The neville story


The feast ended and every one was full and sleepy. The headmaster Dumbledore stood up to give a few start of term notices
" Fisrt of all Mr. Filch," the caretaker " has asked me to remind you the corridor on the third floor is strictly forrbiddent o those who do not wish to die a most pain ful death, Also the dark forset is also forbidden to students. Now i think its time for bed. Goodnight."

~~``~~ Nevilles POV~~``~~
Die a painful death!? Why would they have that in a school and who would want to go there and die? And i'm deffinatly not going into the forest, gram says theres werewolves and all sorts of other stuff in there! I wonder if I'll be in the same room as Harry Potter! That would be so cool. I wonder if he'll eve talk to me! Well I guess I'll find out

So they followed the gryffindor prefect (Percy) When they stopped at a painting of a rather large woman.
"Password?" she asked
Percy replied with "Capichdraconas" and the painting swung forword into a large room with plenty of chairs, tables and a large fireplace. Percy explained how everyone was to get to their dormitories and sent them off. Neville went excitedly up the stairs to find he was the last into the room. He looked around and saw that Dean and Seamus were in the room with him along with a red headed boy whos name was Ron and Harry Potter! They all got into they pajamas and went to bed.

The Next day Professor Magonagal (the woman who did the sorting ceremony) passed out scheduales to every one.