Destroyed by Your Lack of Sympathy

The Royal Bitch Goes to Work


I lit a smoke as I picked up my paper, shoving it into the jet black suitcase I've been carrying for work. My bright red lipstick let a ring on the cig, and I smiled slightly as I grabbed my coffee and keys, rushing out of the door. I muttered as I stepped into the jet black Honda Civic, "Another day, another damn headache."

I sipped my coffee and shivered, cursing the heat for not working. I throttled the ignition and backed out of the driveway, cursing the traffic in Manhattan. A daily ritual to first curse out my heating and then curse out Manhattan. God, I love the city. Note the sarcasm.

After about an hour I finally found a parking lot space at the FUSE studios. Yeah, I work at FUSE. And some of my articles go into Fangoria, hence the 275 word report. It was for Fangoria's front-page mention, 'Inside FUSE.' Yep, I'm a fucking godend, aren't I? I ooze sarcasm. Sweet.

I walked into FUSE to see Steven and Sabrina chatting, coffee in their hands. "Sup, Sabs? Steven?"

"Nuttin, Black Mariah."

I rolled my eyes. They've taken to calling me Black Mariah. How... Sweet. Once again, sarcasm is love. "Ambs! Jack wants to meet with you, says it's important!"

I turned to Sabrina and nodded. "Thanks."

Jack wants me. The boss. Oh, rapture. Once again, sarcasm.