Why Nickie Died

New Jersey

"But men are men; the best sometimes forget."
-William Shakespeare

Nickie folded her black umbrella into place as she walked in the door.

She sat down on the empty couch.

It was a Friday. She's unlike any other teenager that goes out to party and meet their dates. Not just because she doesn't have any "close" friends, but she also didn't have enough money. Mr. Jenkins got fired from his job last month, and all the money he saved was spent on beer. Her parents divorced when she was six. Not thinking about the consequences, she moved in with her father, never expecting any of this.

With a heavy heart, she got up, and went to the bathroom.


The warm shower Nickie just had was, literally, soothing. It untangled all of her pain and helped her forget her life problems.

As soon as she was finished taking a shower, she sat down in front of her computer. One message from mom.

"Honey, where are you? I haven't been receiving e-mails from you lately. I have some good news. Mom", it said.

Mrs. Jenkins is a busy woman. Eight years ago, she divorced her father. Then she met another man that became her husband. Despite her hectic schedule, she's very loving and caring to Nichole.

"I'm here, mom, don't worry. What's up? Nickie.", she replied.

She then waited for a few minutes while reading a book called, "To Kill A Mockingbird". She had read this book more times than she did with her other books.

After a few more minutes, the computer speakers buzzed: a reply from mom. Getting up from her bed, she placed the book in her shelf and quickly sat down in front of the computer again.

"I'm going to live there in Philadelphia for a month or two, maybe. Company reasons. I'm going to spend some time with you. Mom."

For the first time in weeks, Nickie smiled at this new insight.

"Great. Looking forward to it. I love you.", she replied again.

She sat still on her chair, still smiling. She forgot how much she loved her mom.

Thinking for a few moments, she then added:

"I hate it here. I wanna live with you. Love, Nickie."
♠ ♠ ♠
:( Today's the day that Michael Jackson died.
We love you, MJ!
I listened to MJ songs while writing this chapter.

thank you.