You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

The Next Dakota Fanning

It was a few hours after the seizure and Amber was out cold, the doctors said she had a blood clot but they didn’t know where yet. Then Mr. And Mrs. Johnson said we should leave because it was getting late and Frankie wanted to come with me and Joe so we let him. He got in the back with me and Joe in front, I was driving.

“You okay?" Joe asked, once we were on the road.

“Yea,” I sighed. Then I looked in the rear view mirror at Frankie and smiled. “I think you would make an awesome mom,” he commented. “Thanks,” I said and laughed a little.

It was 5:00 and we all got back to the Jonas’ and their parents were home and invited me to stay for dinner so I did. We sat around the table, held hands as we said grace and began eating. We were just eating and talking, having conversations. After dinner, I thanked Denise and Paul for having me, I said good bye to Nick, Kevin and Frankie and then I left the house with Joe.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” I said.

“Promise?" he asked.

“Promise,” I confirmed and kissed him quickly and backed away as he smiled. But then the door swung open and Anthony quickly came out with an over night bag.

“Whoa Ant what’s up?" I asked.

“You cant stay here,” he said in a whisper.

“What? Why not, you‘re kicking me out?" I asked.

“Casey you know I love you like you were my own sister, because you practically are my sister that’s why you cant stay here, your parents are inside,” he said and I felt my stomach do twists.

“I told them you weren’t living here, but they didn’t believe me so they’re staying the night to see if you show up, if they don’t find you then they’re going to give up for sure and stop looking for you completely so you have to stay hidden completely until they’re gone and right after your interview with Ellen, we‘re packing up and leaving,” he explained and it was all a rush, even Joe looked shocked.

“Where do I go?" I asked.

“I literally just got off the phone with Denise and she said you are more than welcome to stay with them, so that’s where you’re going,” he said, shoving the bag into my hands.

“What about you?" I asked.

“I’ll be fine, I’m staying in a hotel tonight anyway,” he said and I nodded.

Then he looked at Joe and he nodded as if they were talking in some kind of guy code. So then Joe took my hand and we started running back to his house.

When we walked inside, we already saw the whole Jonas family waiting and smiling at me as Joe quickly shut the door. “You are always welcomed here,” Denise said and hugged me.

Then a while passed and we all got our pajamas on and as Frankie, Denise and Paul went to sleep, Nick, Kevin, Joe and I all went into Joe’s room and started talking randomly. Eventually Kevin and Nick fell asleep on a few blankets on the floor which made me laugh quietly so it was just me and Joe up.

“I have something for you,” he said, pulling out a small velvet box and I gave him a skeptical look as I smirked. I opened it up and it was a small silver ring. It was plain but it had the words ‘I Love You’ engraved into it and although it was plain, I loved it even more.

“Do you like it?" he asked as I couldn’t keep my eyes off it.

“I-I love it,” I said. “What’s the occasion? It’s not my birthday and it’s not Christmas yet,” I reminded him.

“I know…but I was hoping that you would accept it as a promise ring…a promise to me, saying that you’ll be my girlfriend and that you will always have a place in your heart for me,” he said and slipped it on my left ring finger.

“I think that’s an easy promise to keep,” I said and he smiled.

“I will always love you Joe Jonas,” I said and grabbed his chin lightly as I kissed him.

“And you know…that was really cheesy,” I commented and he acted insulted.

“But very sweet…thank you,” I added as I looked at my ring.

“But still cheesy, don’t be a softy all the time, geez,” I joked and hit his arm with a pillow.

Then he hit me with one too and we got into a small pillow fight and fell off the bed, on top of Kevin and Nick with me on Nick and he moaned. “Sorry,” I said with a laugh.

“No problem,” he moaned again.

Then I got up but he hit me with a pillow so I hit him back and then all four of us got into a pillow fight. After a while, I finally had everyone stop and we all just laid back down, I got on the floor, with Nick and Kevin on blankets as Joe got the bed. I didn’t want their parents to think any less of me. While everyone fell asleep, Nick and I were still up a little and I told him about why Joe picked me up and we just kept whispering back and forth until we both eventually fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning at seven, I didn’t want to go for a jog this morning in case they saw me. So I got ready for school and I shook Joe lightly. “Joe,” I whispered and he shot up.

“What’s wrong?" he asked.

“Nothing,” I said with a laugh. “I have to go to school,” I added.

“I’ll go with you,” he said and shot up.

“No it’s okay you sleep, I’ll be fine, I’ll take the bus today,” I said.

“No I’ll drive you,” he said as he was already throwing on random clothes. But then he tripped over Kevin and Nick and they both shot up.

“What’s going on?" Kevin asked.

“Nothing,” I said.

“I’m taking Casey to school,” Joe said.

“Oh we’ll come too,” Nick said as him and Kevin started throwing on random clothes too.

“Guys It’s fine, I’ll just take the bus,” I said.

“No such thing, that isn’t very professional,” Joe joked and I just rolled my eyes.

“Okay fine, just hurry up, I‘ll wait downstairs,” I said and walked downstairs to see Denise, Paul and Frankie already up.

“Good morning Casey,” Denise said.

“Morning,” I said with a smile.

“On your way to school?" Paul asked.

“Yea I am, the guys wanted to take me this morning, they should really hurry up though!" I shouted upstairs.

“Come on Casey, you take forever,” Joe said as him ,Nick and Kevin ran passed me, out the door but they had their boxers over their jeans and Denise just smiled at me and gave me a look.

“Did they just…” Frankie started to say but stopped.

"Yea…guys,” I sang. So then they looked at me and I pointed down and they all looked and then took off their boxers immediately and threw them at me so they all landed on my head and I sighed.

So then I just put them in a pile in the corner. “See you later," I said with a laugh.

"Apple for your trip?" Frankie offered and threw it at me.

“Thanks Frankie,” I said and walked out of the door, taking a bite of the apple.

“Come on Case, you have to get to school!” Nick shouted to me.

“Yea, you’re gonna be late if you keep going this slow,” Joe added and I just rolled my eyes.

“Says the guys who had their boxers over their jeans,” I said as I got into the drivers seat of Kevin’s car with Joe in the passenger side and Nick and Kevin were in the back.

Then I drove all of us to the school and I took a deep breath. “You’ll be fine, we’ll come pick you up after school and go see Amber,” Joe said and I nodded.

Then he leaned over and kissed me. “See ya later guys,” I sighed and got out of the car.

Then Kevin got in the drivers seat and I walked over to Joe’s side as he rolled down the window. “Besides not everyone believes what they read,” he said and then nodded in a direction so I turned around and saw Jason, T.J. Jared, Brandon, Jen, Ashley and Gia standing there, smiling at me.

“I’ll see you later,” he said and kissed my cheek.
“Promise? I asked.
“Promise,” he confirmed. Then I walked toward the others as the guys drove off.
Then I got to them and we all walked in as everyone was whispering about me. The day went on and at lunch, I got a text message from Joe.

I Love You

I laughed a little as I hit reply.

I Love You too

I finally got through the day…it was long, I’ll tell you that. But just like Joe promised, when I walked out of the school at 2:00 I saw him outside of the car, leaning on the door of Kevin's car and I knew Kevin and Nick were in there too but when Joe saw me, he smiled and so did I. Then I walked to them and kissed him, he opened the door for me and I got in the passenger seat with Kevin driving and Nick and Joe were in the back.

“So how was your day?" all three of them asked and I hesitated a little bit.

“It was fine…I guess, a lot of people wouldn’t stop whispering and it was obviously about me, but I ignored it, nothing big to report really,” I replied.

Then we got to the hospital and a different receptionist was there and she was much nicer than the other one was. We walked up to the second floor and saw Mr. and Mrs. Johnson sitting in two chairs.

“Oh Casey,” Mrs. Johnson said and hugged me.

“How are you?" I asked.

“Good and you?" she replied.

“I’ve been better,” I said.

“Yea havnt we all,” she kidded and I smiled.

“It’s good to see you boys,” she said, acknowledging the others.

“How is she?" I asked, walking up to the window to see her asleep in the bed.

“She’s in a colma right now…it was caused by the seizure I’m guessing, the doctors don’t tell us anything,” she said.

“Yea tell me about it,” I agreed. “Can we go in to see her?" I asked.

“Of course,” she said and we all walked into the room.

We were in there for a while, hoping she would wake up…she never did and her heart beat was getting slower by the minute and I admit I was starting to get a little worked up. “Please Amber wake up” I whispered as I held her hand.

“Remember our plan? I’m supposed to become famous and take you with me to exotic places and get you the coolest things and get you to meet the coolest people…you and I are supposed to get famous together and you‘ll be the next Dakota Fanning,” I said as I laughed a little and I noticed the guys smiling but I never took my eyes off Amber. We made this plan a while ago.


“Hey when you get famous, you think you’ll be able to take me to cool, exotic places, like Jamaica or something?" she asked and I laughed.

“Of course, I’ll get you to come to the grammies and MTV stuff and I’ll buy you cool stuff and I’ll get you to meet cool people,” I added.

“Having a famous friend is awesome,” she said.

“Hey I’m not famous yet, and even if I do get famous, I’m definitely getting you to become famous too, you have an awesome voice and you’re definitely dramatic,” I said.

“I’ll be the next Dakota Fanning,” she said with pride.

“But like the Jonas’ say, even if you’re at the top, live like you’re at the bottom,” I said.

“Don’t worry I wont be like one of those celebrities who take advantage of their money and popularity and act all conceited and self-fish…even if I wanted to act that way, I know you wouldn’t let me,” she said and mumbled the last part.

“Got that right,” I said and we both laughed.

End Flashback

“You cant give up on that Amber,” I whispered, on the verge of tears and put my head down on the bed and I heard the heart machine go to normal.

“So that’s still our plan then?" a voice asked. I looked up and saw Amber starring at me.

“Amber,” I sighed in relief and hugged her lightly. “I thought I was going to lose you,” I whispered to her.

“Cant get rid of me that easy, I’m going to be the next Dakota Fanning, remember?" she asked.

“Yea,” I laughed.

Then the guys all hugged her lightly and we all just started talking and then the guys left for a while to give us time to talk and her parents left the hospital for a bit to get some air. I told Amber about what’s been happening ever since the accident. I told her about them {I don’t refer to them as parents, no parent would be like them…no good parent anyway} and about the ring Joe gave me. The doctor walked in and told us, she is definitely recovering nicely and that she would be able to leave tomorrow. We talked for a while and she told me about her crush on Frankie which I thought was adorable and she eventually got tired and fell back asleep…I was so relieved to know she was definitely alright now.
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