You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?


The next morning I woke up at 5:00 and got dressed. Then I ran across to the Jonas’ and threw some pebbles at Joe’s window and he finally opened it. “Hey Loser, come jogging with me, before school!” I yelled up in a whisper and he smiled.

“Okay wait there,” he said and I nodded.

Then I walked to the front and sat down on the porch. After a few minutes, he came out and I stood up. “Ready?" I asked and he nodded. Then we both started to jog and just talk randomly.

A few days went by and I was just hanging around with the guys, Amber and Frankie. I would do my best to avoid Jen and her group of friends and I was actually doing pretty well. Joe and I were becoming closer and I of coarse still had feelings for him but now they were just getting stronger. Then it got to October 28th {a Wednesday} and I was really tired and annoyed at everything…but it was probably because I was working. I saw a woman come in with two sons so I walked over to them.

“Hi can I take your order?” I asked with a lifeless tone.

“Yes to start off can I get a cup of room temperature iced water,” the woman asked and I tried so hard not to laugh.

“Umm maam you cant get room temperature iced water, it’s kind of impossible, it would be cold because of the ice, it makes no sense and it defies some laws of science, it’s an oxy moron,” I said with a smirk.

“Whatever happened to the customer is always right?" she asked.

“Whatever happened to common sense,” I said.

“Ugh well I never,” she said.

“Yea you never got your high school diploma obviously,” I said.

“Is something wrong?" Luke asked.

“Yes your waitress is being rude to me,” she said.

“What? I am not,” I argued.

“Okay I’ll send over another waiter, I’m sorry miss,” Luke said as he grabbed onto my arms and pulled me to the counter.

“Luke, she wanted room temperature iced water, how do you have that”? I whined and he laughed a little.

“Hmm maybe her wig is on too tight” he mumbled as he was writing down an order and I laughed.

“Are you serious?" I asked as I looked back at the woman. “You’re right,” I gasped. “Maybe I…” I started to say.

“Casey don’t,” he said reading my mind.“Awe but…” I started to say.

“No, because then she’ll want you fired, and I’ll have to fire you and you still want this job right?" he asked.

“No but I need to,” I pouted. “The only good part of this job is having you for a boss and being able to sing,” I said as I pouted again. “Maybe if her hair just accidentally…” I started to say.

“No,” he said.

"Okay what if I can get her hair to come off without me doing it,” I said.

“Then I’ll give you five bucks,” he said and I laughed.

Then I looked up and saw Joe come in. “Joe,” I squealed.

Then I quickly said and rushed over to Joe. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and burried my face into his chest as he put his hands on my back. “Mmmm take me away,” I mumbled.

“Hard day”? he asked and I nodded. “Wanna go get some coffee and talk about it?" he asked.

“I’d love to,” I said as I looked up at him.

“Casey,” Luke said in a warning tone.

“I’m talking to Joe,” I said.

“You’re supposed to be working,” he reminded me but he was smirking.

“Then I’m talking with a customer,” I said and he just shook his head. “My shift ends in ten minutes, can you hang around until then?" I asked. “Please,” I added.

“Okay,” he said.

“Yay,” I said and hugged him. Then he walked over to the counter and I had a smile plastered on my face. Then I started to go around taking orders.

Joes POV

Once Casey let go of me, I walked over to Luke and sat at the counter and I kept watching her. “You know, whenever you’re here and she’s working, she cant stop smiling” he said, never looking up at me.

“I really like her…I love her but I don’t know if she’s ready for a relationship yet,” I said.
“I’m hoping to tell her soon,” I said.

Then I kept watching as she bent down to a little boys level and was smiling as she talked to him. Once she finished taking the little boys order, Luke held up a microphone as he motioned Casey over to us ad her eyes lit up.

“Really?" she asked as she got to us and Luke nodded. “Yes!" she cheered.

Then she quickly took off her apron, put it on the counter, grabbed the mic and ran to the other side of the diner and stood up on a small platform. Then music began to play.

“Having her sing here is the only way I can keep her here,” Luke said and I couldn’t take my eyes off of Casey.


Luke said I could sing so I got excited and ran to the platform thingy and ‘Beautiful’ by Christina Aguilera came on and I started singing.

Everyday is so wonderful
Then suddenly
It's hard to breathe
Now and then I get insecure
From all the pain
I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful
In every single way
Yes words can't bring me down
Ohh no
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends you're delirious
You're so consumed
In all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone
Left the puzzle undone
That's the way it is

You are beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
Ohh no
You are beautiful
In every single way
Yes words can't bring you down
Ohh no
So don't you bring me down today

Then I finished and everyone was clapping for me. Then I looked at my watch. “Yes!" I cheered and ran to Luke. I gave him the mic and turned around to look at the woman and then I whispered into Joe’s ear and he started laughing and he nodded. Then he casually walked over to get behind the woman and “accidentally” bumped into her and her hair fell off.

"I'm so sorry maim," Joe apologized.

“You’re bald!?" one of the boys asked, and it got everyone's attention.

“Five bucks please,” I said and Luke handed me five bucks. “Thank you, see ya later Luke,” I said, grabbed Joe’s hand and we ran out of there.

Then as we got to a Starbucks, we were laughing and I put my hair up in a hat and put on sunglasses as he did the same {minus tucking his hair into the hat} so we wouldn’t get recognized. Then we ordered and sat down at a table with two seats so we were facing each other. Then I started to tell him about school and how Jen was being annoying and she kept bugging me about this party and she wouldn’t shut up until I said I would go with her. Then I told him about the weird lady who wanted the room temperature iced water and he started laughing. After a while, we finished drinking and left.

“Come on, I want to show you something,” he said as he took my hand and started running so I was doing my best to keep up.

Eventually he led me back to our development and he led me down to the cul-de-sac and we went onto the curb and started to run on the grass and we ran into the woods as we started walking. It was really pretty how the sun hit the trees perfectly.

“Wow Joe, this is amazing,” I said. Then we just kept walking and talking. Then as he was looking at me, he accidentally bumped into a tree and fell down. “Joe are you okay?" I asked with a laugh as I bent down to him.

“Yea, the stick broke my fall,” he moaned as he pulled out a stick from under him.

“Come on,” I said with a sigh and helped him up.

“Lets go clean you up,” I said as I put one of his arms around my neck and I took my other hand and wrapped it around his waist.

Then we started to walk back as he limped. When we got back to his house I cleaned up his cuts as Nick and Kevin were laughing at him.
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