, and dragged her lazy ass outta there.
"You didn't have to do... do... that," she muttered when we got to our parents apartment.
"Yes, I did," I told the smart-ass. When I finally got her upstairs to our room, I dropped her on her bed, and went to sleep myself.
Next morning, I had a major headache. Groaning, I noticed that Asako was not in our room. Probably spilling her guts out and calling someone to get her high. Great, better find her, I decided. At least this dump was temporary, me and sis going to boarding school and Dad getting that job at Nintendo.Finally, I thought, when I noticed her collapsed on the couch.
"Hi Sissy," She said, obviously in a bad mood already. I whistled to one of the many IRobots to get her some coffee.
"Hungover?" I asked. She nodded, and I heard the coffeemaker bring the cup for her. Taking it, I swear she gulped it down in one go.
"So what's the plan today?" She thought.
"Pack for school," I started, and she groaned, " then party tonight."
"How?" She asked.
I pulled out my phone, "I got noticed by, you'll never guess, Hiro!"
She sat up, " Hiro the Hottest?!" She squealed.
"Yes," I said, and asked, "What are we going to wear?!"........
After a long packing session, the party finally arrived. We rode in the family car, and after the first few drinks, it was all a blur. Yes, I got as drunk (drunker) then my sister, who got a ride home first. I got home around midnight, and what happened made me wish I had left earlier.
My clothes were bugging me, so I striped to my briefs, covered up with a few blankets, and fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later, I could tell, since it was as dark as it gets. When I looked at me and my sisters bedroom door, though, I was paralyzed with fear.
A Chinese/Japanese mix teen was blocking the door, and he looked like he meant business. The reason I could tell he was a mix was because his eyes were slanted in different directions. But when I saw his teeth, I new I was probably dead. Why, you ask? I saw his fangs, clearly showing his Vampire-ness. Me and my sister could already turn into anything (Imps), so I didn't get why some mix Vamp was here. As he walked closer to me cowering almost-naked, I guessed he wanted to rape me. Shit.
"Stay away," I whispered, clearly scared. He looked confused.
"I was sent to Change you and your sister, and take you with me," He purred, and he pounced. I tried to get away, but I wasn't fast enough.
As the pain set in, I started to writhe in pain, and watched my sister doing the same. Then I started to black out. The only thing I could do was stare at him watching me. Only one word left my mouth before I was gone.
"Why?!" I slurred, then fell unconscious as he walked casually towards me.
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The girls are telapathic-flying-Imp/Vampires