You Have My Heart Are You Happy Now?

Dont Let Her Go

It finally got to October 30th and I didn’t really want to go to the party but Jen wont stop nagging me. I was watching Amber until 6:30 and then going over to the Jonas’ and when six came, her parents came home.

“Please can I go to the party with you?" Amber asked as we walked downstairs to her parents.

“Amber, this party is going to be different than the last one, I don’t even want to go but Jen wouldn’t stop annoying me until I said yes and the guys aren't going, it‘s just some kids from my school and there is no way I‘m letting you come with me if they‘re going to be there,” I said and I straightened my posture.

“Party tonight Nicole?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

“Yea,” I sighed.

“Please be careful,” she added.

“Don’t worry, I don’t drink or anything like that, I’m just going for the music and because my friend wanted me too,” I said.

“Okay we’ll see you later then,” she said as she gave me thirty dollars.

It’s been ranging between twenty and forty but I don’t complain. “Be good and tomorrow I’ll tell you all about the party” I said to Amber and she nodded.

Then I left and walked over to the Jonas’ and they all came outside and we all just sat on the porch. Then Jen showed up in front of us with her Mercedes and a few of her friends in the car.

“Hey bitch, you ready?" she asked.

“Yea one sec,” I said. Then I sighed as I faced the guys. “I’ll talk to you guys later…if not later then tomorrow,” I said and hugged all of them.

“Where’s the party?" Joe asked.

“Maybe ten minutes away,” I said.

“Can you call me…us when you get home so we know you’re safe,” he asked.

“Okay I promise,” I said.

“At least try to have fun,” Kevin said.

“Okay I’ll try but I don’t know if I’ll succeed,” I said.

Then I walked over to Jens car and her friends, jumped over the door and got into the back and Jen started driving. “So who were the cuties?" Jen asked.

“Just a few friends,” I replied.

“It looked like you and the one with straight hair were close,” she mentioned.

“No we’re just friends,” I said.

Then we got to the party and it was 7:30 and it was a big house. The music was blasting inside and there were probably 80 people. The whole night, I was staying clear of the drinks because all of them seemed to have alcohol in them. Jen pulled me to the dancing area a few times and I started to dance with her and her friends and a few guys. I was having a little fun but I really just wanted to go home.

Joes POV

It’s been about two hours since Casey left and I couldn't seem to sit still. I was really restless and I was waiting for Nicole to call. To me the clock was going much slower than usual. It eventually got to 11:00 and I still hadn’t got the call I was expecting, everyone had fallen asleep but I was walking around the living room, not being able to shut my eyes. Before I knew it, it was 12:30 and I went outside and sat on the porch, hoping she would show up. Ten minutes went by and I started to wonder if she had already showed up at her house and just didn’t call…or if something happened.

Then I saw a dark shadow heading toward my direction and I stood up to see what it was. When it got closer, I saw it was Casey and she came closer as I rushed off the porch and I noticed she was drenched.

“Casey, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked as we were facing each other on the same side walk, in front of my house.

“I was starting to get worried, I was starting to wonder if you ran away or something,” I joked.

“You waited up?" she asked.

“Well yea, I wanted to make sure you were okay,” I said. “What happened, why were you walking?" I asked.

“They were all drinking and I guess I miscalculated the distance, I left about a half hour ago…it was a long night,” she replied.

“I would’ve came to get you,” I said.

“I thought you were sleeping” she said with a smile and pushed her bangs to the side.

“You wanna go inside?" I asked.

“No I wanna sit right here with you,” she said and sat down on the sidewalk so then I sat down too.

Then she started to tell me about how they were drinking and a fight was started and somehow the punch bowl landed on her head and that’s why she’s drenched and that she smells like alcohol. After a lot of talking, I got her inside and I led her up to my room and she went into my bathroom, once I gave her a shirt and a pair of pajama pants and she started to take a shower. Then I walked out of my room and Nick and Kevin came out too.

“Who’s taking a shower?" Kevin asked.

“Casey, she got back from the party about a half hour ago and she had alcohol all over her because of a fight, so I let her shower here because she said she didn’t want to go home to an empty house, Anthony went into town for the night to do business stuff,” I explained.

Then we heard the shower turn off and waited a few minutes and then I knocked. “Casey can we come in?" I whispered.

“Yea,” she replied. So then we all walked in. “Hey guys,” she said.

Her hair looked straggly and it looked perfect on her. “Hey umm do you think your parents would mind if I stayed the night, I really don’t want to go back to an empty house, it kind of scares me,” she said.

“Umm yea I don’t think mom and dad would mind, they really like you anyway,” Kevin said.

“Thanks,” she said with a laugh.

“We also have a concert tomorrow during the day, do you wanna come?" Nick asked.

“Umm sure, yea I’ll come,” she said.

“Okay guys, I have to talk to Casey about something,” I said, trying to make them leave and they did...after I pushed them out and shut the door

“What’d you wanna talk to me about?" she asked with a laugh.

“Nothing…just wanted them to leave,” I said and she just smiled.

“Do I still smell like alcohol?" she asked as she held out some of her hair and I smelled it. It smelt amazing.

“No…you smell beautiful,” I said and I saw she blushed.

“Joe…I…” she started to say but I cut her off.

“Casey I love you,” I blurted out and then I saw she was a little taken back by it but so was I. “Oh umm I’m sorry, it…it just slipped…” I started to babble but then she stopped me as she put a finger to my lips.

“I love you too,” she whispered.

Then she put her finger down and I pulled her into me and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed back. We were like that for a while but then we both laid down on my bed as she was leaning on my chest with my arms around her. I never wanted to let her go.
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