Status: On hold, unless someone tells me they wanna read :)

I Only Want to Love You

Maxxy boy

I'm just standing here in the airport in Vegas watitng for my cousin to come get me! Oh bob how I've missed him. It's been like four years since I've last seen him. I wonder what he looks like, I mean alot can change in four years. So I'm just sitting her for like ever and I notice someone walk in fast, in tight black skinny jeans, a leather jacket with badges and stuff all over and sun glasses on the top of his head. I'm 100% sure that should be him. He started looking around and looked at me, smiled and just went on looking. I am not gonna waste this opportunity to fuck with him a bit. I fixed my hair and straightend out my clothes and walked up to him, tapping his shoulder.
"Escuse me, I couldn't help but notice, your Max Green right? The bassist from Escape the Fate?"
"Ummm yea" he mummbled and stuck his hands in his pockets and continued to look around.
"OMG I fuckin knew it was you! I fuckin love your band!" I screamed like a fan girl would and jumped on him.
"Whoa!" he said making an awkward face. He was carrying me bridal style now.
"Hello Maxy boy, I've missed you" I laughed and kissed his cheek. He looked at me confused and put me down.
"No, My names Amanda" I put on a straight face and he turned red.
"I'm sorry, I'm waiting for my cousing Ashley, she's the only one that's ever called me that" He looked away into a crowd of people and I burst out laughing.
"Maxwell what the fuck!?! Seriously am I that different? I recodnized you" He looked at me and as I was laughing my ass of. He all of a sudden picked me up and hugged me ever so tightly, I couldn't even breathe.
"Ugh Max, let go I can't breathe" He let go and chuckled.
"Wow you sure have grown, and changed...Hairs long, lip piercing, and tats?! Ashley you told me you hated them"
"Well people change their opinulations..." He laughed
"opinulations? that's a new one"
"shut up and leave me alone"
"Whatever, damn were gonna have a problem with those" he said pointing to my chest. I smacked the side of his head
"Perv" I muttered.
"Seriously Ashley, I live with three other guys that will stare you down like a peice of candy"
"If they do, I'll kick them in the balls" He chucked as he grabbed my bags.
"Come on let's get going, before some fan girl really does see me and tackles me"
"Oh shut up Maxwell, don't flatter yourself"
"Things have changed alot in the past four years babe, in case you didn't pay much attention to my band and stuff"
"Yes, I know all what happend."

We walked out to his car. He threw my stuff in the back and we both got in, and drove off.
"So what's been happening?" I asked in attempt to try and catch up on all I've missed.
"Like what?" he said with a cigarette in between his fingers.
" Well I don't know, we got a new singer, are almost done with are record and are gonna tour really soon" he let out a puff of smoke.
"Craig right? Blessthefall's old vocalist? and what!? touring, what about me? Are you gonna leave me alone after I come and visit?"
"Yes that Craig and calm down! I wasn't planning on leaving you, your coming too"
"Okay, because I was about to kick your ass Maxwell" I pounded my fist in my hand and he laughed at me. He turned on the radio and 'sAINT' by Marilyn Manson flooded the speakers. I yelled because I loved it and he looked at me.
"I see you still haven't stopped loving Manson"
"Fuck no! Are you dying? Did you?"
"Pffft me, not like Manson anymore fuck no I'd be crazy" I laughed at the face he made. We both sang along to the song and soon arived to his house.

He pulled into the drive way and turned off the car.
"Well I've already met all the guys, well I guess the only one to meet now would be Craig"
"Yep" he said as we got out and he grabbed my stuff. He oppened the front door and yelled
"Guys I'm back" As soon as he said that I heard footsteps running and soon saw Bryan heading straight for me.
"Bryan no, no, no!" I screamed as he tackled me to the ground and we landed with a loud thud.
"Ouch" I said and he laughed.
"Hi Ashley! ooo your pretty" I laughed and we both got up from the ground.
"Hi Bryan, It's been way to long!" I hugged him. Max led me to one of the rooms that would be mine temporarily.
"So yea this is your room...You can do whatever you want with it, make it yours" He smiled and hugged me.
"I'm really happy your here Ash."
"Me too" I kissed his cheek and we went back to the living room and soon spotted Robert and his curly hair standing in the distance trying to fix the TV. I smiled and ran for him, and jumped on his back.
"What the-wait a minute...there's only once person I know that's ever called me that...ASHLEY!" he said and I laughed.
"Piggie back ride!" he chuckled and started running around the house with me on his back until he ran into someone in the hall and dropped me on the floor on top of the person.
"Ouch Robbie, nice going" He laughed and went into the kitchen. I rubbed my butt and the person whom I fell on stood up and offered me a hand. I accepted it and got pulled from the ground.
"Hello you must be Craig?"
"Yep that's me, your Ashley right?"
"Yupperz" he laughed and Max yelled
"Ashley someone's here to see you!" I smiled at Craig, damn he was gorgeous, fuckin Max always kills a moment ugh.
"I'll be back" I smiled again and ran for the living room.
"VAL!?" I screamed seeing my best friend from when we were little standing at the door way next to Max.
"Ashley!" we ran and hugged eachother, and fell on the floor.
"Whoa! that's sexy, now kiss" Robert said chuckling.
"You'd like that huh Robert?" I looked at Val and we laughed thinking the same thing. I bent down and kissed her on the lips for a bit. We pulled apart and Robert, Bryan and Craig were standing there with their mouths to the floor and eyes wide open. Me and Val looked at them and burst into hysterics. Max walked in,
"What did you two do?"
"Dude, they just totally made out in front of us" Robert said still not beleiving we did that.
"Oh" was all Max said and sat on the couch while me and Val were still laughing are asses off.
"What do you mean oh? They just made out!"
"That's what they do" He said it like it was a normal thing we'd do. He knows us to well. We got up from the floor and I walked past Robert,
"Awww Robbie, did that turn you on?" I giggled and kissed his cheek. I looked at Craig and Bryan, they both had the same faces on.

Me and Val both walked into my room and as soon as I shut the door we burst out laughing again.
"Oh goodness how I've missed doing shit like that" she said.
"Me too! That was epic, their faces were priceless" We stopped laughing and sat on my bed.
"You need help unpacking or any shit?"
"No, I'm good..I don't think I'll even bother, I'm just gonna end up packing all my shit again"
"Why's that?" she asked me.
"Max and the guys are almost done recording and are gonna go touring"
"You bitch your gonna get to go huh?"
"Yes, I'd kill Max if he left me here, after I dragged my ass all the way here, and don't call me a bitch young lady" she laughed,
"I hate you" she said crossing her arms and pouting.
"Why!?! I didn't do anything"
"Your going with them and leaving me alone...wanna know somthing?"
" I totally think Max is hot"
"Ewwww! you like my cousin?!" She didn't say anything.
"You do don't you?" I asked
"Uh, yeah" Great my best friend likes my favorite cousin, "Is that a bad thing?" she looked at me...
"Nope not at all..just a lil weird is all"

We sat there talking for the longest time until she had to leave.
"Well call me or somthing later" she said,
"Will do, bye love" I hugged her as she walked to her car and drove away. I went to my room and looked for my PJ's. I got changed and then took out my ipod and put it on my ihome and just listened to some more Marilyn Manson, 'This is the new shit' and 'Disposable Teens' and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
yep first chapter...Catherine and Johnny, you bitches better comment and like it lawlz just kidding =P update as soon as I get them comments :D If you wanna know, she was wearing this when she got picked up by Max. This is Ashley's PJ's and slippers. And this is Max's car.