So Cliché

Chapter `Trois - Alex Follow Kelsey.

I've been roaming around
I was looking down at all I see
painting faces, building places I
can't reach you know that I could
use sombody you know that I could
use somebody someone like you
- Kings Of Leon

It was currently three in the morning in Maryland and everyone in the house, except me was asleep. I wasn't tired at all and I knew early in the morning it was gonna be a busy morning for the guys and I.

I got up from my bed and went into the living room, hoping not to wake up anybody and turned on the TV while putting my Macbook laptopn in my lap starting it. I was roaming around chanels until I stopped into MTV where a clip of me and Zack singing "Weightless" our current single, I smiled and stopped at the chanel.

I looked down at my laptop screen and clicked the internet, as it was set up I logged into my Twitter acount and the first thing that caught my attention was Zack's tweet to someone with the username KelsYouDork.

Being a curious guy I looked at it.

zackalltimelow @KelsYouDork your not anwsering your phone so I'm assuming your asleep since it's probaby 11 there? so i'll just twitter to reach you since you've become addicted to this haha i landed safely (: ill talk to you soon promise.

I smiled, Zacky boy in a relationship? I thought and clicked on the link to her account. Once it fully loaded, my mouth nearly dropped when I saw her profile icon, I pressed it to enlarged it and couldn't believe someone could be that gorgeous.

I wondered if her hair was naturually like that, I went back to her account and pressed the follow button. I smiled when it said you are now following KelsYourDork. I looked at her account and found out that her name was Kelsey Nicole Gallagher she lived in Hungtington with Zack,she travels a lot and likes to go to the beach a lot.She also has 300 followers and only 15 that she follows. I went back home and saw a current update from her and I read it.

KelsYouDork midnight in the OC the moons reflecting on the ocean is beautiful <3 nights like these makes me happy that I made a right discion choosing to live near the sea come enjoy this with me [=

I smirked and pressed the arrow to reply to her statues.

AlexAllTimeLow @KelsYouDork I'd trade anything to be you right now =D

I pressed update and hoped she replied back, I looked back at the TV screen and saw Is She Really Going Out With Him was coming up next, that show is really cool those guys really are douches girl's shouldn't be treated like the way those guys ares but I shouldn't be saying that I'm sometimes like those guys. My attention was back on my computer screen as I pressed home again and saw she replied back.

KelsYouDork @AlexAllTimeLow I know I'm too awesome (: but yeah the veiw is pretty sick right now

I laughed, who says sick lately? I shrugged it off and replied back.

AlexAllTimeLow @KelsYouDork are you trying to get me even more jelouse?! ;O

I pressed the Home button again and saw she updated a TwitPic. I pressed the link and saw it was a picture of the moon reflecting on the ocean I scrolled down and read the caption.

my view of the ocean on my balcony<3 @AlexAllTimeLow how is that little green monster of yoursr? (;

I laughed and typed in a comment about it.

You are torturing me women! ;D

I pressed the leave comment button and went back home to see she updated on her statues.

KelsYouDork @AlexAllTimeLow funny rockstar wanting to be normal shocking =D pssst. I'm following you too.

I laughed and shoock my head, reminding myself I had to be quiet so I wouldn't wake up anybody else.

AlexAllTimeLow @KelsYouDork not cool ;P I'm normal just with a cool job wich probably pwns yours.

I pressed update again and saw she had a new update.

KelsYouDork time fly's when your talking to Mr.Gaskarth [: stayed longer then I intended to but its time to sleep yawn @AlexAllTimeLow I'm guessing it's probaly dunno almost 4 over there? doesn't mr.rockstar have a busy day today? tsk tsk tsk you're gonna need all the caffine you need g'night <3

I laughed and updated again, twitter was the new myspace for sure but twitter was even better.

AlexAllTimeLow it's 10 minutes to 4 @KelsYouDork is right boo you suck (: how much caffine do i need to not pass out on the day of lack of sleep? hmm i wonder night.

I updated and went back to her account once more and was surprised to see she had one new update, I laughed she's weird but I shouldn't be saying that I'm pretty out of there too.

@AlexAllTime probably 100 or maybe more (: nightynight<3 seriously Zachery is right I'm getting addicted to this haha

I went back to Home and updated my last tweet before trying to go back to sleep.

AlexAllTimeLow @KelsYouDork ha ha your funny =D this will be a great friendship. I'm out seriously don't wanna pass out on a busy day like today will be

I yawned and stretched out my arms before logging off of my Twitter and putting my laptop on the couch before getting up and going back in my bed.

Who would have thought I would actually enjoy having a tweet convo with someone I barely knew and acting like I knew her all my life? She was a really cool girl and the fact she was really pretty completed it. I wondered why I've never met her since she's friend with Zack and I am also.
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Probably the next chapter will still be in Alex's POV, but i dunno
rate & comment please <3

btw this is her profile icon -