Why Nickie Died

Jeff Thomas

"COME ON! MOVE IT!", Jeff shouted out his car window.

Jeff was, literally, impatient for the traffic light in front of him to turn green. He bent his head over to the steering wheel and groaned impatiently.

Something suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

"Hello?", he said, his tone frustrated.
"Where are you?! The mother has been waiting for an hour over here!", Leah said.
"Yeah, I know. Um, I'm stuck in traffic. Can you tell her to wait a little longer? Tell her it's very, very important.", he insisited.
"Ok. Just hurry up. I have no idea why, but she's so jumpy in her seat right now."
"Don't let her die, okay? Just...give her a glass of water or something.", he insisted.

He hung up.

Thanks to the sun and the suit, he was sweating like a pig. He wiped his forehead and loosened his tie to cool down. Jeff has been working for the New Jersey Police Department for three years now, fulfilling his childhood dream everyday. Not for now, maybe. Today, he was supposed to start working on a report about this teenager named Nickie who died a few weeks ago.

"Finally!", Jeff exclaimed to himself as he stomped on the pedal as soon as the traffic light turned green.

He drove past stores and sidewalks so fast, it seemed impossible that police cars didn't chase his mini cooper.

He found himself running from his car and into his office as soon as he parked his car.

"Jeff! Finally! Come on, the mother's as impatient as you are.", Leah greeted Jeff.
"'kay, let's start talking to her, shall we?"
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I can't help it! I need to write this story! lol. So, um, yeah. Oh, and by the way, I'm listening to We the Kings while writing this chapter :) just so you know. comment my story so you'll rock :)
