You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?


I woke up around 10:00 that morning and walked downstairs to see Anthony in the kitchen. “I’m not much of a cook but we have cereal in that cabinet,” he said and I laughed a little.

“Anthony you don’t have to act like a hostess,” I said and he took a sigh of relief.

“Okay because I really suck at it,” he said and I laughed.

Then I got some cereal and jumped onto the counter and he was drinking some water. “Umm I heard you talking to Joe this morning,” he said and my heart skipped a beat. “Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked with hesitation and I laughed some more.

“Anthony you and I both know you’re not good at talking about that stuff,” I said.

“You’re right, you are definitely my niece,” he said and I smiled.

“Go, I know you’re busy all the time, you don’t have to do this, I can watch myself,” I said.

“You sure?" he asked.


“Okay I’m going to go start getting ready and I’ll get you a key to the house,” he said and I nodded.

“Can you just do me one favor?" I asked and he nodded. “Can you just not tell the Jonas’ I’m living with you?" I asked and he nodded.

“Okay,” he said.

I decided to go for a jog, once I finished my cereal, when I walked out of the house, I saw the house across from us was for sale and that it was sold, I was curious about who would be moving in, I was hoping for it to be someone I could hang out with.

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The days pushed on and I had gotten new clothes from a mall close by and I found a job in town at a diner called ‘Luke’s Diner’. The owner {Luke} and I immediately had a connection, he’s very grumpy sometimes but it’s really funny. My mood definitely changed. I’m mostly always in a not caring mood and sometimes customers really get on my nerve…it might be from being around Luke most of the time. I’ve been seen with Joe in a few magazines while on tour and because I was caught on t.v. singing with Joe so that’s mostly how people know me and sometimes teenagers and kids ask for my autograph and I give it to them…although I want to forget. Luke even makes me sing on a small elevated platform sometimes for the customers…but I think it’s just for his own amusement because he likes to annoy me…but I annoy him too. I also got a babysitting job, I want to be able to pay for my own things and not depend on Anthony so much. I would baby sit this girl Amber who lives next door to me and Anthony, she’s eight, turning nine soon and at times she can be the most wonderful kid ever but other times…she’s extremely annoying. But I feel bad because her parents aren't really around a lot. The worst part of it though is that she’s absolutely loves the Jonas brothers and she doesn’t shut up about them. Her room is full of posters of them and she has all their cds…it really wasn’t helping me forget. I go to school still and I don’t really have any friends…probably because I don’t want any but I don’t know how it happened but this girl Jennifer {one of the school sluts but very nice sometimes} started to hang out with me and she gets me to hang with her friends when I really don’t want to. I still kept in touch with Colleen, we would text almost every day and talk on the phone a lot. About a week after I moved in with Ant {Anthony} I took a drive across the border of Arizona and went into California, just to think for a bit, I didn’t really want to be in the house. That day, I stopped at a smoothie place and I met up with Demi Lovato, she remembered me from being seen with the guys and from the tour and we started talking like we were best friends. On the tour we didn’t get much time to bond. We even helped each other with some songs and we exchanged phone numbers to keep in touch. That whole day I hung out with her and I met Selena Gomes and Taylor Swift. I apologized about Joe and she told me to not worry about but I still felt bad. We all became really close.

It was October 11th {a Friday} and I picked Amber up from school and drove her home. I was watching her again, so we just sat around, doing nothing, at 7:30 we both sat down on the couch eating ice cream, as we watched t.v. and Hannah Montana was on. I really didn’t like the show but she did so that’s all that mattered. Then it was a commercial and the Jonas Brothers’ new music video ‘Love bug’ came on and I sighed in disgust.

“Amber never fall in love, it sucks,” I said as I slouched down.

“Why are you always in a bad mood when you see the Jonas brothers?" she asked with curiosity.

“It’s a long story,” I said. “May I?" I asked as I grabbed the remote and she nodded. Then I started to flip through the channels.

“Wait stop right there,” she yelled as she grabbed the remote from me.

“Amber what’s wrong with you?" I asked but she ignored me.

“Now for another breakup recently that has everyone talking about, Casey Lewis and Joe Jonas, while the Jonas brothers were on their Burnin up tour, these two seemed to hit it off big time, Joe had even broken up with Taylor Swift, was it to have a relationship with Casey? Well shortly after the tour, miss Lewis has stopped being seen around the guys, was it a bad breakup? Or did she just go her separate way, we caught up with the Jonas brothers a while back and asked mister Joe Jonas himself about the topic,” the guy said. I wasn’t really good with names from this MTV channel but then the shot turned to Nick, Joe and Kevin.

“She’s a great girl and anyone would be lucky to date her,” he said. Now where have I heard that before.


“So Joe, are you and Taylor Swift dating?" Ryan Secrest asked on his radio show thing. “She’s a great girl and anybody would be lucky to date her,” he said, saying what Nick had said about Selena.

End of Flashback

“Well although he didn’t announce it, we are all pretty sure he’s secretly dating…or dated miss Casey Lewis,” the guy said and then Amber shut the t.v. off and just looked at me.
“Stop looking at me,” I said as I grabbed both of our empty bowls and headed to the kitchen but she followed.

“I knew you looked familiar, I cant believe I was so blind to not see it, you dated Joe Jonas, that’s why you’re always so weird when I bring them up…” she said and I knew she was going to go on.

“Amber please…just stop, I didn’t date him, I just have the same name as her…and I look like her,” I said quietly after I raised my voice at her. “Just go to your room or something,” I said as I started washing the bowls.

Then she just looked at me. I never really snapped at Amber before, and I saw the sadness in her eyes. Then she ran up to her room. “Amber wait,” I said but I heard her slam her door.

So I finished washing the bowls and put them away once I dried them and I walked up to Amber’s room. “Amber?" I asked as I knocked.

Then I walked in and saw her laying on her bed staring at her ceiling which had a Jonas brothers poster on it with all three of them and Joe was in the middle. Then I sat next to her on her bed.

“I’m sorry for raising my voice at you before, I was just never really good at talking about my emotions and what I’m thinking about,” I confessed.

“Were you any good at it with Joe?" she asked as she sat up and I smiled lightly.

“Actually yea, he was petty much the only one who got me to tell him what I was thinking,” I said. “Him and Colleen…and then so were Nick and Kevin…but Joe most of all…it was like he put some kind of spell on me,“ I said.

I had also told her about Colleen and my parents and back home. I told this kid a lot, she was like my best friend here and I really had no problem with it. “Can you tell me about your relationship with Joe…if that’s o.k. I would really like to hear it,” she said.

“I bet you would” I said with a laugh. “Okay I will…Joe and I…didn’t get along as much when we first met each other…it’s a long story but I’ll get more into it later…Joe was very sweet and funny and much cuter in person than he is on t.v.,” I explained.

“Then I guess he was really cute,” she said.

“He was,” I laughed.

“Can you tell me the whole story…even how you met,” she said.

“Oh…umm well…” I started to say.

“Please,” she pleaded.

“Okay but you have to promise not to anyone, I’m serious Amber, not a word to anyone,” I said.

“Okay I promise,” she said with confidence but also confusion.

Then I started to explain, I told her how Joe and Nick kidnapped me and Colleen and about the hotels we stayed at and about when we got to their house and on our tour. It actually took longer than expected and I noticed it was 8:45. By the time I finished my story we were both laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

“So when you first moved in with Anthony, you told him you loved him and right then and there you ended it?" she asked and I nodded.

“Yea,” I sighed.

“Do you still love him?" she asked.

“I try not to…but yea I do,” I said to her. Then we were kind of silent.

“Lets talk about something else,” she said.

“Okay well…I met Demi, Selena and Taylor a week after I moved here,” I said.

“Lovato, Gomez and Swift?" she asked excitedly.

“Yea them,” I laughed.

“What’re they like?" she asked.

“They’re all very nice, we’re like best friends now,” I said.

Then my phone started to ring. “Ugh it’s Jennifer,” I said and Amber laughed. I told her how annoying Jennifer can be…and she agrees. “Hey Jen,” I said.

“Hey Case I was wondering if you wanted to hang tomorrow,” she said.

“Wish I could but I cant, I have to work and then I have to do something with my uncle,” I said.

“Awe okay some other time then,” she said.

“Okay,” I said and quickly hung up as I rolled my eyes.

Then I noticed it was getting closer to nine. “Come on, your parents should be home soon,” I said. Then we both walked downstairs and just started to straighten up a little.

“Hey tomorrow Anthony said we’re invited to some kind of party tomorrow for the new family moving in across the street and I heard they had a son about your age, would you like me to ask your parents if you could come because I have to go with Anthony, he said so and I really don’t want to be alone if I don’t know anybody,” I asked.

“Yea I‘d love to go, it beats staying home,” she said and I laughed a little.

“You got that right,” I said.

“I like it when you’re happy and laughing a lot, it’s better than the gloomy and depressed Nicole…maybe you’re right, love isn’t for everybody,” she said and I just smiled lightly at her.

“I’m sure you’ll love someone someday…if you have a dream Amber then don’t give up on it no matter what anybody says, you go for your dream and you do what you want to do not what people tell you what you should do,” I said.

“Do you have a dream?" she asked.

“I’ve always dreamt about singing for fans and acting on t.v. like Miley Cyrus,” I said.

“Do you dream about seeing Joe again?" she asked and I hesitated to answer but then her parents walked in.

“Mom, dad,” Amber said as she ran and hugged them both and I smiled as I walked to them.

“Hey sweetie,” Mr. Johnson said.

“Hello Mr. And Mrs. Johnson,” I said politely.

“Hello Casey, how are you”? Mrs. Johnson asked.

“I’m good and how was your night?" I asked.

“It was good, we needed a night out, thank you for watching Amber again,” she said and handed me forty dollars.

“But this is twenty more than what I usually get paid,” I said being honest.

“That’s o.k. you watch Amber a lot for us, you deserve it,” he said.

“Thank you,” I said.

Mr. And Mrs. Johnson both work like crazy, they’re involved with the music business I think {imagine that} and so they wanted a night without work so I said I would watch Amber again for them. Then Amber nudged me.

“Okay okay,” I said with a laugh.

“I was wondering if tomorrow I could bring Amber with me to a party tomorrow, I said.

“A party,” Mrs. Johnson asked, skeptically.

“Oh gosh no not a wild party,” I said and relief showed on their faces. “No it’s that party for the family moving in across the street, Anthony said that he has to go and that I have to go with him and Amber wanted me to ask to see if she could come, I hear the family is very sweet and there would be a little boy there, Amber’s age so she wouldn’t be bored and plus I’ll be there and I’ll have her back whenever you need her back,” I explained.

“Okay you can go Amber, and you can bring her back whenever you leave the party,” Mrs. Johnson said and Amber’s eyes lit up.

“Okay I’ll see you tomorrow Amber okay?" I said and gave her a hug.

“Wait can Casey bring me to bed?" Amber asked.

“It’s up to her,” Mr. Johnson said and I nodded.

Then Amber took my hand and led me upstairs and I tucked her in bed. “I’ll come over tomorrow around 6:30 so we can get to the party okay?" I said and she nodded.

Then I gave her one last quick hug and left her room. If I were to have a kid someday I would really hope for the kid to be like Amber, she was so sweet…and although she was annoying at times, she was still sweet more than annoying.

Then I walked back downstairs. “She really looks up to you, she doesn’t stop talking about how she wants to be like you,” Mrs. Johnson said and I felt a little warm.

“She’s a great kid,” I replied.

Then I said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and left the house. I walked over to my porch and starred at the sold house across the street and then walked in to see Anthony on the couch. “Hey how was Amber”? he asked.
“She was good, she’s an awesome kid, she makes baby sitting fun sometimes and she’s coming with us tomorrow to the party” I said.

“Oh okay,” he said.

“Can you please tell me who these people are, you said you knew them,” I said.

“I do know them but I cant tell you,” he said.

“Ugh!" I joked and went up to my room.

I changed into my pajamas and I laid down as I started to watch t.v. and I looked over at my night stand and saw the picture frame of me and Joe but eventually I fell asleep.
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its not much
but its pretty much, a filler
here you go, comment please
