2+1-1=Perfect Match

The Dance

I had already decided not to go to the dance. An all boys’ school was coming over for the dance and I think I was the only one not excited. The day of the dance we didn’t have classes. It was a good thing too; most of the girls were spending all day getting ready for it and it seemed like Seri had invited half the dorm to our room to get ready. This didn’t go well with my idea of hiding in my room trying to get away from the dance.
Seri of course wouldn’t leave me alone. “Just come to the dance!”
“Seri! NO!” I yelled over the girls’ chatter and music that was blasting.
“N-O! NO!”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m a reject who will spend the entire evening sitting in a corner alone.”
She smirked. “I’ll make sure you aren’t. You’re going to be the star tonight.”
I frowned even more, “That’s not possible.”
She smirked again. “Watch.”
She dragged me off my bed and into a chair. She went to her closet and pulled out a short blue silk dress. “Put this on!” She demanded.
“Here?” I was appalled. There were at least ten other girls in the room.
“Duh! Don’t worry no one’s paying any attention to anyone beside themselves.”
It certainly seemed that way. I changed quickly. The dress felt a little tight but looked good. “Dang girl!”
“What?” I said. “Does my ass look big or something?”
“I didn’t know you cussed.”
“On rare occasion. So what’s wrong?” I looked in the mirror.
“You have a bigger bust than I thought.”
I blushed and muttered, “I’m a C cup. What’d you expect?”
“No WAY!” I blushed deeper.
She sat me down in a chair and said that if I moved she’d kill me. I didn’t doubt her.
Seri grabbed her drawer of make up and some hair things and started to brush my hair. She pulled it back into a simple ponytail and then clipped it to the back of my head. She then started on the make up.
She started my rubbing powder blue eye shadow, then a light pink blush to give a bit of color on my normally pale cheeks, some pink lip gloss on my lips finished off with a clear lip gloss on top of that. “For extra shine,” she explained.
I looked in the mirror and realized that I looked pretty good, okay, I admit it; I looked AMAZING!
“Girl, you look so damn sexy!” Seri said looking me up and down critically.
I giggled and blushed.
After we cleared out the girls in our room and Seri got dressed in a lavender bareback halter-top that complimented her skin and a white mini skirt. We left the room surprisingly on time and arm in arm we entered the gym, where the dance was being held.
Even though it was early, the dance was already in full swing. Seri and I walked over to the snack table to talk to some of the other girls. They of course were giggling at boys.
One in particular seemed to catch their eye. He was medium height, black hair, seemed somewhat muscular. Very attractive.
I looked away to say something to Seri and suddenly there was some kind of commotion. I looked up to see the guy walking towards us. He surprised all of us I think by walking up to me (!!!) and held out his hand. “Wanna dance?”
I was speechless, so I just nodded and to his hand.
He led me on to the dance floor just as a new song was starting, Miracle by Cascada, one of my favorite songs. I found he was an excellent dancer and we were immediately the center of attention and it felt really good for everyone to be watching me for once.
After the song ended he asked to buy me a snack at the dessert stand that was raising money for the Breast Cancer Foundation in the cafeteria. I agreed. “What do you want?” He asked looking at the array of desserts. How cute was he?
“I’ll just take some cookies,” I said.
“I think those are the first words you’ve said to me.” He smiled. “And you have a beautiful voice.”
I blushed and muttered thanks.
As we got our food he said, “What? Did I embarrass you or something? You didn’t strike me as the type that would get embarrassed easily.”
“No, it’s just no one has ever said that to me…” I said looking in his eyes; I saw they were a kindly green.
He paid for my food, against my protests, and we sat at a table. “So what’s your name cutie?” He asked me taking a bite of his cake. “Or I can just call you cutie, it doesn’t bother me too much.”
I laughed. “Sophia White. And you are? Or should I just call you Sweetie?”
He looked surprised, “Sweetie? Hmmm…. I kinda like it. Can’t you just call me that?”
I laughed again. “I don’t think so. So what’s your name?”
“Jeremy, Jeremy Troth.”
“Nice to meet you.” We shook hands. After eating we headed back in the gym and danced some more. We talked and I couldn’t believe how smart and funny he was. He seemed perfect.
As the dance ended we traded email addresses and phone numbers. I walked with him out to the bus that was taking him and the other guys back to school. Just as we were saying goodbye he grabbed my hand and kissed me! Me! Geek girl extraordinaire! He gave me my first kiss!
I wasn’t sure if I responded or not. I must have because he pulled back smiling and said goodbye again. I felt myself smile and returned the farewell.
I walked back to the dorm room and felt myself get tackled by a body with a stunningly blonde hair. Got to love roommates.
"What was he like? What’s his name? Do you like him? Are you in love?” “Wonderful. Jeremy. Yes. And no.”
“Awesome! Nice! YAY! And aww shucks.” We have a habit of answering things as we say them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Edited a bit