The Six Changed


I held my breath taking a few cautious steps forward. One thing I will admit is that I am a complete idiot when it came to safely. Especially when it came to my own. I followed the group of kids down the worse parts of New York City's streets. Crazy as I was, I had a bad feeling something wasn't going to go right. But that's how it usually is. That weird creepy feeling you have trouble ignoring. Yeah, well that is how I had felt at the moment.
To most I was just some really weird freaky chick that was rich. The only reason people liked me was cause I was swimming in money. My parents were actors and I was just there only daughter. Which sucked. I mean they replaced everything with shit. Instead of coming to celebrate my birthdays or to Christmas, they just sent me a card that I doubt they meant the words that were stamped on the cards neatly in ink(which was shit to me). They couldn't even say Love you. Some parents.
I growled as the group of teens turned to see me. I halted in my tracks gulping.
Shit, I thought looking down. Why did I do this?
Daily I would follow them to see what the hell they did that was so great. But I usually lost them or they saw me.
"What you want?" a guy in a hoodie said. His face was completely blocked by his hand that was holding a cigarette to his mouth. In his other hand was a gun lying in the palm of his fist. That wasn't good.
I turned and gulped,"I gotta go."
I took off not thinking further of the subject. I was filled with fear and I my mind was only thinking about running. I was an idiot. I was told a million times that i shouldn't go out on the streets. I was rich. It was obvious by looking at the neat clean clothes that I was wearing compared to the baggy loose clothes they wore. I would also be a good victim. Something so that they could hold me hostage.
I halted at the huge apartment and entered the code in and the gate unlocked. I sighed with relief, closing it behind me and continuing down the sidewalk and up the stairs. I was really fast so it only took a minute to get inside the condo and be in my room panting.
I clicked my tongue tot he roof of my mouth and grabbed my cell.
One message. One text.
I frowned reading the text,

'Meet me at the gate midnight, alone.'
I smiled thinking that it was my boyfriend or something.(Did I even have a boyfriend?)
I glanced at the clock, 11:55.
So five minutes? OK. I could deal with that.
I jogged downstairs once again. I knew I had just come upstairs trying to run away, but this was probably gonna be good. Unless if it was some stupid serial killer. That wouldn't be good. And why the hell did I not check who sent me the text. 'Good job, Stella', I thought. Stupid. Stupid!
I continued yelling at myself in my head as I came to the gate. No one was there. Just me, myself, and I. The common trio.
I waited in silence waiting as patiently as I could. But I always had trouble staying patient. Hell, I was tricked. I was a complete idiot. Damn it.
"Hello." A small low voice whispered.
I turned to see some dude. In a hoodie. Kind of like the guy on the street...oh shit.
In front of me, or, well, behind me was the guy with the gun. It was still in his hand and ready to fire at my stupid lunatic head.
'Ok, be nice', I thought, 'Do what he says if he holds you hostage. The normal.'
I smiled like I would normally,"Um, hi." I managed.
I held my breathe as he raised the hand with the gun,"Do you know what I want?"He asked.
I gulped,"Money?"
He sighed,"No, damn it."
I frowned. Was this a normal hostage? I'm serious this was done like a crappy movie. Hell, I wasn't even scared a bit.
"Well, what the hell do ya want?" I growled. Ooopps...maybe I shouldn't cuss at him.
He didn't notice,(thank God), and stepped forward. His hand reached out and touched my face.
''Your blood," He said quietly.
My jaw fell down as his words hit me. This guy had issues!
"Um, you need a doctor. Or a therapist, or something. That isn't normal." I muttered watching him cautiously as he let the gun fall to the ground.
I sighed, the gun was gone and I was ok. Yesss! I was about to ditch him when both of his hands grabbed me firmly. And I mean firmly.
His fingers dug themselves into my skin and I wanted to scream out like bloody Mary. Why me?
Out of curiosity I pushed his hood off. I'm sorry I was born curious.
His face looked familiar but at the same time the way he was holding me was throwing me off. But he looked so familiar...damn.
Ok, the reason he looked so familiar was because he was my ex. From like two years ago. And here he was with a gun and holding me hostage for blood. Last time I checked he didn't like baggy clothes. Something must have happened for this huge transformation to happen.
He smiled as he saw my face filling with questions,"Hi Stella."
"Um, Chace, you're really scaring me. Could you please let go?" I smiled feeling really desperate.
"No," he smirked, and I knew he loved that I felt so desperate,"I still gotta drink your blood."
I frowned,"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You'll find out..." he trailed off sinking his teeth into my neck.
Then, complete over all black out.
What I thought is that Chace had gone truly crazy and insane. That he was imagining this all up. But he wasn't. And I was an idiot for not noticing that when he bit me. Because the burning rage of transformation was running in my veins and I had no fricken idea that was so.
I was now, what you call a vampire.
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Stella and her ex are Vampires, but a different kind then April and Dawn