You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

That Was The Point

Once we finished in Aero, we walked out of it with one bag in my hand and another in hers and we walked over to see the guys laughing hysterically.

“Hey what’s so funny?" I asked with a light laugh and I startled them because then Nick spun around and accidentally sprayed a bottle of axe at me and I coughed a little and they all kept laughing, except for Nick.

“What have you guys been doing in here?" I asked in a whisper.

“You really wanna know?" Joe asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Then watch,” Chris said.

Then he took the axe bottle from Nick and started to walk slowly toward an older looking woman. “Chris what’re you doing”? I hissed. “Chris stop” I said with a small giggle as I rushed to him and tried to make him stop but it was too late.

He sprayed above the woman’s head and she spun around as he ducked but her fist collided with my face and I stumbled back as the guys and Colleen all rushed to my side as Joe put his hands on my arms, from behind, making sure I didn’t fall over as I covered my face with my hands.

“Oh sweetie I’m so sorry,” she said as Chris quickly stood up to my aid.

“I’m fine,” I said.

“Are you sure?" she asked.

“Oh yea, I’m positive, no damage, really,” I said, still covering most of my face with my hands but lowering them slightly so I could look at the woman.

“Don’t worry maim, we have everything under control,” Chris said and they all escorted me out of the store and they were all laughing lightly.

“Babe are you okay?" Joe asked, holding back more laughs.

“I don’t know,” I said, lowering my nose and I quickly looked into a store window to see my reflection and saw my nose and my cheeks were all red.

“I’m sure there’s a make up place around here with makeup samples,” Chris said.

“No, no more samples,” I said with a laugh.

“Lets just…go get something to eat, before we all get kicked out of the mall because of you four,” I suggested and we all started walking as Colleen and I walked hugged ahead of the guys as they all walked behind us.

Then we got to the food court. “Okay what do you girls want?" Chris said out loud.
“Umm I cant say out loud” I said, smirking at Nick, Joe and Kevin and they smiled back because they knew what I was thinking.

“Why not?" he asked.

“Because then Nick, Joe and Kevin will pay for us,” I said.

“Ahh I see,” he said.

“Don’t worry about it, we’ll pay for ourselves, you guys go find some place to sit,” I said and me and Colleen started to walk away.

We got on line for Chinese food, ordered our food and then walked back to the table and I sat down on the end chair, next to Joe, across from Chris as Nick was next to him and Kevin on his other side and Colleen was on the other side of Joe.

“You sure you can eat all of that? Chris asked, looking at my big pile of lomain. Then all five of us started laughing.

“What?" he asked.

“Casey can eat anything, she’s like a walking stomach,” Nick said.

“Oh, I should’ve guessed, you don’t look like you eat much but I guess looks can be deceiving,” he said.

Then Joe looked at me. “Nick, Kevin and I are going to go get some pizza, you want anything?" he asked.

“I think I’m good here,” I said with a small laugh and he smiled.

“Okay you want anything Chris?" he asked.

“Umm I’ll catch up in a minute,” he replied and he nodded.

Then he kissed my cheek quickly and him, Nick and Kevin all got up. “Oh wait, can you get me a Snapple?" I asked with a smile and he laughed a little.

“You got it,” he said.

“Thank you,” I sang and they started to walk over to the line for pizza and Colleen slid over a seat to be next to me as she ate.

“I really like Joe, Nick and Kevin,” he mentioned.

“Really?" I asked with excitement.

“Yea, they’re really cool and Joe is definitely a nice guy to you, I’m glad I don’t have to be the over protective father when it comes to him,” he said and I laughed a little.

“I’m glad too…I’ve been there before with the bad boyfriend and I’m not planning on going back,” I said.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there,” he said sincerely.

“That’s okay,” I assured him.

“So how did you meet Joe?" he asked and Colleen and I laughed a little.

“Umm Colleen and I took a little road trip, one day, over the summer and our car broke down but then Joe and Nick just happen to drive by and they helped us, they took us back to their place so we met their family and they had us go on tour with them…the original plan was to stay on tour until we got back to Arizona and they would drop us off but we decided to stay longer than intended,” I explained and Colleen had a smirk as she ate.

“So it’s like fate…how long have you tow been friends?" he asked and Colleen and I looked at each other.

“Too long,” we both said and we all started laughing.

“I can tell he likes you too though…Joe,” I said a little quieter.

“But Joe likes everybody,” Colleen mentioned.

“True…but I’m trying to make him feel good,” I said and we both laughed.

“Ouch that’s harsh,” Chris said and Colleen and I just laughed some more.

“So are you and Lorelei married? I noticed you’re not wearing a ring,” I mentioned.

“Umm no we’re not married,” he said.

“May I ask why?"

“I think Lor might want to explain that one to you,” he said and I nodded.

“Hey we miss anything?" Joe said as they all came back over to us and Colleen moved back over to her seat.

“Not much, we were just telling him how we met,” I said with a smirk and Joe laughed nervously as Nick coughed a little and Kevin just shook his head and me and Colleen laughed some more as they all sat down

“Okay it’s my turn, I’ll be right back,” Chris said and started walking away.

“Where’s my Snapple?” I asked with a laugh.

“Oops I forgot it,” he said but I knew he was lying.

“Give me my Snapple please,” I demanded.

“Well since you asked ever so nicely,” he said and handed it to me.

“Thank you,” I said as I took it.

“What? I don’t get anything?" he asked.

“Babe you already have me, that’s not enough?" I joked.

"She has a point Joe,” Nick added.

Then I kissed his cheek. “There” I said but he was still pouting. “Joe not here, in front of everyone,” I said.

“No one knows who we are”

“You don’t know that,” I said but he gave me his puppy dog eyes.

“Fine,” I said.

Then I kissed his lips. “Now be a good boy and eat, and maybe later I’ll buy you a toy,” I said as I opened my Snapple. “Fat chance, I’ll let you,” he protested and I just rolled my eyes.

Then once Chris got back with his food, we all just kept eating and talking, when we finished, Joe took my tray and put it under his but then everyone else put their trays on top of his.

“Thanks for throwing ours out too Joe,” Colleen said and they were all smiling at him.

Then he just let out a laugh and shook his head as he stood up and threw out the stuff on the trays and put them on top of the garbage can.

“Hey, I saw a sample of guitar hero that has three guitars and one drum set, you guys wanna go play?" Chris asked.

“Yea,” they said and Nick and Kevin shot up and they all took off.

But then Joe came running back, kissed me and ran off and I just rolled my eyes as me and Colleen started laughing.

Then we both grabbed our bags and started walking. We walked into a video game store and saw all of the guys playing the game with Joe playing the drum part and Nick, Kevin and Chris ere playing the guitar part but then I saw a book store across from the game store so Colleen and I walked over to it. We both picked up two books and started reading. Lately I found a big interest in reading, so I’ve been reading a lot. Then I looked up and saw Joe walking toward me.

“Reading again are we?" he asked.

“Maybe,” I said and shut the book.

“You want me to buy you the book?" he asked.

“No that’s okay,” I said.

“I’m going to buy you that book, sooner or later”

“Then buy it for me for Christmas”

“Okay then if you could pick any other thing in this store, what would it be?"

“Well actually I kind of wanted the Twilight series…but you don’t have to get me both…but I really would ask for the Twilight series and a book mark," I said.

“Okay we’ll see what Santa thinks about that,” he said.

Then Colleen walked over to us and so did the others. “Hey you ready? We have one more thing to do before we get back,” Chris said and we all nodded.

Then we all started to walk out of the mall but Chris started to lead us to behind the mall. “Chris where are we going?" I asked.

"You’ll see,” he said.

Then when we got to the back, we saw an open field with a few guys standing there with…go carts. “You guys like go carting?" he asked.

“Yea!" Kevin, Nick and Joe said with excitement.

Then we all got over to the guys and they all handed us helmets so we took off our hats and sunglasses and we put them in my Aero bag as I put it to the side. Then we each got on a go cart and started racing around and having a lot of fun.
By the time we finished, it was 4:45 so we all came to a stop and handed our helmets back to the guys and Colleen and I were laughing a little and Joe helped me stand straight because I felt a little dizzy. Then we walked around front and saw Colleen’s parents pull up in a car and they got out of the car, so I introduced all of them. Then Nick, Joe and Kevin hugged her goodbye and then so did I and we watched them all drive off. Then we got back to Chris’ car and started driving home.

Then we got back to the Jonas’ and when we walked in, we already saw Anthony an Lorelei inside talking to Paul and Denise.

“You’re back!" Frankie cheered and ran into my arms and I picked him up as I hugged him.

“I didn’t know there was another one,” Chris said.

“This one’s Frankie,” I said.

“Lets go swimming,” he said.

“Okay you go get changed and I’ll go over to my house, get ready and come back,” I said as I put him down and he ran off.

“How was your day out?" Denise asked.

“It was great,” Joe said.

“Yea we all had a blast,” Nick added.

“Good,” she said. “I’ll go get my bathing suit at my house and be right back,” I said.

“I’ll go with you,” Joe said and I nodded.

Then we both left and he grabbed my hand as we walked over to my house. We walked in and he chased me up the stairs. When we got into my room, I turned around and made me fall onto my bed as he fell on top of me and he kissed me. When he pulled away, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine.

“Okay get up,” I said and pushed him off.

Then I pulled out a bikini and threw him a pair of trunks that he left there and I ran into my bath room and started to change. Once I did, I put my clothes over and knocked on the door. “I’m coming out” I warned. “All clear,” he said and I walked out, smiling at him. Then he kissed me again before we walked downstairs and headed back over to his house.

We got there and Frankie came running down the stairs in his trunks. “Come on Casey,” he said as he grabbed my hand and started to pull me to the back.

We walked out passed the sliding doors, out onto the cement and we saw the pool. Then Frankie ran and dove into Nick and they both flew into the pool and Kevin and I started hysterical laughing as all of the adults-Anthony, Paul, Denise, Lorelei and Chris-laughed lightly. Then Joe came out with a few towels as Nick and Frankie surfaced the water and Nick started laughing so Frankie joined in. I took off my shorts and my shirt, put them to the side and took two steps toward the water.

“Get in,” Joe said as I turned around to look at him.

“I will,” I said.

“Well you’re not going fast enough,” he said. Then he darted toward me.

“Joe stop,” I laughed as I ran toward the pool. Then I turned around to face him but he tackled me into the pool.

When we came back to the top, I started laughing. “Not cool Joseph…idiot,” I said and mumbled the last part but he still heard me.

“You know you love me,” he said as he swam closer to me.

“Yea, yea,” I said and he started to pout.

Then I just kissed his lips quickly and then pulled away as he smiled. Then I watched as Chris lifted Anthony up and then threw him into the pool as it splashed me and Joe and we all started laughing, including Paul, Denise and Lorelei. When Anthony came up, he jumped up, grabbed a water gun and chased after Chris.

“Come back here Chris,” he said.

“No way,” he said and kept running and we all kept laughing.
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not much but its still something
