Why Nickie Died

Happy Day

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
-Abraham Lincoln


Nickie slowly brushed her hair in front of the mirror. Knowing that she's alone, she smiled and giggled at herself. She felt happy.

With a huge grin, she went out her room.

"Hey, Nickie!", her mom greeted.
"Hi, mom. Goodmorning.", Nickie replied.
"Looks like somebody is very happy today, huh?", Mom said as she laid a plate of freshly-cooked eggs and bacons in front of Nickie.

Nickie giggled. while her mom stared at her.

"Happy birthday, Nickie. You grow up so fast!"
"Thank you, mom. And, please, don't ever say that again. I'm normal!"

Her mom giggled.

"I don't wanna be late. I have to go, mom."
"What? You're an hour early."
"Yeah, I know. It's for the extra credits."
"I love you so much."
"Bye, mom.", Nickie said as she went out the door and into the sunshine.


Feeling that the day was cut short, she went in the door of her house.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", everybody shouted.
♠ ♠ ♠
the story is nearing to an end!! AHH!! i'm so proud of myself :D
i listened to Colbie Caillat's "Fallin' For You" while writing this chapter. it fits the scenes. :)

thank you so much.