The neville story

The Hogwarts express... Wheres Trevor??

It 10 o' clock and Neville was headed to the train station to get aboard the Hogwarts Express for the first time in his life. Time was passing quickly and soon enough it was 10:50 time for last goodbyes to parents and relatives and time to get aborad the train.

``~~`` Nevilles P.O.V.``~~``
God i hate all these kids who get to say goodbye to there parents. Not that i don't love gram but still there parents aren't in St. Mungo's!! i wish mine where here

So Neville did as all the other kids had said goodbye and got an extremly tight sqeeze. Then he boarded the train and found a compartment that was empty. He sat down and started looking out the window when only minites later a few kids came to his compartment and asked to sit down.Soon him two girls named Hannah Abbott and Hermione Granger, and two boys Dean Thomas and Semus Finnagin were deep in conversation about what hogwarts would be like.
"Well, i read in Hogwarts a History, that there were four founders Godric Gryffindor,Rowena Ravenclaw,Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin who created the school and were the first teachers and so each house is named after a founder and his or her characteristics." Rambled Hermione.
" Yeah Gram says I'll Prbably be in hufflepuff cause im not very brave like my parents." Neville commented
" My parents never even knew magic exsisted, I'm a Muggle born you see and..."
Hermione was cut off my nevilles shout because his toad was jumping away so the whole compartment offered to help. So they were each going into compartments when walked up to one with two boys. One with Ginger colored hair who looked completly blown away, suddenly neville realized why, the boy across from him was holding his hair out of his eyes above his forhead and Neville saw a scar shaped like a lightening bolt. He quickly walked on to the next compartment.
Finally he met the others back in their compartment no one found Trevor. Just mimutes later they arrived at Hogwarts and started filing out into the brisk night air.
Firs' years over 'ere. Fris' years!" there was a man about twice the size of a normal man yelling for first years. Neville walked over a bit scared that this man would eat him. Then they walked with him over to the lake that was pitched black. Several boats with lanterns were waiting to bring them to the front doors. Neville got in the boat gazign with awe at how big the school was, then he started worrying about what house he would be in and trying to hold the lantern steady because he was trembeling with nerves. Finally after quite a long boat ride they reached the school ((Which was even bigger beacause it was up close)) and took they're fist steps inside.