Why Nickie Died

Nichole Jenkins

"Expectation is the root of all heartache."
-William Shakespeare


Nickie cannot answer the question.

"Ms. Jenkins?", Ms. Brown repeated for the second time.
"Uhm, uh..." She stuttered. "Uh..."

The bell suddenly rang.

Saved by the bell. How cliche, Nickie thought. With a sigh, she grabbed her books from her desk, put it in her backpack, and started walking out the door.

"Ms. Jenkins?", Ms. Brown called from her desk.

Nickie turned to her direction. Ms. Brown signaled her to come.

"It's Nickie.", she interrupted.
"Okay. Nickie, are you aware of your grades?"
"Well," Ms. Brown fumbled in her desk. "It seems that you are failing two subjects. If you do, well, you might not be able to continue to your junior year."

Ms. Brown nodded.

"Well, can't I get some extra credits? I need to pass...please!" Nickie can't even think about the possibilities.
"It seems that the only way to pass is for you to pass these subjects on your finals."
"What are those?", Nickie can feel the creases buried on her forehead.
"Math and Science"
"Okay. I will, Ms. Brown. You'll see.", Nickie headed for the door.

Books suddenly fell out of the locker as soon as Nickie opened it.

"Loser.", she heard someone mutter.

She just ignored the guy behind her andstarted to arrange her books again. As soon as she was done, she hurried outside.

"NICKIE!", her dad shouted from his car.
"I'm coming!", she shouted back as she ran her way towards the car.

She smelled beer as soon as she sat on the passenger seat.

"Dad, have you been drinking again?!" She grabbed the bottle that he was about to drink.
"Why do you care?", Mr. Jenkins answered, his tone angry and lazy.
"Because you are my dad! Ugh!" Nickie tried to hide her tears.
"How many times have we talked about this?"
"Don't touch me!", Nickie exclaimed. "And since when have we ever talked about this? You spend all your stupid money on drinking that you don't even care about me anymore!'
"Now, now. Just because your mom and I--'
"Don't you talk mom into this. She has nothing to do with this! In fact, my life would even be better if I lived with her!"
"Then why don't you?!"
"She's in another country with another family! What am I supposed to do, dad?! I hate you, and I can't stand you anymore!"

Nickie couldn't take it. She just walked away from the car and walked home inspite of the sheeting rain.
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Another chapter!
Fact: I kept on typing "ickie" instead of "Nickie". Makes me laugh everytime I do. lol

thank you.