

I got alot to say to you, yeah I got alot to say, I noticed your eyes are always glued to me, keeping them here and it makes no sense at all...

"Kelsey, will you stop squriming? I know you're excited to see Paramore, but take it down a notch, girl!" My best friend of three years, Elise, yelled said sentence into my ear as I zoned out for a few seconds. I turned to look at her. Her blue eyes shone brightly as usual, her dyed and layered cherry-red hair falling delicately beneath her shoulders and her slightly chisled face adorned a sarcastic smile. I saw her roll her eyes.
"Honestly Kel, you are such a Paramore nerd." she laughed, turning back to driving the car. I sat beside her, fidgeting in the leather seat, playing with my fingers. I ten flipped the mirror open to look at myself to see if I still looked okay. As if reading my mind, Elise turned to me again.
"You look fine, Kel. Gorgeous as ever," she replied, knowingly hiding a sigh as I stared as myself. Short, choppy dirty blonde hair with caramel highlights, hazel eyes, a round face with a little, almost unseen expression on my face. If it was a smile or a frown, I couldn't tell.
"Elise... are you sure nothing bad's gona happen at this concert? I mean, your parents don't know you and I are going, and I've heard that story about what happened to you at that one concert-" I was cut off before I could finish.
"Kel, that was an Iron Maiden concert. British heavy metal doesn't come close to alternative rock. Besides, I kicked his ass, anyway." she smiled and resumed driving. I remember what had happened, but I won't say. But to make it short and simple, never mess with a chick who has a fourth-degree black belt in karate. Especially when it's my best friend.
"Y'know, we need some music." I replied, taking out my Paramore CD and shoving it into the player. "Misery Business" sounded throughout the car as I sang to the lyrics, Elise laughing the rest of the way.

"Kel, we're here!" Elise squealed happily as we got out of her car and jumped up and down with our hands linked. I mean, c'mon, this is Paramore we're talking about! How often do you get to see your favorite band of all time live in concert?
Both adorned in our Paramore shirts and backstage passes, we handed the man at the front our tickets, showed our passes, and walked... or moreso skipped through the gates, Soon after, Elise broke out into singing her favorite Paramore song.
"No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore it's your turn, to take a seat we're settling the final score..." her voice was very pretty, sounding almost like Hayley's. Then again, Hayley Willams was her idol, so it was pretty cool.
My idol- Josh Farro.
I had been playing guitar for about fourteen years, with influences such as Green Day, Led Zeppelin, My Chemical Romance, and others. But when I discovered Paramore, they became the biggest. We were soon approached by a security guard.
"You can go see the band now, girls." he told us. We squealed again and tried to walk as calmly as we could towards Paramore's dressing room.

"Oh my god Hayley I love you!" Elise said all in one breath as she saw her idol sitting on the couch. She laughed and patted the seat next to her.
"That's awesome, sweetheart. Wanna sit down?" she nodded and took the seat beside her, calming down enough to start up a casual coversation. I could only stare at Josh. He was so amazing! He eventually caught me looking at him and smiled at me.
Josh Farro just smiled at me.
Dear God, I can die happy now.
"Hey... what's your name?" he asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I shook my head, regaining focus while my face turned pink.
"Kelsey..." I responded in just more than a whisper... or a squeal.
"Kelsey, huh?" he repeated my name. It sounded gorgeous coming out of his voice. "I like that name. It's pretty." he smiled again.
Before I could say anything else, it was time for the band to go onstage. Josh smiled at me again and whispered, "You'll be in the front row where I can see you, right?"
I nodded. "You bet!"
After Elise and Hayley got off the couch, my red-headed best friend grabbed my hand and dragged me out towards our standing seats in front of the stage.

"Thank you, Wisconsin! You've been awesome!" Haylet shouted into her microphone. Elise thrust a fist into the air and cheered loudly, which caused me to laugh and do the same. When I thought the show was going to end, Josh stepped up towards his microphone, which surprised me a bit.
"Hey everyone... if Hayley doesn't mind, I'd like to play one last song before we leave tonight." Everyone in the audience started cheering. "Hold on, hold on..." he held up a hand to silence everyone. "This song I want to dedicate to a girl I may have just met today, but she's just an all-around gorgeous girl and I wanted to say that to her." What he said next made my heart soar.
"Kelsey, this one's for you."
The opening riff to "CrushCrushCrush started playing, Hayley starting singing, and this was undoubtedly the best day of my whole life... so far.
"I think Josh likes you, Kel!" Elise teased, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. I smiled and nodded, enjoying the song.

"So Kelsey... did you like my little surprise?" Josh asked me as we sat onstage, watching as everyone cleared out of the arena.
"I loved it! I can't believe you played an encore all for me." I smiled, unconsiously leaning on his shoulder. He placed his arm around my my waist and pulled me close to him, then tapped my on the shoulder. I turned to find his face inches away from mine.
"Y'know Kelsey, when I said you were gorgeous, I meant it." I could feel my cheeks growing warm again.
"R-Really?" I asked, stuttering. He nodded, a smile on his face. He then placed a quick, soft kiss on my lips and pulled back after a few seconds.
"Did that answer your question?" he asked me, the smile still present on his face. I was off in la-la land, so I could barely muster a steady nod.
"Uh-huh..." I managed to reply. He laughed and hugged me again. I was having the time of my life, just being cuddled in Josh's arms...
...Until, of course, Elise interrupted it.
"Kelsey!" She shouted, drawling out my name as she ran over and winked at us. "I see you got yourself a boyfriend!"
I just stuck my tognue out at her as Josh laughed again. I couldn't have had a better day... or night, in my life.
...Well, then again, Josh proposing would be better, but I'll just have to keep dreaming for now.

Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone, just the one-two I was just counting on, that never happened, I guess I'm dreaming again, let's be more than this...
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Yup, there's my first real one-shot. Although it's for a contest, feast your eyes on my first completed story! Hope you liked, everyone! =]