Laughing on the Outside



A ray of light flooded in.

Sabrina looked around but she was still trying to obtain her vision.
Then she realized she was a hospital.

Frightened, she tried to get up so she could leave. But a sharp pain in her side made her slump down in to the bed. She began to shake all over her body and she couldn’t stop.

Just then a nurse came in.

“Someone get a Doctor! She‘s having a fit!”

Sabrina’s shacking became more violent with each passing second. Nurses were rushing in and reinforced her to the bed. She tried to break free from the restraints but that only made things worse.

With each secondary blink, she blacked in and out.

What's happening!

Tears streamed down her face. She turned her head towards the door, hoping that by some chance someone would see what was happening and help her.

Suddenly, Sabrina felt a sharp prick in her arm.

She looked down and saw the Doctor injecting yellow fluid in her right arm. She watched as the liquid slowly disappeared in the clear tub.

Once all gone, the Doctor removed the needle from her and patched her arm up.

Her shacking seemed to disappear but the shot made her feel groggy.

The Nurses un-strapped her, then left the room to reassure the other patients that everything was alright. The Doctor retrieved the blanket and tucked her under the snowy white sheets.

He placed his left hand gently on her head and brushed away her bangs with his thumb.

The Doctor smiled a kind smile to Sabrina but she didn’t see.

The shot was taking its full course and was playing tricks on her mind.

Once again, her vision was failing her but the blur of the Doctor seemed different.

The light reflecting from his glasses made the appearance of sharp glowing eyes and his smile widened. Teeth formed into a monstrous shape.

But all the while his figure and everything else in the room became pitch black.

The only thing that survived her blackout was the Doctors toothy grin and prying eyes that seemed to watch her.

Then finally came a voice that was neither or calming.

"Don't worry, We'll take care of you."
♠ ♠ ♠
If you do like this story and wish for me to extend the series please message me at my yahoo account or message me on mibba. Hell, I would be greatful if one of you made me a banner for this story!!!

Thanks for your support!!