You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

The Ring

After a few more minutes, Joe and I jumped up, onto the side of the pool on the opposite side of everyone else and we sat on the ledge as our legs stayed in the water and he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Then I put our hands in my lap as I continued to play with his fingers.

“So how exactly did you convince your parents into going to Europe?" I asked.

“They trust me…and you too, I think we’re old enough to watch over ourselves…and plus I agreed to let Nick and Kevin come for half of the vacation,” he said with a hint of sarcasm and then I laughed a little.

“Are you sure you want to marry me? You’re not just saying because you know I want to marry you,” he said and I was a little taken back by it.

“Joe of course I do…I wouldn’t just say it…are you having doubts about it, because it would be o.k. if you are,” I said.

“No I have no doubt in my mind, I want to marry you,” he said.

“How would you know? We’ve only known each other a few months, and in the beginning I didn’t even like you so we’ve only been dating for a couple months,” I said and he laughed a little.

“That’s how, after only a few months, I know I love you, you’re some girl I kidnapped and I know I love you, that has to say something,” he said with a small laugh and I laughed too.

“How can you love me from only a short amount of time”?"

“Love at first sight…you love me right?" he asked.

“Of course I do, how can I not? You’re Joe Jonas,” I joked.

“Haha very funny,” he said.

“I thought so,” I said and kissed him.

“You’re going to be out tomorrow right?" he asked.

“Umm yea most likely, why?" I asked.

“Just asking”

“Why the sudden urge to ask questions?"

“Just curious,” he said and I gasped.

“Are you going out to get me a ring tomorrow?" I asked.

“What? No I am not,” he said and I gasped again.

“Yes you are, awe you’re getting me a ring,” I said and kissed his cheek and he just smiled as he blushed a little.

“What’re we talking about?" Nick asked as he came and sat next to me as Kevin sat next to Joe.

“Joe’s getting me a ring tomorrow,” I said.

“I am not,” he protested.

“Nice Joe,” Kevin said.

“Oh you guys should go with him, you both know what I like,” I said.

“I know what you like too,” Joe said.

“I know you do but you should get second opinions,” I said.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure he picks a good one,” Nick assured me.

“Hey look, food’s ready,” Joe said as he shot up and we all laughed as we stood up too but then I grabbed his hand to make him slow down.

“You know I’m just kidding, I don’t mind what kind of ring you get me, as long as it comes from you,” I said and kissed him.

“A real big one would be cool though,” I joked and he rolled his eyes playfully and kept walking as Nick, Kevin and I laughed a little.

Then we got over to the adults and we all started to eat as we talked about our day and as we talked about what we should do in the future. We all eventually finished and it was a little late so we decided to get going. I said goodbye to Denise and Paul as I hugged Frankie, Kevin, Nick and Joe and kissed his cheek. Then we all walked out.

“Thanks again,” we all said.

“Anytime," Denise said.

Then we walked into the house, once we crossed the street. “We have to get going too, it’s late, but I’ll come by tomorrow and pick you up,” Lorelei said. “Where are we going anyway?" I asked.

“It’s a surprise but Denise is coming too and you can ask if Colleen wants to tag along, I’d love to get to know her,” she said. “Okay,” I said and hugged her and I hugged Chris as well. “See you tomorrow sweets,” Lorelei said as she kissed my cheek and they both left.

Then I turned around to face Anthony. “I love you Ant,” I said and hugged him.

“Love you too,” he said.

“You sure it’s still okay for me to live here, I’ll move out as soon as I can, I promise I just have to…” I started to say.

“Casey, calm down…it’s okay you can take your time, I’ll either wait for you to move out or I’ll just get a place of my own ad you can have this house so you’ll be close to Joe,” he said.

“I couldn’t possibly do that,” I said.

“Yes you could…just go upstairs and get ready for bed, it was a long day,” he said and I nodded.

Then I ran upstairs and got ready for bed and I texted Colleen.

Heyy u wanna come with me and Lorelei tomorrow? Idk where we’re going but it would u, me, her and Denise

I’d love to

Great, I’ll text u tomorrow with more details

Then I fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up, I walked downstairs and walked around the corner only to have someone jump out at me and I jumped as I screamed a little and saw it was Lorelei.

“Lorelei, you scared me,” I said with a laugh.

That was the point…Chris made me get up extra early to come over, now go get ready, we should leave by one, go, go, go,” she said and chased after me as I ran up the stairs.

I showered and got ready. “Don’t put makeup on and don’t do anything with your hair!" Lor yelled up to me. “Okay,” I called back down.

Then I threw my hair in a low bun and there was a knock at my door so I answered it as Lor went upstairs to bother Anthony. When I opened it, I saw Joe standing there. “So this is what you look like without makeup,” he joked.

“Shut up, you know I rarely wear makeup,” I said.

“I know…I just came by to say enjoy your day,” he said and kissed my cheek.

“Thanks,” I said.

"Hon who’s at the…oh hey Joe,” Lorelei said as she came down.

“Is your mom all set to go?" she asked.

“Yea she is,” he said as saw Denise walking toward us.

“I’ll go get Colleen,” I said and started walking over.

“I’ll see you later today okay?" Joe said as I faced him when our mothers walked into the house.

“Yea,” I said and he kissed me.

“Go get my ring,” I said with a smirk with our faces centimeters apart.

“I’m not getting your ring,” he groaned with a smile and I smiled too.

"Okay,” I sang and we both laughed. “Okay I’ll see you later,” I said and gave him one last kiss and kept walking as he watched me before walking away.

I got over to Colleen’s house, she was ready so we walked back over to Denise and Lorelei. “You girls ready?" Lor asked and we both nodded.

So then we walked out to her car and they both got in the front as me and Colleen got in the back and Lorelei started driving. We eventually came into a parking lot of a spa.

“No way, we’re at a spa?" I asked.

“Yep, lets go,” she said and we all got out. We all walked in, checked in and were escorted to a room and the treatment began.
Joe’s POV

Once I was sure, that mom left with Casey, Colleen and Lorelei, Nick, Kevin and I got into Kevin’s car and he started to drive toward the mall. I asked them the other night if they would help me find the perfect for Casey and they promised they would help. So then we got to the mall and headed in with our glasses and hats and we went to the Kay store and we started to look around. There was a lot of beautiful jewelry there but I didn’t find one that screamed Casey. Most of them were really huge diamonds and Casey isn’t really the kind to wear big jewelry, I wanted something small, yet awesome.

“How about that one?" Kevin said, pointing to one.

“That one’s a good option,” I said.

“Yea Joe, come here,” Nick said, from the other side of the store and I rushed over to him as Kevin followed.

“What about that one?" he asked.

I saw the one he pointed to and it was a silver with a medium size diamond. It wasn’t too big and it wasn’t too small, it was just right. “Nick it’s perfect,” I said, leaning down, closer to it so I could look at it better.

“Nice pick Nick,” Kevin said.

“I try,” Nick joked.

“Can I help you?" a woman asked.

“Yes, can I see that one, right there?" I asked.

“Of course,” she said.

Then she used her key and got out the ring for me and I held it gently as Nick and Kevin were by my sides and we all looked at the ring.

“Now this one is definitely screaming Casey,” I said.

“I’ll take it,” I told her.

“Excellent,” she said with a smile.

“I’ll go ring it up for you and get you a box to put it in,” she said and walked away, taking the ring with her.

“Casey’s going to love it,” Nick said.

“Yea she will,” Kevin agreed and I smiled at the thought of her seeing it.


By the time we finished, it was 2:30 and we all walked out of the place. “I feel great,” I said. “Your skin is shining,” Colleen cooed. “I feel like it is and so is yours,” I said. “Hey, lets get something to eat, I know the perfect place,” I said.

Then we got back to the car and I gave directions to Lorelei and we pulled up in front of Luke’s. Joe, Kevin, Nick and I did our best to always keep in touch with Luke. “Lukes'?" Lor asked.

“Yes, Luke’s a good friend of ours,” Denise said and we all walked out of the car and walked in and we all saw Nick, Joe and Kevin sitting at the counter, talking to Luke.

“Hey boys,” I said as we walked closer and all of their attention snapped toward me.

“Hey,” Joe said and kissed my cheek.

“Luke this is my birth mother, Lorelei, Lorelei, this is our friend, Luke,” I introduced.

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, shaking his hand.

“We’ll go grab a table,” Denise said and she walked away with Lorelei and then we all smirked at Luke.

“What?" he asked.

“You like her mommy,” Joe joked.

“What? I do not,” he said.

“You sure? Cause she’s not married,” I sang.

“I do not like your mom,” he said.

“Okay whatever…oh let me serve to people,” I said excitedly.

“Promise you wont yell at them”

“Only if they deserve it," I said and eh just looked at me.

“Okay go put on an apron” he said.

“Yes!" I cheered and jumped over the counter.

“Not over the…ugh”! he yelled in frustration. I put on an apron and Colleen went to join Denise and Lor as I took their orders and then went around taking other orders as well.

After a while, I went to put my apron back and Joe came up behind me and put his hands on my waist. “Hey babe, whatcha doing after here?" he said.

“Umm nothing that I know of…why?" I asked.

“Well Kevin is going out tonight with Danielle and I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight with Nick and Selena?", he asked. Nick and Selena weren’t going out but we all just liked to hang out together.

“Let me just check with Lorelei,” I said but then she came up to me.

“Hey Casey, I have to go call work and then meet Chris back at the hotel, I’m gonna drive Denise and Colleen home, Colleen said that she has to get home and go out to dinner with her parents you want to head home or are you gonna hang out here” she said.

“I’ll hang here,” I said.
“Okay sweets, we’ll see you later,” she said and hugged me.

Then I waved good bye to Denise as Colleen hugged me and I watched all three of them walk out. “I’m all yours,” I said. “You better be,” he said with a smirk and I smiled and he kissed me.

“Okay I’m going to jog home and get ready for tonight, you wanna come with? Or do you wanna stay and have Kevin and Nick drive you home when they get back from Starbucks?" he asked.

“I’ll wait for them,” I said.

"OkayI’ll see you tonight,” he said and kissed me before running out the door. Then I sat down at the counter, smiling and Luke was just smirking.

“So how are you and Joe doing?" he asked.

“Good…really good,” I said.
After a while of me and Luke talking, I got a text from Joe.

Where something fancy :)

Haha o.k.

Then Kevin and Nick walked in. “Ready?" Kevin asked and I nodded.

“Later Luke,” I said and walked out.

“Here, we got you a drink,” Nick said, handing me a pumpkin spice frappicino.

“Thanks,” I said and took it from him.

Then we got to Kevin’s car, they drove me home and when I walked up to my door, I saw a box sitting there, so I picked it up and saw a note on it. “Casey, wear this tonight, love Joe,” I read aloud.

Then I walked in and opened the box and saw a red dress with high heels and I just rolled my eyes as I started to get ready. I did my hair and put on very little makeup. Then by the time I was ready, it was 5:30 and there was a knock at the door. So I went to answer it and saw Selena in a dress and Nick and Joe were in tuxes.

“Casey!" Selena said and hugged me.

“Hey Sel,” I said.

“You ladies ready?" Nick asked and we nodded.

“Ant I’m going out now!" I called to him.

“Okay Case,” he called back and we all walked out.

“Here Case, you can drive,” Nick said, handing me his keys.

“I can drive your car?" I said excitedly and he nodded.

Then I squealed and got into the drivers seat as Joe got in the passenger seat and Selena and Nick got in the back. Then I started driving it and Joe gave me directions to the place we were going to. Then we pulled up to a really fancy looking, restaurant and then Nick and Joe quickly got out and opened our doors for us and we both looked at each other and then smiled.

“Here you go m’lady,” he said.

“Why thank you, kind sir,” I said as he took my hand.

Then we walked inside the place and were escorted to a booth, Joe and I sat on one side as Nick and Sel sat on the other side. “So what art thou having tonight?" Joe asked me.

“Joe did you ask me out tonight, to come here and dress up to just have a reason to talk like this?" I asked.

“Yea kinda,” he said and I just rolled my eyes.

The date went on and we all just talked, laughed and ate.
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really long
but i didnt know how else to fix it