The War Inside

The War Inside

My name is sugar and i just got back from another long day at work. my boss riding me to pick up the pace but i am just so tired. I have not slept in days. Not because i cant. Just because i am scared. Scared of my dreams. See in my dreams my demons come out and torture me. There is just no stopping it.

Not sleeping has took it toll on me. The bags under my blue eyes make me look like i got in a bad fight. My bones just seem stiff and weak.I look a mess i just have not had the streath to fix my brown hair or, even thank about washing my hair.

Now that i am home things seem to get a little better, you see i have meet the love of my life. She is sunshine and she keeps me safe. i know when she gets home, witch is in about three hours from now. all my worrys and cares will go away. she just has that power over me, and that is just one of the many reasons why i love her.

There is nothing to do but, try to relax and watch a little tv before my sunshine gets home. I ease my broken body in to my favorite chair and, just close my eyes for a second while i listen to the weather man talk about how much rain we are going to have.

weather man--- "record rain fall in greenville this week. flood warnings are...."

The weather man trials off in to the distince. I look up to see what happened. the tv had just turned off. was i laying on the remote? I did not hit the power button? Great where did i put that remote? As i got up to look for the remote i heard a knock at the door.

"knock knock"

Sugar--- "who is it? sunshine did you forget your key? your home early?"

there is no anwer. so i open the door and there is noone there. just envolpe on the ground. From the us army.
the letter read as follows.

We need you Sugar. you are being drafted in to the army. we have just attack by an unknown object. you have one hour to pack a bag say your goodbyes and report for duty.

Shit that is short and right to the point. what happened everything was fine an hour ago and how did they get the letters to us so fast? something is up but, i did as the letter said i packed my bag and left a note for sunshine. the note reads.

i'm sorry that i will not be here when you get home. something has come up and i have been drafted into the army. they need me to report asap and that means i will not be able to say goodbye. i will make it home, please wait for me sunshine. i love you.

yours forever,

i layed the tear stain letter on the kitchen table and, left to fight a war that i did not know anything about. that really did not matter. what matters is i don't know if i will ever see sunshine again.

i get on the city bus with alot of other guys in the same boat that i am in. not knowing what happened or, what
started the war. i just do not want to deal with this right now so i lay back and try to rest my eyes.

in the background i hear helicopters and people screaming! with that i jump up trying to figure out what is going on! there i am in full army gear in a heicopter flying along side other helicopters. we are flying over what looks like a battle field of some sort. people getting ripped apart by something i can quite make out! as i look closer for a better look, the guy behind me pushes me out of the helicopter! as i fall i see that i have a parachute!

thinking quickly i pull the string and float to the safty of the ground! will as safe as a battle ground can be! i see fellow paratroopers take off for cover at the ditch and i fallow runing as fast as my legs will take me! as i slide into the ditch, i see the guy in front of me get shot right in the head! not even thinking about it i close my eyes.

i closed my eyes untill the battle screams and gun fire stopped. laying in a mess of dead bodys and blood. everyone probably just thought i was dead but, then again i do not remember this place. i remember sliding into a ditch and i opened my eyes to a wooded area with no sunlight from all the trees. there are dead bodys everywhere. they smell bad and kind of creep me out.

what could do this kind of thing to a fellow living creature? i grab my gun,my bag witch feels so heavy and start walking looking for someone that can help me figure out where i am. looking for someone that is alive in this sea of dead. almost impossible.

i walked for a few hours untill i got far enough from the dead that i could not smell them but, all that did was make me exhausted and thirsty. i reach of my canteen. empty. of course makes as much since as anything else here. i look in my bag all my little pockets trying to see what i had to work with. there was nothing in the bag or bag was completly empty but, it ways so much.

i was to tired to try to figure it out so i made the bag into a pillow and layed under a big old tree. closing my eyes trying to maybe rest them a bit before i keep on walking.

As i closed my eyes i heard something breathing hard. it sounded close by, so close that i could reach out and touch it. i squinted my eyes just to see what was around me. trying not to make any sudden movement. There it was a tall black demon looking creature! i grabed for my gun but, it kicked it away! it looked over with its red eyes and sharp teeth! it lefted its sharp claws as if to make a fatal strike but, right at the moment a bright light! brighter then any star brighter then the sun! it was so bright i had to shield my eyes! as quick as it came it was gone.

Sunshine--- "Sugar, austin wake up! are you ok?"

i opened my eyes and there i was. siting in my favorite chair. with my sunshine standing over me. the weather man still talking in the background. as i looked at my sunshine's brown eyes all i seen was pain and worry. that is when she asked me again.

sunshine--- "sugar are you ok?"

with that i looked her stright in her pretty eyes. i put my hand to her face. took a deep breathe and said.

Sugar--- "i am now"
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ok this is one of my first storys. i am not a story writer but, i like this one and that is why i am puting it on here. please be nice. this story means alot to me.