When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted

Alexa Luna, is a strong, intelligent, goodhearted werewolf . But when she witnesses her parents murdered in front of her by a werewolf hunter and when a second hunter burns the symbol of the clan in to her skin her strong willed self starts to disappear with everyday passes. And when she moves to New york to live with her aunt she hopes that will all change. Moving is for fresh starts. Right?

Description : Blue, Green almond shape eyes. Long wavy raven black hair. 5'9. 17 years old. Werewolf.

Kane Daring, is a strong, handsom and ironically daring young man that is part of a long line of hunters that hunt one specific mythical creature........ werewolves. But one day when he and his brother Kayle travel to Venice to kill Kayle's first Lycanthrope they come across a family of werewolves and as Kayle kills the mother and father of the family Kane marks the girl with the clan crest. Will the decision to spare her life come back to haunt him?

Description : Hazel eyes with a tint of emerald. Short wavy brown hair. 6'3. 18 years old. Lycan hunter.

Kayle Daring, is a strong willed young man that will do anything to prove to his parents that he is just as good as his older brother. When he kills two Lycanthrope with his bare hands he thinks he has proved that fact but when his brothers feelings may just cost him his life will he risk everything to save it? Or will he stoop low enough to kill his brother in the process of pleasing his father.

Description : Grey, Blue eyes. Short straight blond hair. 6'1. 17 years old. Lycan hunter.

This is what happens when the Hunter becomes the hunted.