You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

Day Out With Dad

The next morning I woke up, still on the couch. “Hey sleepy head” I heard a voice and when I opened my eyes more, I saw Chris standing there. “I guess you inherited Lorelei’s trait of sleeping in” he said and I smiled.

Then I sat up and saw it was 11:00. “Did you ask Joe and his brothers if they were coming today?" he asked.

“Yea I did last night, he said they were,” I replied.

“Great, now go get ready and we can get going by 1:00,” he said and I nodded.

Then I ran upstairs and texted Joe to be ready at 1 and then I got into the shower and started getting ready.

Joe’s POV

I got Casey’s text message, saying I should be ready by one so I started to get ready as Kevin and Nick were doing the same. When I was showered and dressed, I did my hair and when I finished it was 12:20...almost a half hour until we all left so I walked out of my room and started pacing around the kitchen and then Nick and Kevin walked in.

“Hey Joe, calm down, why’re you more restless than usual?" Nick asked, getting a water from the fridge.

“Because in a half hour, we’re going to be spending the day with Casey and her father,” I said.

“We know but everything will be fine, he seemed really cool, I don't think there’s anything to be worried about,” Kevin said.

“I hope so,” I said.

“Yea, you don’t have to get all paranoid about it,” Nick added.

“I guess you’re right,” I said.

We kept talking about what we thought we would be doing today, because none of us had a clue and before I knew it, their was a knock at the door…it was 1:00.

“They’re here,” I said as I started to panic.

“What do I do?" I asked.

“Answer the door?" Nick said as if it was most obvious.

“I’ll answer it,” mom said.

Then we watched mom answer the door but we made sure, no one would be able to see us. “Hello Nicole, this must be your father?" she asked.

“Hi Mrs. Jonas, and yes this is,” I heard her beautiful voice say.

“It’s nice to meet you,” mom said.

“Same here, you have a very nice home,” Casey's dad said.

“Are the guys ready?" Casey asked.

“They should be, they were very anxious to go out with you both today,” mom said.

Then I peeked my head out from behind the counter but Casey saw me and gave me a look, so I took a breathe and went to stand up but then Nick and Kevin fell into me and we all fell to the floor as all three of them looked at us. Some first impression. Then I pushed Nick and Kevin off and I shot up.

“Are you all okay?" Casey asked with a smile that made rockets shoot off in my stomach.

“Umm yea…it’s good to see you again sir," I said.

“Call me Chris,” he insisted and felt slightly better.

“Well obviously, that’s Joe and that’s Nick and Kevin,” Casey said, pointing to each of us as Kevin and Nick shot up.

“Are you guys ready?" she asked and we all nodded.

“We’ll be back around 5:00 for the barbecue Denise” Chris assured her.

“Okay take your time” she said and we all walked out of the house.


I got into the passenger seat of Chris’ car as he got in the driver’s seat and the guys got in the back and Chris started to drive. “So where are we going exactly?" I asked Chris.

“It’s a surprise,” he replied and I just smiled. “So guys, how long have you been in the music business,” Chris asked.

“I’d say about…three, four years,” Kevin replied.

“Do you like doing what you do?" he asked.

“We love it and we love our fans, they really helped us get to where we are today and now that Casey will be performing with us, we think the fan base will definitely get bigger,” Nick said.

“I hear that, the four of you is the only thing that New York is talking about, along with the rest of the U.S.” Chris agreed. “We’re all really blessed to be given this opportunity,” Kevin added.

“That’s for sure, and you never let it go to your heads, that’s great”

“Our dad always told us that even if you’re at the top, live like you’re at the bottom,” Nick said.

“That’s a really good motto to live by,” Chris commented.

Then I noticed Joe hasn’t said much so I turned around to look at him and I smiled at him and he smiled weakly at me. “Hey Joe you o.k. back there?" Chris asked.

“Yea you don’t look to good,” I commented.

” Well that just warms my heart” he said and I laughed a little.

“I’m just feeling a little under the weather I guess,” he said.

“You sure you are up to going out today?" I asked.

“Yea we can bring you back home if you want,” Chris said.

“No that’s okay I think I just need some fresh air,” he said.

“o.k. well we’re at the first stop” Chris said and we all saw that we were at the mall. Then he pulled up by the side walk. “You all go in and I’ll go park, then meet you inside,” he said.

So then we all got out and walked inside as Chris went to go park and I put my arm around Joe’s waist, once he put on his hat and sunglasses and looked up at him.

“You okay?" I asked.

“Yea I’m fine,” he said, smiling at me.

“He’s just nervous about hanging with your dad today,” Nick said and Joe glared at him as I giggled.

“Don’t be nervous, he totally cool, and I promise that if he goes over board with the questions then I’ll stop him…Lorelei gave me permission to yell at him if he does,” I said and he just smiled at me and nodded.

Then he put on a pair of big sunglasses and I put all of my hair on top of my head as he put a hat on my head as a few strands of hair, fell to the side of my face and then he kissed me real quick before Chris walked in and he started laughing.

“What are you all wearing? Why are you wearing hats and sunglasses inside?" he asked and I saw Nick and Kevin had also put on hats and sunglasses.

“We have to do this, it lowers the risk of us being noticed,” I said.

“Okay if you all say so,” he said.

“So where to first?" he asked.

“You took us here, you tell us,” I said.

“Well I took you all here because I know a lot of teenagers like the mall, so you all can go wherever you want and I’ll follow,” he said and I smiled.

“Okay…well I told Colleen we would meet her in Aero,” I said.

“Then lead the way,” he said. Then we all started to walk and I grabbed Joe’s hand because I knew he wouldn’t with Chris on the other side of me.

We headed over to Aero and I saw Colleen looking at a few shirts. “Hey stranger,” I said and she looked up and smiled in our direction.

“Hey there” she said. “Colleen, this is my dad, Christopher,” I introduced.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, shaking his hand.

“Same here, geez Casey, are all of your friends this polite?" he asked.

“Only the good ones,” I replied.

“Well don’t let us keep you girls from shopping around, hey do you guys wanna go check out the store with all of those free samples of cologne and try them all on?" Chris asked.

“Yea,” they all said excitedly and ran off and ran into a Sear’s store, right across from Aero and me and Colleen giggled a little.

“So that’s your dad huh,” Colleen said as we kept looking around for shirts.

“Yea he is,” I said.

“He seems really cool”

“He is and I’m really glad that he’s bonding with Joe, Nick and Kevin…they‘re all seeming to be getting along, I just hope it lasts,” I said.

“It will, I know it will”

“Can I tell you something and you promise not to tell anyone else,” I asked.

“Of course you can, you know I wont tell anyone else,” she said and I walked closer to her, still looking at a shirt.

“Joe asked me to marry him,” I whispered with a smirk playing on my face.
“No way!" she exclaimed.
“Shhh,” I said and she calmed down.
“Are you serious? When? How? Give me details”

“It happened the day after we moved here, he took me to the beach for our date…he had set up a picnic, just like our first date and while we were watching the sun set, he asked me”

“That’s so exciting, have you made any plans yet? Has he given you a ring?"

“Not yet, the only ones that know are you, Nick and Kevin, we want to keep it on the down low for now, let all of the holidays pass, we’re very busy this month and next month…he said that when he gets the ring, he wants to have everything to be perfect, so when the right time comes, he’ll ask the question again and that’s most likely when we tell everyone else,” I said.

“That’s so great, I’m so happy for you,” she said and hugged me.

“So then this is good? That your dad is bonding with all of them right?" she asked.

“It’s very good, I think it might be because we just met and plus him and my mom, Lorelei were both only 16 when they had me…I think that might be a reason why they’re both so cool about everything,” I explained.

“Wow, 16,” she said.

“Yea I know…I really want you to meet Lorelei though, we are so much alike”

“Definitely, I’d love to meet her,” she said and I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠

Banner made by Fly.With.Me;; whoo hoo you rock!
this chapter isnt so great but its something
and its going to get better :)
