Don't Blame Me for Being Me

Don't Blame Me For Being Me

Chapter 39
Last night, I knew what to say But you weren't there to hear it (yeah, i find it possible to catch someone else, but it changes nothing for me)
Though we didn’t find any flower, the next day was lucky anyways. We arrived to another place. Boys went away at once for settling their equipment and making sound check ‘cause the show scheduled to be at the afternoon. In the same time Dasha and me found out that there was Avenged Sevenfold, our new friends, along with other bands at the show. We sank into thoughts about entertaining program with them (at least with M.Shadows and Synyster) for that evening. I recalled Synyster’s look in the shower (see previous chps) and I’ve grown to wanna spend that evening with him. So Dasha and me decided to find them and asked about their plans for the evening. We were seeking for a long time and could find only Synyster. We saw him and at first were afraid a lil’ to come up to him. But we had to.
“Hey”, Dasha greeted him. “we wanna find your bandmate M.Shadows”.
“Can you help us?” I asked keeping an eye on a beautiful him.
“I saw him…somewhere…here. I can search for you. Are you hurrying?” he replied.
“No, but we wanna ask you and him about something”, I said.
“well, no problem. I’ll be in minute. Wait here”, he replied and disappeared in a crowd.
“awesome man”, I sighed looking at him going away.
Dasha nodded smiling.
After few minutes Synyster returned with M.Shadows.
“What a meeting! What a fucking meeting, my beautiful!” M.Shadows expressed his elation after seeing his “beautiful” Dasha and Ira.
We greeted him back and he grabbed us in a strong embrace.
“how’s your life?” he asked us.
“not bad. Have food and drink, roof and bed. It’s cool here”, Dasha replied.
“have no complains. You’ll have a gig tonight?” I asked smiling.
“sure. Enormously cool gig. Am I right, Syn?” M.Shadows replied.
“of course”, Syn answered shyly.
“when you’ll go ahead?” Dasha asked.
“next morning. We wanna rest and sleep. we’ll do it in the bus”, M.Shadows explained.
“you can rest in an active way”, Dasha said.
“how is it?” M.Shadows asked us and Synyster just looked up under his forehead inquiring.
“we mean walking, hanging, talking, using beer, breathing a fresh air. Kinda open-air”, Dasha explained.
“who’s else suggested? You hang with Fall Out Boy? what they think about such open-air?” M.Shadows asked us.
“we’re just gathering bigger company. We’re calling you, for example”, I said looking at Synyster.
“ah, it’s not so interesting. We hoped to be competitive with Pete and Joe”, M.Shadows sighed.
We laughed as if we were promising them “something”. Something interesting.
“no, guys, come to us tonight. It’ll be funny”, Dasha said.
“play your gig and come to our bus”, I added.
“do we need to bring smth with yourselves?” he asked.
“drinks. and yourselves”, I replied.
Well, we made them agree. When Dasha and me were gonna walk away, I looked into dark brown eyes of Synyster and asked him with a hope in my voice.
“Synyster, will you come?”
“he just has nothing to do with it, just to come”, M.Shadows smirked.
“yeah, I’ll come. Why not?” Synyster answered me.
So Dasha and me being happy returned to our bus.
When the show began, Dasha and me went there to watch for some time. Fall Out Boy was earlier than Avenged Sevenfold. That’s why we had the time to let know them beforehand of coming of Syn and M.Shadows. Boys wasn’t be much glad of it. Patrick went to his bunk to have a sleep. Andy began reading some book. Only Pete and Joe being principal and not wanting to stay us with our guests were trying to look fresh. We helped them with it by letting a drink. Behind a window there were sounds of guitar’s solo from Synyster, screams of M.Shadows and other signs of the work of that honorable band. I was praising Synyster and his guitar and talking about him only good things. Trohman was mumbling “I can play guitar too” at each my compliment. And I was again “But Synyster…”.
Well, they eventually came. They greeted guys. We all came out of the bus and settled ourselves on a grass. We began sipping beer and talking. I sat down next to Synyster and we had an interesting conversation. Beside this, M.Shadows was talking funny and exciting stories. Trohman looked sad and was blowing into his bottle and smoking much. There were all signs of depression and bad mood on his face. We were that way for some time and then time to have some action came. Dasha and me suggested one game we played in childhood. Its rules are simple. There is a leader (let’s call it so) who thinks of a color. The core is to pass the leader and to be happened on the other side of him. So he says the color and those of players who wear that color at their clothes can pass the leader without worrying. Those who don’t have that color must be sneaky and fast running by the leader. The leader must catch those who don’t have a necessary color. Dasha and me explained these rules to guys. Everybody agreed to play. Even Andy. We all played scissors, rock and paper to know who will be the leader. First leader was M.Shadows. The rest of us stood in front of him, of his back (leader must be turned away not to see our colors). Dasha and me looked around at guys and understood we could lose in this game if we didn’t make one condition.
“dudes, one moment. Your body art is out of the game”, I said.
“what do you mean?” they asked.
“we count only colors at clothes, not at tattoos”, Dasha explained.
“your tattoos have colors for all cases in life. It’ll be not interesting to play”, I said.
So we began playing. M.Shadows choose red color and turned to us. We all began watching ourselves around looking anything red. I remembered I had red socks. Dasha had a red shirt. We passed M.Shadows showing our spots with red with a proud. Trohman used our walking. I guess he didn’t have any red thing. He almost rushed into us but he was happened to be at the other side ‘cause Dasha and me prevented M.Shadows to catch Trohman but we didn’t wish it. The were already Pete, Syn and Joe, it’s for sure at the other side. Only Andy was trying to get there. He tried to act with mischief but was caught. He became the leader. Dasha and me trembled inside ‘cause this man is incorruptible, has strong arms and knows maaany colors. Andy said a gold color. Boys hadn’t problems with that, just showed their gold chains or whatever. Dasha and me were looking for smth gold for a long time. There was no sign of it. then Dasha looked at her fingernails. There were gold stripes which was drawn by her much before. He came up to Andy and had a long explanation that color on fingernails can count too. As a result she passed him by. I didn’t. I tried to run, but it’s a dead duck for us playing with Andy. I became the leader. I choose a pink color. Dasha walked by being jolly (of course she had pink on her). Andy had some pink flower on his shorts. I had to let him pass. Pete run by himself. I wanted to catch Synyster or Trohman either. M.Shadows showed his cap. May be it had a pink, I didn’t look and just gestured to him to go by keeping watching the rest of boys. To my misfortune they began running in one time. I didn’t uncover whom I wanted to catch and began rushing about two sides. Well, they both run by and I caught nobody. Trohman was laughing at me for a long time mocking at me and imitating how funny I looked being uncertain in my choice and running to different sides. I was the leader for second time. Trohman, you’re fool! I studied your clothes and knew what color you didn’t have. And I said that color. It was brown one. I specially let other pass me by and was watching only Trohman. He understood he hadn’t that color and decided just to run. Boys behind me were cheering him with yells “left way, Joe!”, “faster, dude!” or kinda it. I run towards him but was late a little and could catch not Trohman but his hoodie. But I grabbed it strongly, so Trohman didn’t have a chance.
“let me go, idiot! You’ll tear my clothes!” Trohman groaned still trying to run.
I pulled him to a place for the leader.
“you loose, Trohman”, I said and we came to others.
“it’s unfair”, Joe said.
“a life is so unfair thing, baby”, I replied smiling.
Everybody laughed at weak Joe’s attempts to protest against the result. He became eventually the leader and tried to make revenge to me. But surprisingly he caught Synyster. Synyster choose a blue color and there were not so many people with it at clothes. I had a chance to show Syn my breast ‘cause the only blue thing I had was my bra. It was very interesting situation, after which Synyster and looked at each other with more interest.
Well, we played for a half of an hour else, then we drank a little, calmed ourselves down and talked, of course. And after it Syn and M.Shadows decided to return to their bus. As the softer sex I walked to see them off a little. We just made some steps away when only M.Shadows said me bye and went away. I looked inquiring at Synyster.
“he wants to sleep”, Synyster replied to my look.
“you don’t?” I asked smiling.
“as much as you”, he pulled me closer to himself.
How fucking long I didn’t feel a man around me? how fucking long I wasn’t in strong man’s arms? Answer? Yeah, fucking long.
The kisses were…They were, it’s fact. And the sex was. I can’t explain how we found a place there but it was pretty convenient and we were pretty horny to look for smth else.
Well, I returned to my bus not so soon as I could plan. I straightly went to my bunk and fell asleep being content the first time for a month, may be. Synyster, you’re just a man!