The Six Changed


The rain misted on my face and placed sparkling droplets on my hair. Rushing to get to the barn and away from the bad feeling that was creeping on me from behind, I climbed over the slippery white fence to the damp grass below.
One lone horse was in the pasture, an escaped friend,hungry for more grass.
"Dagger's Point! How'd you get out?" Grabbing his harness I led him back inside the nice comfortable barn. The 50 some horses greeted me and the beautiful smell cleansed and calmed me but the feeling of unease would not be silent and kept knocking on my door.
Dagger paced in his stall, feeling my worry.
"Shhhh...Dag. Its ok," I soothed while stroking his silky neck. Making sure he stayed I went over to the tack room and grabbed his brushes. Dagger never wanted anything more then to be groomed all day though hoof picking was not his favorite thing.
The rhythmic sound of the brush going across a glossy sorrel coat lulled me into a state of safety and my senses dulled as I sank into the steady beat.
Dagger's sudden tense and nervous stance woke me from my state of calm.
"What is it Dag?" I whispered, my own nervousness taking over. Dagger moved protectively in front of me. Fear grasped me and hiding in the niche in the stall wall I glanced out through a crack.
My ears heard him before I saw him, the confident footsteps walking toward us. I knew it couldn't be my dad, home early from work, it was still early and mother would have called out to me if it had been her. No this was someone else, a familiar stranger.
I had seen him before I was sure, the tall tan skinned boy, but were I didn't no, it was like a dejavu moment. Staring at his perfect face and those bright green eyes I remembered.
He was from a dream, a dream from 10 yrs ago, at the age of 6.
It had been scary and I had woke up, ready to scream yet holding it back for fear of having to tell...
He was standing not 3 feet away.
My breathing was shallow and short yet quiet but my heart beat was so loud I could've sworn you could here it a mile away.
Dagger stood glaring at him. I knew from the way he pawed the ground he wanted to charge the stranger.
No Dag,not yet. I thought. Since he was a colt and I was 3 we could talk mind to mind. It was weird but useful.
But...he's the one....the stranger,he'll take you away from me! I can't let that happen, I won't just stand here and let it! No! Oh no......I'll flatten him!
Daggers pose shifted...
Dagger! NO! I screamed in thought as he got ready to bolt at the man.
"I know your there." A voice, so....beautiful called.
I froze. Dagger snorted.
"You can't hide anymore, your pitiful father can't protect you anymore, can't hide you."
My father? What did he mean? I racked my brain and found my answer.
At 7 my father had abruptly moved us.
5 yrs later he had moved us here.
And just yesterday he had talked of moving again.
" Stand up! Your time is here! You will be what you have been marked to be! Your precious daddy can't stop it and neither can you! It will happen!"
I knew I was cornered. Or at least for now. I stood up and walked to the open door of the stall, to the side so Dagger had room. There's a reason his name is Daggers Point.
"What do you want from me?" I asked, malice coating my voice, trying to hide my fear and confusion.
"To do what I was supposed to do 10 yrs ago!" He pulled out a dagger and raised it to his arm and made a cut that instantly gushed with blood.
NOW DAGGER! I thought and instantly he was there, flashing hooves striking what should have been lethal blows.
But the man was changing...almost like changing shape......
"DAGGER! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed but was to late.
Before my eyes the man changed form, a cougar. And, before I could do anything, lunged on Dagger and tore his throat.poor horse :(
"Dagger!" I screamed my heart seeming to lose a piece as he died.
I'm sorry. I failed. Remember, I love you... and he was gone.
A new fury seized me and I lunged at the man who had changed back and was string at me with a sly smile.
He dodged and grabbed my arm as I jumped on empty air. Right arm still bleeding he grabbed his knife and sliced my skin, right were my star shaped scar was. Pain seized me and I screamed bloody murder as I watched the blood flow like a waterfall from my arm.
Pressing his arm to mine, his blood mingled and flowed in mine.
Something like ice,fire,water and gusts of wind whipped through me. My blood started pumping slower and slower...memories flashed by my eyes. Is this what happens when u die? I remembered his name. Jacob.
With my last breath I would take as normal me, I whispered the vow that would stick with me forever. "I will kill you Jacob."
And as he laughed I sank into the death of the old me.
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she (Chelsea) is a shapeshifter (Imps are shape-changers)