
Chapter 1

Hi. My name is Kylie Smith. I am only 15 years old and I got to High School. I am very lucky to have got a main part in a new TV Series called Shameless. I play the “rich snob” who is a freshman at the high school and who is the best dancer in her class and everyone labels her without really getting to know her. But today is the 1st day where we read our lines and meet everyone and find out what’s in store for us.

“Kylie let’s go! You’re going to be late.” My mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“I’m coming!” I yelled back as I grabbed my phone, iPod and my purse and ran down the stairs. I was wearing

When we got to the studio and I pretty much ran inside. The director was standing by the door greeting everyone who walked in. When he saw me he left the door and started to show me around. He showed me my dressing room, the different stages, and then he took me to the meeting room. Everyone else in the cast was sitting there waiting. He introduced me and then left. He said he would be back soon so we could start. I sat in a random seat not knowing who I was sitting next to. The tall black haired boy nest to me turned in his chair and looked at me. It was Joe Jonas himself.

“Hi I’m Joe. You’re Kylie right?” he asked holding out his hand for me to shake.

“Yeah, that would be me.” I said smiling shaking his hand.

“How old are you?” he took a hard look at me trying to figure it out himself.

“I’m 15 years old.”

“Really!? Only 15. You look like you are 19.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should.” He said with a smile playing on his lips. “So what part do you have anyway?”

“I play Elizabeth Gray, you?”

“I play Jason Turner, your love interest.”


“Yup. Funny huh?”


“Alright so here’s what’s going down today.” Our director Bobby said walking back into the room sitting in his chair at the head of the table. “We are going to read today’s lines then we will start to shoot the very 1st episode. Yes we do move thing fast around here. This is how we will do thing on this show. There will always be camera’s around taking pictures or filming you but just remember to have fun while doing this and make the best of it.”

So we got right to it and started reading. Right as we finished reading our lines Bobby sent all of us to hair and make-up. I walked into my dressing room to find our choreographer waiting for me. I’ve been working with him for about a year now for this show. I never ever took dance classes in my life. So for this show I had to learn fast. My winging it couldn’t get me through this show. So the choreographer for the show taught me everything I know now and he has become a close friend of mine since we were with each other every day for a year. Steven was in my dressing room simply to see how thing are going so far. I told them they were going great and who my leading man was and Steven laughed then went back to rehearsal with the extras.

We were working backwards today. So we started filming the scene where I walk out of the dance room and as I’m walking out of the school I pass the music room and hear this wonderful voice so I tell my friends I’ll meet up with them later and go in to see who is in there. So I came walking out of my dressing room in this…

I walked onto the stage and saw Joe wearing…

Bobby told Joe to start from the song and told me to just stand in the door way of the class and watch Joe. So Joe started to play his guitar and sing. Then it was my turn.

“That was really beautiful.” I said walking more into the class.

“Thank you. Why do you look like that?” Joe looked at me almost as if he was discussed but he had a chuckle in his voice.

“Dance practice.”

“Oh right. You’re the freshman right?”

“What’s that suppose to mean?”

“Nothing, I just meant that you’re the freshman who can dance her butt off.”

“At least you didn’t say what everyone else says.” I said sitting in one of the chair at the top of the stairs in the classroom.

“Well I don’t judge people I don’t know. I like to get to know them first.”

“Well maybe you will get to know me and maybe not.” We both sat there looking at each other. Both of us had a small smile playing on our lips.

“Bella…” I hear my one friend call from the hall way.

“Well it looks like I have to go. See you around Hot Shot.” I said as I got us from the chair grabbing my bag and leaving.

“CUT!” Bobby yelled getting up out of his chair. “Perfect. That was so good I don’t even need to see other takes. You two are just so comfortable on camera together.” Joe and I looked at each other no realizing. “Go get ready for the other scenes.”

The rest of the day was crazy. Everything I did while we were shooting though was perfect, so say Bobby. He told me that I never had to do a re-take and that I should never practice my lines or anything and just wing it cause I was doing really good. I guess that a good thing.

“Hey Kylie…” Joe said as he run up behind me as I was getting ready to leave. I turned to face him. “Want to go hang out?”

“Sure, let me just tell my mom not to come get me…or worry.” I said laughing as I took out my phone to call my mother. Man I hate being 15.

When I got off the phone with my mom Joe and I got into his car and headed to his house to hang out.

(Joe’s POV)

Kylie is a really cool girl. She is an amazing dancer, singer, and actress. I’m so glad to be working with her in this show, although I do miss working with my brothers. We have started to do separate thing but we always come back together for our music. This show is definitely something different from what I’m used to. I think Kylie and Nick would really like each other. I knew from the second she sat next to me. My brother has been kind of down since him and Miley Broke up…again. I thought I would call him and ask him if he wanted to meet her first.

“Hey Bro.”

“Hey Nick.”

“What’s up?”

“Just got done on set, thinking about inviting my costar over to hang out because I think you might like her.”

“Who is she?” he said almost laughing because he is getting nervous.

“Kylie Smith, the next big thing. She can sing, dance, and act all with her eyes close. Not kidding little brother. I really think you will like her.”

“Al right, fine I’ll give it a try. I guess it is time to get back out there.”

“There you go.” I said laughing. “We’ll be there soon.”

“Kay, bye.”

“Goodbye.” I sang as I hung up the phone. Then I went to go find Kylie.

“Hey Kylie…” I said as I run up behind her as she was getting ready to leave. She turned to face me. “Want to go hang out?”

“Sure, let me just tell my mom not to come get me…or worry.” she said laughing as she took out her phone to call my mother.

When she got off the phone we into my car and headed to the house to hang out.
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Hope you like it =]