No Need to Retreat

Chapter 6

Kyle's P.O.V

Kath says that Payton went on a last minute spa trip, but she's not foolin me. I know something's wrong. I'm not stupid. And I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Neither one of them are going to school, and that is totally unusual. I mean, they don't exactly have spotless attendance records, but they don't miss this much school. I am confronting Kath. Tomorrow.

Kathy's P.O.V

oK, My men and I have been searching fpr a week now. There are 2 houses left. I decide to make Payton and mine's secret greeting. It is a cross between a squirell and a robin. If she replies, we will know where she is.

Payton's P.O.V

I hear Kath making our secret greeting. I have to decide whether or not to reply. I do. Five minutes later, the door to the shed wrenches open, and there is Kath, a look of pure releif on her face. Kath, It's a trap! I yell, but too late. My kidnapper, who I now know is Viktor Turnsill, has grabbed her, and kicked me onto my back.

Viktor's P.O.V

Grabbing Kathy was easy. Getting her to the house was the hard part. She fought like a wild gorrilla who wanted it's babies back. I knew what that was like from experiance. But eventually, I got her inside. The sight of it made her scream.

Kathy's P.O.V

As Viktor dragged me into the house, I could not help but scream. What I saw was Three wild tigers, that had obviously been starved. I did NOT want to get in that cage.

Payton's P.O.V

Kicking me on my back was the wrong thing to do. The rope binding me snagged on an old saw and broke. As soon as I heard Kath scream,I ran to her rescue.