2+1-1=Perfect Match

The End

I walked down the familiar halls remembering all the memories…. most of which weren’t too fond. But now I had Michael on one side and Jeremy on the other holding tightly on to my waist.
We had come early and I was giving him a tour. Michael tagged along because he had to meet his boyfriend here because they needed to “study.”
“And here’s the cafeteria, which concludes our tour.” I said to Jeremy a couple minutes later. We had lost Michael in a classroom a while back. It was probably a good thing too, I could tell he had a crush on Jeremy.
“Good place to end the tour.” Jeremy said. “If we had started here I probably would’ve gotten hungry and then you wouldn’t have my full concentration.” I laughed and kissed him. He kissed back eagerly but the football players who had just come in from their early morning football practice interrupted us.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” One said stepping forward. It was Brandon! I though he had graduated…Apparently he had gotten held back. That didn’t surprise me.
“Looks like a beautiful girl kissing a geek if you ask me.” One of the guys said. They all laughed.
Jeremy blushed.
I glared at them and tugged on Jeremy’s arm. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” We turned to go.
“Come on Babe, don’t be like that.” I heard Brandon say behind me. “Why don’t you ditch the loser and come hang out with me?”
How dare he! I turned around and walked up to him and in front of all the jocks and Jeremy I slapped him across the face as hard as I could, which must have been pretty hard. He fell to the ground more from shock than pain I’m sure.
“Remember? I’m not pretty enough for you.” I said to him and walked back to my stunned back to my shocked boyfriend.
“Sophia.” I turned. Brandon hadn’t moved from the floor but all eyes were on him. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” I replied. “You’re only sorry because I’m here now. You weren’t sorry when it happened or even a couple weeks after it happened. I don’t want your apology now.”
“Ouch. Way harsh.” Michael always knows when not to show up.
I rolled my eyes and walked off. I didn’t want to take anymore of this. “What was that all about?” Jeremy asked. “You have some sort of issue with that guy?”
“Used to like him, asked him out, got rejected because I wasn’t ‘pretty’ enough.”
“I think you’re beautiful.” He put his arm around my waist.
We walked down the hall in silence. I don’t think either of us had a destination in mind. The bell rang and we headed to the gym for the first day ceremony where we got any information we would need, like what teachers had first lunch. J
We sat down next to each other and his hand intertwined with mine. I was glad he wasn’t mad about this morning; I would have died if he had been. I leaned on his shoulder as the principal, Mr. Twanier, spoke.
“Because we have a larger than average number of students joining us from elsewhere this year we’re going to have them come down and introduce them.”
My head snapped up and I looked at Jeremy, he was just as bewildered as I was. “This is fantastic,” I whispered. “I always wanted to be in front of all the people that hated me and make a fool out of myself.”
“Everyone in this school hates you?” Jeremy asked.
“Yeah, I was the super genius in the school that was a total Bitch.” I replied.
“What?” I hissed.
“I was debating whether I could actually see you being a bitch.”
“Didn’t this morning clear that up for you?”
“Basically.” He chuckled.
I laughed and we heard the principal say that the new students were to come down now. Jeremy groaned and motioned that he wasn’t going down. Was this guy actually shy?
I grabbed his hand tighter and headed down the stairs dragging him with me. “What happened to staying out seats?” He complained.
“I just said I didn’t want to go down, not that I wouldn’t.” He groaned again but actually started moving his legs, which helped me out a ton. We walked onto the gym floor and I heard Michael, who was sitting on in the front row say, “Her name’s Sophia White. And She has a boyfriend.”
“That’s Sophia White?”
“No way!”
“The one that went to boarding school last year?”
I turned and Michael winked at me. I smiled and grabbed onto Jeremy’s arm. He smiled down at me, just as Mr. Twanier introduced us. I felt at peace for the first time since I entered this school three years ago.
That was until I entered the school the next day….
“What the Hell is going on here?!” I shrieked as I saw Michael making out with none other than Brandon!!
They broke apart and looked at me. Brandon looked guilty, Michael just looked casual….a little too casual….
“Hey Sophia!” Michael said breaking the silence. “What up?”
“You’re making out with the guy that rejected me for my looks and you’re the one asking what’s up? What’s wrong with you?” I yelled. I felt so confused and betrayed.
“Oh. Well…” Michael said rubbing the back of his neck. “I can explain that.”
“Then do so before I rip your obese head off!”
“Always were one for being subtle Sophia. Anyway. Brandon came to me this morning and was asking how I he could get you to forgive him…”
“Looks like that plan was going really well.” I remarked bitterly.
“No… It wasn’t like that…. We just…” Michael said then looked at Brandon for help.
“He’s right.” Brandon said. “Don’t blame him. I kissed Michael not the other way around and that defiantly wasn’t my intention when I asked him to meet me here. Leave him alone. He didn’t do anything wrong.”
I felt anger rush through me. “What right do you have to kiss MY best friend?” I yelled.
He chuckled. “You’re too smart. I don’t think anyone could win a fight against you nor are you ever satisfied.”
“Not when it comes to you Bastard.” I spat at him.
For the first time he actually looked angry. “What do you know Bitch? Since when do you have a claim on who I can and can not kiss? You are an immature little girl who knows nothing! If you were actually happy with that guy my rejecting you two years ago wouldn’t matter to you!”
I started to make a remark but I knew he was right. Bastard. I sank to my knees. Never in my life had I felt so humiliated. I stared at the floor trying to will away the tears that were coming.
I heard Michael mutter something to Brandon and Brandon walk away. Michael came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face into his shoulder and cried. I just sat there crying my heart out.
When I was done I vowed that I would get over Brandon. He wasn’t worth my time and I had Jeremy who cared about me for me. And had never rejected me because of my looks.
After that day I kept my vow. Brandon and Michael started dating which to say the least is very awkward and very disturbing and was the scandal of the school for months. Jeremy and I never broke up and I surprised myself by actually becoming friends with Brandon and he had actually gotten really nice. (Michael said it happened after he got held back. Go figure!) And I got my happy ever after.
Okay so me and Jeremy are in a fight, Michael’s constantly with Brandon so I hardly get to see him, Mom keeps telling me to stop pouting over my fight with Jeremy, Dad is close to getting fired, and my brother is coming to live with us because of his debts and he lost his house. Other than that though my life is perfect. Really.
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This is the end.....Dun Dun Dun.....I'm so bored right now it isn't even funny....