2+1-1=Perfect Match

School Starts

I spent my summer studying for my new school and hanging out with Michael who was turning out to be a great guy. It was probably the best summer I had had in quite a while. As much as I hated to leave Roseville, I knew it would feel good to get a new change of scenery, and, as horrible as it sounds, to be missed by someone other than my parents.
A week before school started, I packed and moved into my dorm. Michael came along and I swear he almost cried. Isn’t it great to have a guy friend that’s okay with showing his emotions?
After many goodbyes and tears from my mom (and Michael) I walked up the stairs and into my second story dorm room alone to await the arrival of my new roomie.
As I waited, I unpacked my belongings, mostly books and clothes. I was just starting to unpack my pictures of my family, pets, friends, etc., when I heard the door open. I turned around and saw short girl with long blonde hair wearing a mini skirt and a neon orange t-shirt and a huge smile.
She looked at me uttered a little screech and ran over and hugged me! I can’t say I wasn’t freaked out, nor can I say that I hugged her back. She let go and said her name was Seri and that she was so excited to have me for a roommate.
I introduced myself and shook hands with her. She immediately started talking about how excited she was about being here and what classes she was taking and how she had met a lot of the girls here and how they were all so nice and a lot of other things I didn’t catch. She was definably the type that was always happy and excited, but she also seemed extremely nice and smart, extremely smart.
I learned that by her picking up my chemistry book and then started talking about what would happen if you mixed gold and steel. She seemed to think that if you did you could make gold stronger so that you could make it last longer. I liked her right away.
The week passed quickly and before I was ready the first day come. I woke up and got dressed into the required uniform, a white button down shirt, with blue slacks, black dress shoes, and a blue jacket. You could wear a knee-length pleated skirt instead but I opted for pants.
I found out Seri was not a morning person. She grumbled and complained all morning until we arrived at the school cafeteria. She immediately cheered up and wasted no time getting in line for an omelet. I settled for waffles with blueberry syrup and some fresh fruit. I scanned the cafeteria and heard Seri yell my name.
I turned towards her and saw her motioning me to come and sit with her and some other girls. Nervously I walked over thinking that it was better than sitting alone. I sat down next to Seri and she introduced me to everyone, and then started back on their conversation on what force was the strongest. I was surprised to find myself throwing in my own opinion.
After breakfast we headed to our classes and first I had advanced physics. I found Mr. Freedman to be a fun teacher who was willing to listen to our opinions and seemed to have an open mind. Thank God for good teachers!
My second period teacher was a B*tch. She taught Chemistry and immediately told me when I asked a question that I had a lot to learn and when I defended myself, she
told me that if I ever backed talked her again she would said me to the Principle’s office.
Third period was a new teacher who was obviously not in control of the class. She was having a ton of problems. It was hilarious!
Everyone else was either boring or just an average teacher, but all my teachers had one thing in common, they were all brilliant!
I walked down the hallway towards my dorm room. My eyes were trained on the floor, a habit from my old school, so I didn’t see Seri come up behind me and put her arms around my shoulders. I looked at her and she immediately started talking about how there was a poker tournament going on right now and she steered me into the dorm lounge.
What she said was true. There was indeed a poker tournament. As this hand ended a couple people left and others joined. I took the last available seat to everyone’s surprise. Apparently I already had a reputation as a complete geek. Got to love high school.
It was Texas Hold’em the best poker version. I got off to a good start by having a three of a kind and raised the bet. The next card came out. It didn’t help me. As th cards kept coming the bets got higher and higher yet I stayed in. When the last card came out I knew it was as good as mine. I threw in twenty bucks. Everyone looked shocked since the highest it had gone up to was ten. Almost everyone folded but one girl raised me ten more, I raised again. Finally it was done.
I flipped my cards over and everyone saw my straight flush. Unless that girl had a royal it was mine. She looked panicked and flipped her cards over. She was bluffing, she only had a three of a kind!
I gathered my winnings and walked away. Half of playing the game is knowing when to quit. When you win over a hundred bucks, it’s that time. Shocked faces were all that followed me, and Seri.
I walked into the dorm room and felt that this was going to be great year. The days passed quickly after that first day. I made friend, I kept in touch with Michael who had a new boyfriend, I got honor roll, and soon it was time for the Christmas dance.
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Second chapter also edited and hopefully a bit better.