The Six Changed


I woke up to pitch black.
I stirred sitting up and hissing with pain. My whole body ached and it felt like millions of needles were in my skin as I moved. Chace was no where to be seen and I was alone in the dark.
I shuffled getting to my feet. I saw a small streak of light shining through a small crack in the room I was in. I reached my fingers out to touch the rays of light when my fingers gently began to brush light my skin was burning hot.
I quickly retracted my hand back hissing.
Well, I almost forgot I was a vampire. How the hell did I forget that? Hmmm...
"Hi Stella." A low whisper came from my side.
I turned cautiously to see Chace sitting next to me completely relaxed. His face wasn't hard to miss because it was pale and it stood out from the dark. He was smiling like everything was fine and normal.
"You look worried Stell? Why?" He tilted his head smirking.
I bit my lip,"Probably because now I'm a freak of nature and It's all your fault."
He frowned,"Ok, one, you aren't a freak cause that means I would be one too and I'm not a freak."
I rolled my eyes,"What ever smart ass."
"You shouldn't swear." He shook his head,"But, two, it's not my fault. Some other dude wanted to change you and I thought it was kind of creepy, so I beat him to it."
I growled falling down to my knees,"I hate you so much right now. I can't even..." I fisted my hands hissing. More pain, great. Just great.
"You know it would be much easier for you if you stopped complaining and went to sleep."
I rolled my eyes getting back to my feet,"I'm leaving."
He frowned,"You don't want to do that."
"And why not?"
He nodded to the rays of light that hung above me,"You'll fry."
"Please, that is just a bunch of old vampire myths. I doubt..." I trailed off as I remembered how my skin had felt when I touched the light,"Ok, fine maybe your right there, but I am not gonna stay in this damned dark place forever with you."
"Well, thanks Stella. I feel a lot better now. Especially since I just saved your life!"
I rolled my eyes,"Don't be so dramatic."
I flipped my hair to the side revealing the spot that Chace and bitten me. Two deep holes filled with dry blood, yuck. But that was not what caught my eye. There was a swirl a decoration of some sort. It was like a cross with some type if decoration in the middle.
"Nice mark."Chace murmured,"Mines just a boring swirl."
I frowned,"What time is it?"
"Three in the afternoon."He smiled like he was glad that I was stuck alone with him in this damned room. Well, this was bull.
"You suck, you know that?"
He shrugged,"I don't know what I expected when I changed you, maybe like a 'Gee thanks.', but no. I was wrong. Your so negative."
I bit my lip and jabbed my elbow into his stomach,"Shut it."
He nodded like he was in some real pain, but he quickly dropped the act and smiled,"You honestly don't look half that bad. Usualy when you get changed you look like shit."
I frowned,"That better of been a complement."
He laughed lightly, but there was no humor,"I'll give you a day on the streets. After that, your screwed."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You won't last after tonight in the new world. Vamps are either gonna kill ya or...nevermind." he frowned like he was sick.
The mark burned as I looked up at the sun,"I think I'll last longer then a day."
He snorted throwing a piece of broken glass at the wall,"Oh, yeah? What makes you think that?"
I rolled my eyes wishing I wasn't stuck with this damned ass,"You've made it so far, I think I'll do better then you."
He only laughed,"Your so independent. I miss that, kind of. But it's gonna be torn from you very soon."
"You keep thinkin that smart ass."I held my breath holding back the urge to flick him off.
"I don't think you'll miss your old life though. The blood is so delicous." he licked his lips,"Kind of like how your blood tasted."
A shiver ran down my spine as I heard his words. Secretly, I was really pleased. But I did well hiding that crap away from my ex. But it was kind of cool that I tasted nevermind.
"Damn it, Chace. That isn't even...ew."I scooched away from him and it stayed like that until sun went down.
When the sun was gone, Chace stood up,"Ready to go see what life is like on the streets of New York?"
I smiled,"Hell yeah."
And secretly, I wanted to say,'HELL NO!'
But it was to late cause we were already on the streets staring at other vampires.
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Life continues (AKA: I submit when they are writtten)
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