You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

Lets Go Again!

The next day Lorelei and Chris had to go back to New York, so all of the Jonas came with me and Anthony to bring them there. Hey promised me though that they would see me again when we were going to New York for New Years. The days went by and Joe and I agreed that Amber would stay with me and Anthony but the three of us were always over their house or Nick, Kevin and Joe {mostly Joe} would come over to us and we would hang out every day. I told Colleen about the adoption thing and she had my back on it and was going to support whatever Joe and I agreed on doing and it felt good to have her support. I always made sure Amber felt like at home and she always seemed really happy so it made my life easier. She was always laughing and smiling when she was with me and Joe which made me smile and feel good. Then New Years Eve came and I woke up and ran into Amber’s room, which was the guest room, and I jumped onto the bed next to her and she groaned.

“Hey Amber, get up,” I whispered and she groaned again.

“Why?" she asked.

“I don’t know, I’m bored,” I whispered.

“Go bother Anthony, it’s 8:30 in the morning,” she said.

“You and I both know that’s a horrible idea unless I want a good exercise in the morning,” I said and we both laughed a little.

“I think I liked you better when you were grumpy all the time, at least you slept more,” she said.

“Come on, I’ll call Joe and get him to come over, before we head to New York,” I sang.

“Okay okay,” she said and sat up.

Then we ran downstairs and I turned on the radio so we started to dance around and minutes later, Joe came through the door. “Hey,” he sang.

“Joe!" Amber exclaimed and ran to him.

“My two favorite girls,” he said as he picked Amber up.

“We better be,” she said and Joe and I laughed.

“So what do you wanna do?" he asked.

“Are Nick and Kevin still asleep?" she asked and he nodded.

“Oh no,” I said.

“Lets go,” Joe said and they both ran out of the door and I followed.

We ran into Joe’s house and raced upstairs, not waking anyone. So then we went into Kevins room first and put some whip cream on him and then we went into Nick’s room and drew on his face but then Joe stumbled and Nick woke up.

“What the…” he said and saw his reflection in his clock.

“Joe!" he yelled.

“Hey it wasn’t only me,” he complained and Nick chased us out of the room but then Kevin came out too and chased after us but then Nick and Kevin stopped, looked at each other and started laughing hysterically.
Hours went by and I helped Amber pack since we would be staying in a hotel for the night and then we all got on a plane and took off as Amber and Frankie sat in two seats side by side and Joe and I sat in two seats, two rows away from the two of them and Nick and Kevin sat in two seats that were in front of us but were facing our direction and the adults sat a little further back. I clenched onto the seats arm rest, because my fear of heights activated but then Joe grabbed my hand and I calmed down a little.

“So do you guys know what you’re going to do yet?" Kevin asked as him and Nick looked at us and I looked at Joe as he looked at me before I looked back at Nick and Kevin.

“Umm no, we’re not exactly sure…we might leaning toward saying yes…we agree to the whole thing about not giving her to some other family we don’t know…but I’m still against the whole adoption thing all together,” I explained and they gave us sincere looks.

“If it helps…we think that you both would be great parents for Amber…you both already act like it anyway,” Nick said and I smiled lightly as Joe smiled at me.

“Thanks,” I said and kept looking down. But then I just looked out the window, enjoying the scenery of the clouds and I started thinking.
Soon enough we got to the hotel in New York and Joe, Kevin, Nick and I were sharing a room as Amber and Frankie were sharing with Denise and Paul and Anthony got his own room. As soon as we walked into our room, the boys walked into the bathroom I collapsed onto the bed and got a text from Colleen.

Omg haha I just heard that they had to hire like three times as much security just because of u guys

I know, I heard tht too, haha, b/c of all the crazy fans that will be there, we need all the security we can get

Got tht right

"Casey, I’m going to Starbucks real quick, you want anything?" Kevin asked.

“Yes please,” I said.

“Okay,” he said with a laugh and walked out.

Then I saw Joe come out of the bathroom as the shower turned on and he smirked at me. “Guess what?" he asked.


“Kevin’s at Starbucks and Nick’s in the shower,” he said.

Then he ran toward me and jumped on top of me but his had his arms supporting himself on the bed, so he wasn’t completely crushing me, and he kissed me. Then he put his hand on my neck and kept kissing me as I kissed back. After a while, when he pulled away for us to breath, he put his forehead against mine.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too,” I whispered.

Then I heard the shower turn off so I pushed Joe of the bed and he fell onto the floor. Then Nick walked out of the shower with jeans on and he walked over to his suitcase to grab a shirt and I grabbed some clothes and darted for the bathroom, locked the door and started to take my shower. When I finished, I put on my jeans and my light blue, long sleeved shirt that stuck to my arms so it showed my curves. Then I brushed my hair, blow dried it and put it I a high pony tail with my bangs falling directly above my eye brows because I curled the bottom.

“Casey I have to get in there too,” Joe sang.

“Okay okay I’m done,” I said with a smile as I opened the door. He kissed me real quick before going in the bathroom.

Then Nick and I both laid down on the bed side by side as we just watched some t.v. and Kevin came back and handed me my drink. “Thanks Kev,” I said.

After a while, Joe finally came out and looked at me and Nick as I placed my empty cup on the night stand. “Okay Nick get up,” he said.

“Why? You cant just kick someone out of their space, that’s rude,” I joked as I laughed a little.

“Yea what she said,” Nick agreed.

“Okay fine,” he said.

Then he came over and jumped on me and laid down on me so his back was on me.

“Ugh Joe you’re crushing me,” I said. “You wanna lay next to your brother? Awe that’s so sweet, don’t let me stop you,” I grunted and pushed him toward Nick as I slipped out from under him and him and Nick fell off the bed and Kevin and I started laughing.
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By No Name Writer
