You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

The Rescue Part 2

Then Casey did something to his wrist, and she twisted it so he was in pain and she grabbed the gun from him and back pedaled a few steps as she had the gun pointed at him. The cops were all about to move in on him but then they were ordered to stop.

“He has another one!” a voice yelled. Leo smirked at Nicole in a way I didn’t like. “Everyone stand your ground!” another voice shouted.

“Go ahead Casey…take a shot at me…I deserve it,” he said to her. She wont do it. I know she wont…but right now I really wish she would. It was silent…

“No” I heard her say in almost a whisper as her hand dropped. “What a shame,” was all he said before he pulled out another gun…and it all happened so fast…if you blinked you would’ve missed it.

The shot sounding… the millions of voices screaming…gasping…crying out…a second shot sounding…then another…and one more…Casey falling to the ground… “Casey!” Amber’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“No,” I whispered. “No!” I yelled as I ran past Amber and over to Casey.

I slid as I fell to my knees as she laid there. My hand was covered in her blood as I had it on her stomach. “Cole, are you alright?!” I asked with urgency. She barely opened her eyes when she looked at me.

“It hurts, Joe,” she whispered with a raspy voice.

“I know…but don’t worry, we’re going to get you to a hospital and you’ll be good as new…” she started shaking her head. “Don’t start with me Nicole, you will get helped and then we’ll go about life, forgetting any of this happened,” I sobbed as I held her hand tightly.

She smiled and I know she wanted to laugh…but as soon as she tried, it hurt her so tears ran out of her eyes. “I love you Joe…don’t forget that…alright?” she asked.

“Don’t talk like that!” I snapped. “But I love you too,” I said with a more gentle tone.

“Kiss me” she whispered and I did so, without complaining, not caring who was there. But soon, the paramedics were by our side and so I crawled backward, letting them have space to get her out of here. They put her on a stretcher and I followed them into the ambulance.

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We were so close…we were out of the hole, running toward Nick and Kevin and I started to feel a little more relaxed…that was when I was pulled back by my hair and Leo wrapped his arm around my neck, keeping me close as he held the gun to my head. Amber and Joe immediately spun around.

“One more step and I pull the trigger,” Leo threatened in a way that told all of us, he wasn’t playing games. Joe kept Amber behind him. She shouldn’t be here.

“Did you really think it was that easy? Just like it happens in all the movies? New flash pop star, this is real life,” Leo said with venom in his voice.

“Please…just let her go…we’ll give you what you want…no one has to get hurt,” Joe said, choosing his words carefully.

“No you cant…do you know why I did this? Because my wife left me, my daughter hates me and I was jealous…I saw the way you two acted together…teenage love…oh how I wish I could get that back…but I cant…I cant even keep my regular marriage going and you’re both teenagers keeping this up…it’s not fair,” Leo ranted and I felt the gun shove against my skull harder and it hurt so much that I let a small whimper escape my lips from under my breath.

“Leo Shepard! Drop your gun!” an echo yelled. Out of no where…these cop cars arrived. “Casey!” multiple voices yelled. I saw everyone…everyone I loved…everyone I cared for…I saw their expressions as they watched a man keep me at gun point.

“No one has to get hurt Leo,” the cops voice continued. “It doesn’t have to be like this…she’s only 18...think about your own daughter…what do you think you would do if she was in this position…”

“But she isn’t! So it’s different!”

“It’s not different Leo…she’s still a young girl…please…just let her go…”

“I cant…” he sobbed. “I cant!” he yelled…and at that moment…I knew I had to act on something…otherwise I would’ve been killed on the spot.

So I did something, that Alex taught me once from one of his tea-kwon-do classes. I hit a pressure point his wrist, causing him to twist in pain and I grabbed his gun as I backed up quickly, holding the gun pointed at him. I tried to focus on everything but it was so hard. My body was shaking.

“He has another one!” a voice yelled.

“Everyone stand your ground!” another voice shouted.

“Go ahead Casey…take a shot at me…I deserve it,” he said.

I cant shoot him…and he knows I wont. Even if he’s willing to kill me…doesn’t mean I’m willing to do the same to him…I just cant. “No,” I said aloud…even though it was more to myself…and I dropped my arms to my side.

“What a shame,” was all he said before he pulled out another gun…and it all happened in slow motion.

The sound of the trigger being pulled…the sound of the bullet zipping through the air…the pain shooting through my nerves…I looked down slowly as I saw my stomach was bleeding…I fell to the ground. I heard multiple other sounds but they weren’t clear…everything was fuzzy and muffled. I started seeing colors…but the one thing that stood out the most…was Joe. He was at my side right away…but I shut my eyes…I could barely keep them open.

“Case, are you alright?!” he asked in a panic.

It was hard to re-open them…but I wanted to…I needed to see his face. I needed to tell him I loved him…I needed to tell him everything will be okay…

“It hurts, Joe,” I said in a scratchy voice. So much for that.

“I know…but don’t worry, we’re going to get you to a hospital and you’ll be good as new…” I started shaking her head.

He was wrong. I couldn’t make it through this. They wouldn’t make it in time.

“Don’t start with me Nicole, you will get helped and then we’ll go about life, forgetting any of this happened,” he sobbed.

I felt a little pressure on my hand but I couldn’t feel it completely…I figured it was his hand. I smiled and tried to laugh…but couldn’t…it hurt too much…so instead I cried. Tears went out of the corners of my eyes and down my head.

“I love you Joe…don’t forget that…alright?” I asked.

I don’t know what will happen…but I needed him to know this. “Don’t talk like that!” he snapped at me. “But I love you too,” he added with love in his voice.

“Kiss me,” I asked and he did…that was the only thing I felt…his lips on mine…before I passed
Joe’s POV

We got to the hospital and I was holding her hand the whole time while they raced her in on the rolling bed…until we got to the ER and a nurse stopped me. I watched as the doctors brought her through the swinging doors and they vanished…so I walked back to the waiting room. There, waiting, was everyone that was at the site. But now, Danielle, Maya, Coach K…Demi, Selena, Miley and Taylor were there too. Out of all the people in the room…it was silent. I didn’t talk to them…to any of them…all I could think about, was Casey. I walked outside and sat on the curb…I noticed I was shaking a little…but I didn’t care. Amber came out a few minutes later with a blanket and she covered both of us with it as she sat next to me. I pulled her close and cried into her shoulder silently as she cried into my chest. I comforted her…she comforted me. We needed Casey. We needed her to be okay.
Third Person

As everyone I the waiting room {and outside} prayed silently for their injured teen, she was in there, using life support because the bullet came dangerously close to her lung. The doctors didn’t know if they could fix it or not…the bullet was stuck in there pretty tight. They didn’t know if Casey was going to survive…if she was going to be able to marry Joe…be mother to Amber…or continue to live out her dream. They didn’t want to have to tell all her loved ones that either. But eventually…someone would have to break the news to all of them…including the one whos heart was breaking each minute he was away from her…and when that moment came…well who knows what would happen?
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i think next chapter is last one!
comments please :)
