2+1-1=Perfect Match

Going home

One evening about a month after this happened I got a call from my mom. “Hey Mom! How’s it going?”
“Very good dear, but I just got the cell phone bill.”
“And? Did I go over my minutes?” I didn’t think that was even possible but Jeremy and I talked several times a day.
“No, but I was wondering who you were talking to on an average of three times a day. And you texted this person almost seven thousand times on top of your conversations with Michael and everyone else.”
“Umm….” I hadn’t told her about Jeremy. “A friend of mine. His name’s Jeremy.”
Mom instantly sounded interested, “A boyfriend?”
“Um…Yes.” I squeaked. I knew this routine before she was about to go yell it to dad or call him and tell him as soon as we hung up.
“What’s he like?” She asked.
“I spent the next hour describing everything about Jeremy. From what he looked like to his grades to what his favorite foods were. What surprised me was I didn’t mind her asking and I knew the answers to all her questions. We hung up and she told me she was calling dad. Big surprise.
“O-M-G!” Seri said looking up from her homework and out the window.
“What?” I asked. I hoped Ashley’s stalkers weren’t back; they always came in the night so I doubted they were here this early. Recently she called the cops on them and they had been banned from the campus, but what did stalkers care about boundaries?
“Jeremy!” She shrieked.
“What about him?” I was confused.
“He’s right out side our window!” She exclaimed bouncing up and down. What drugs was she on? Jeremy couldn’t be outside our window. So I didn’t say anything as I went to the window and see what poor man she was confusing for Jeremy.
I opened the window and poked out my head. “Hey Beautiful!” I heard a voice said.
I looked down knowing exactly who said it. “What are you doing here, crazy?” I asked.
“I got lonely and wanted to see you.”
I blushed. “I’m sure you have a better reason than that.” I hissed. As glad as I was to see him I didn’t feel like getting detention.
“I want to tell you something. Can I come in?”
“I don’t think I have much of a choice.” I replied. “Meet me by the side door.” I saw him nod in the darkness.
“What happened?” Seri demanded.
“He’s coming up.” I said.
I didn’t stick around for her stunned look. I grabbed my robe since I was in a tank top and short shorts and ran down the corridor and stairs.
I opened the door and felt a rush of cold air greet me. Jeremy slipped in and kissed me in greeting. I smiled at him the lecture for him I was preparing leaving my mind.
“Hi Cutie!” he said.
“Hi Baby.” I said hugging him tightly and then remembering that we were in the middle of my dorm where I’m positive boys weren’t allowed.
I let go of him and motioned for him to follow me. Luckily it seemed like most of the girls were in the Lounge or already in their rooms. I led him round the corner to the corridor my room was on and saw Ashley looking at me.
I giggled and put my finger to my lips. She laughed and walked right back into her dorm room. I knew she wouldn’t say anything. “Smooth Sophie.” I nodded and led him into our dorm room. I was grateful Seri had picked up some of the dirty clothes and books that had been thrown around the room.
I shut the door behind him and locked it; a lot of our friends didn’t know the meaning of knocking.
He looked around before sitting in my chair and greeting Seri. He already knew her; we had hung out in town a couple times together on the weekends. “So what’s this great news?” I asked sitting down on my bed close to him. “Well… I know you’re leaving for Roseville after this year so you can graduate from there.” I nodded. It was a subject I hated because I knew I’d have to leave Jeremy and all my friends here.
He smiled. “What would you say if I came with?”
“What!” I shrieked leaping up and facing him. Seri just looked stunned. “Are you serious?”
He grinned broader. “Dad got transferred to Juncture and I convinced him to move to Roseville!” (Juncture was the state capitol. It was named after the railroad station that used to be in the center of the town)
“No Way!” I was so happy!
He nodded and I hugged him tightly. “Come Babe, hard for me to breath.”
I let go of him and looked in his eyes. They sparkled with happiness.
Three weeks later and school was over. I packed the last of my things and sat on my bare bed waiting for mom to call and say that she was here. Seri walked in from saying her goodbyes. I had the day before and had gotten my yearbook signed by everyone, people I knew, and didn’t, alike.
She sat next to me and burst out crying. I couldn’t help it, I did too and we hugged each other crying unceasingly on each other’s shoulders. After what seemed like eternity we stopped and pulled back just looking at each other. I heard a knocking on the door and it opened.
A man looking like Seri walked in. This must be her dad. He looked at us gently. “Are you ready to go Seri?” She nodded and I stood with her. We hugged one last time and she left. We’ll see each other again, of that I was certain.
I grabbed my last box and started walking outside to put it with my other boxes so I could be ready for when my mom arrived. As I walked toward the trees where my boxes were stacked heard someone call my name.
I turned around and saw Jeremy running my way with a taller man and woman following him, I guessed they were his parents. I smiled and motioned that I was going to put the box with the rest of them.
He ran a bit faster as I set the box down. He greeted me then dragged me to meet his parents.
“Pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Troth.” I said shaking their hands after Jeremy had made the introductions.
“And you my dear.” Mr. Troth said. “Perhaps you and your parents could show us around Roseville when we get there is a week or so?”
“We’d be glad to I’m sure.” I said, “But it shouldn’t take long, it’s a very small place.”
“That’ll be a nice change of pace from the busy city of Chicago.” Mrs. Troth said. “Is it a quiet town?”
“Very quiet,” I replied, “But it’s nice and everyone is really friendly.” I replied. Jeremy’s parents were exactly like him and he looked just like his mom.
Jeremy squeezed my hand gently and I smiled at him. But of course every perfect moment in my life has to get ruined. “Sophia! Over here!”
I groaned slightly. My mom never knows when to shut up. I motioned her over and of course Jeremy and I made the usual introductions. We got away by volunteering to load my stuff into the car.
As soon as we were out of earshot I groaned. “What Sophie?” Jeremy asked picking up one of the heavier boxes with ease.
“My mother is so embarrassing.” I said.
“She’s not too bad.” He said.
I looked at him. He shrugged. “Am I the only person that calls you Sophie?”
“Yep.” I said walking towards our car. He followed.
“Do you want me to call you Sophia?”
I shook my head. “I like you calling me Sophie.” He smiled. It didn’t take much to make him happy.
We put our boxes in the trunk and went to get some more.
We finished relatively quickly and just as we were shutting the trunk mom came up and said it was time to go. She walked around the car and got in, at least she knew I wanted some privacy although she could probably see everything through the back window.
“See ya later.” I said reluctantly.
“Yeah.” He said looking into space. I hugged him and gave him a kiss. “I’ll see you in a week or so.” He said.
I nodded and we parted ways. I knew senior year was going to be great.
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Another Chapter