‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

If My Memory Serves Me Right, I'll Never Turn Back Time.

Billie's POV.

"Hey! How're you doing?"

"Well, I have a broken finger," she sighed. I busted out laughing.

"It's not funny!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I sighed. "How'd you break it?"

"Marty grabbed it and 'accidentally' twisted it."

"I'm not surprised," I laughed again.

"I'm going to hang up on you if you keep laughing, Armstrong."

"Shut up! You're laughing too."

"Am not," she said.

"Then you're smiling."

There was silence.

"I was right!" I said in victory.

Tre's POV.

I was shopping at some Japanese store, since we're in Japan, and I figured I would try to find Martena something. I found a necklace that had some symbol on it for 'love' and I thought it fit her. It was a black piece of swede with a small chain around it that held the symbol. I looked at the price tag, and I couldn't figure out how much it cost, but I took it with me anyways. I went up to the cash register and the lady looked American.

"Do you speak English?" I asked. She looked at me confused.

"You," I pointed at her. "Speak," I emphasized. "English?"

She still didn't understand what I was saying, so I gave up. I handed her the necklace and spoke something in Japanese. I pulled out the money that I had from here and handed it to her. She laughed and only took one of the bills and handed me the rest. Me, feeling embarrassed, put the rest of the money back in my wallet and in my pocket. She handed me the back and the receipt and I began to walk away.

"Have a nice day!" She said in perfect English. I turned around and she was smiling at me. I smiled to myself, shook my head, and walked out the store.


"Hey! I got you something today!" I told Martena, excited.

"What is it?" She asked.

"You have to wait," I said smiling.

"I have to wait six months just to see what you got me?"


"I hate surprises."

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Exactly. I want to know what you got me!" She laughed.

"Too damn bad," I said.

"Talk to your daughter," she laughed, again. I heard the phone move and Alice answered it.

"Hey dad! How's tour so far?"

"It's fine, Alice. Everything's fine."

The Next Day. Nobody's POV.

The band was traveling three hours to another part of Japan, and were taking their tour bus. The driver, Alex, was complaining about how it was too rainy and that people couldn't drive right. Billie, Tre, and Jason Freese were in the back of the bus playing Poker, while the other Jason, Mike, and Jeff were listening to some music and chatting it up with one another.

"I get the pile, Tre!" Jason Freese whined and slammed his hands against the table.

"Nuh uh! I won, Jason!" Tre yelled.

"Billie!" Freese whined. Billie shrugged and pointed his finger to Tre. Freese groaned and put his face in his hands.

"You guys are all sore losers!" Mike yelled.

"Shut up, Pritchard!" Tre yelled.

"Would you all just shut up?!" Alex turned around and yelled at all of them. The whole band screamed his name as the bus slammed into another bigger bus, which caused the both of them to spin and roll off the road out of control. Cards and Poker chips flew everywhere and the iPod came out of the wall and flew and hit Mike in the head. Alex had lost control of the wheel, but was still trying to keep the tires straight. Another car hit the bus and caused them to roll another twenty feet down a hill.

Marty's POV.

Lyssa and I were sitting in my living room, eating soft pretzels and making fun of each other when my home phone rang. I rolled my eyes, threw a pretzel at her, and walked to the phone.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Is this the wife of Mr. Frank Wright?" A Japanese voice asked me through the speaker.

I put my hand on my hip and leaned against the table.


"Your husband, and three of his band mates, have been injured in a bus wreck just an hour ago here in Japan."

"Is he okay?!" I asked, tears welting up.

"Yes, yes. Your husband is fine. We could not get ahold of Billie Joe Armstrong's wife and/or family, but him and Mr. Jeff Matika are in our care also."

"We will be there as soon as possible, thank you," I said quickly and hung up. "Get your stuff packed. Just enough for a day or two," I told Alyssa.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Your husband, my husband, and Jeff are in the Hospital, now go."

"What's going to happen to our kids?" She asked.

"We'll take them to your mom's, explain to her that we can't bring them with us."

She began to cry immediately and couldn't eat her pretzel.

"Don't cry, please. You're making it worse," I said and hugged her quickly and pulled her up and off the couch. "Now go home, get your stuff packed, and meet me back here in twenty minutes so we can get a last minute ticket to Japan, okay?" She nodded and walked out the door. I watched her leave and felt bad to the both of us, especially her for being pregnant and having to deal with this. Especially everything they went through with Abby, then I went upstairs and packed my suitcase.

Twenty minutes later, Alyssa was here exactly and her eyes were red from crying.

"I thought I told you not to cry, Dearest," I said as we drove to her mom's house with the kids.

"I can't help it, you know that."

"Billie's just fine, and so is Tre and Jeff. Everything is fine."

Jeff's POV.

"God damn! This hurts so bad!" I said, wincing at the pain of the nurse moving my broken leg up on the pillow to rest it. "Can't you just knock me out first and do all this?" The nurse smiled, but I wasn't joking.

"Jeff, it's fine. At least you don't have a concussion," Billie whispered to me. "I'm just glad I haven't forgotten anything."

"Do you remember your songs?" Tre asked him. Billie said yes in a weak and worn out voice.

"How about your head hitting the table?" I asked, not being able to look at him. "Do you remember that?"

It was silent between us three for a few minutes.

"I just remember a bunch of cards flying around and me thinking that we were all going to die," Billie whispered.

The nurse came back in a few minutes later and told us that Martena and Alyssa were on their way. Tre and Billie let out long sighs and said things to themselves.

"She can't see me like this, she'll freak," Billie sighed and put his hand on his head. His wrist had been broken in two different spots.

"I'm sure she's already freaking out, Billie," I told him.

"Thanks, Jeff," she sighed.

"Hey! I'm just trying to help, man."

"You're bad at it, just don't say anything right now," Tre told me. I rolled my eyes and tried to get some sleep in this uncomfortable bed.

I woke up again to Billie whispering to someone. I barely moved my head and saw Alyssa's head laying next to Billie's chest and him rubbing her head. I looked past them and saw Tre and Marty both sound asleep. I noticed it was midnight and so I decided to go back to sleep.


6 Months Later. Alyssa's POV.

"You're home!" I said cheerfully and walked into my husband's arms. "And in one piece!" I was six months pregnant with our first son.

"You're huge!" Billie laughed and kissed me.

"Not really!" I laughed and held my stomach. "It's only going to get bigger, you know."

"I've missed six months that I'll never get back," he said, sounding a little upset over it.

"And you're going to see the last six months," I said and kissed his cheek. "Come on, Abby's waiting for you and you need new clothes to wear." I dragged Billie in the house, him holding his suitcase.

"Daddy!" Abby yelled and hugged me. "I miss you!" I kissed the top of her head and let go of her.

"Mom's been a pain," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Whatever," Alyssa sighed and walked away into the kitchen.

"Could you get my suitcase and put it in my room? I need to talk to mom," I asked Abby. She nodded and walked off while I went into the kitchen.

"Hey," I whispered. "What's wrong?"

"Things are just... getting to me a lot easier now, being pregnant."

"She was kidding," I said softly, putting my arms around her. "And I'm pretty sure you were being a pain," I laughed. Alyssa turned and glared at me but accidentally hit me with her stomach. We both laughed and I kissed her again.

"I missed you so much," I whispered and brought her into a hug. "I wish you could have been there with us." She smiled. "The bunk bed was lonely..." I kissed her neck gently.

"Brings back memories," she laughed, as did I.

"Like the time when we were trying to be 'sneaky' without anybody hearing and waking them up, then the bus moved and we hit the wall."

"Or when you rolled over and fell off the side," she said and laughed again. I kept hugging her and enjoyed it.

"I'm sorry, I have to," I said, rubbing her face softly. I leaned in and kissed her again.

"You're such a jerk," she laughed and kissed me again. She smiled and quickly walked away and up the steps.

"Don't do this to me! I just got home!" I followed her into our room. She was digging through my clothes in the closet.

"What'd you think I was going to do? You pervert!" She yelled and threw some clean clothes in my face. I took them off and I couldn't find her anywhere in the room.

"You suck," I said and removed my pants and shirt to change into the new clothes. "So bad."

Tre's POV.

"I'm home!" I yelled after closing the front door behind me. I heard two pairs of feet running through the hallway and saw my two kids running towards me. Alice and Klaus held onto me tight.

"Hey, Love," Marty said and hugged me then gave me a kiss. "How're you feeling today?"

"I'm fine, Love. Really," I sighed and sat my suitcases down on the floor and brought my kids and wife with me to sit on the couch.

"Are you still having dizzy spells?" Marty asked me.

"Not as much, I think they're starting to go away."

"Good," she smiled and kissed my cheek. "Are you hungry?" She got up and walked to the kitchen, the kids following close behind her; so I did too.

"Yes," I smiled. Klaus and Alice agreed with me. She sighed.

"Okay, me too. But I don't feel like cooking, let's go out somewhere. Good deal?" She asked the three of us. My kids and I looked at eachother and shrugged our shoulders and went to get our shoes on. Martena laughed and got her shoes on too.

Jason White's POV.

Finally, I was home and safe. After the bus wreck, we've been on the news non stop and it was starting to get really old and boring. Well, to me anyways. The fans were still probably crying and trying to find out more stuff on us to make sure we're all okay. I could only imagine what Randi was like when Mike finally returned home. She had been back home in Ohio all this time, visiting her sisters that were home from College. Nobody had heard from her this whole time, but Mike texted all of us a few minutes ago stating that they were both perfectly fine and that he was turning his phone off to have some time with her, after not seeing her for almost eight months.

I threw my stuff down in the hallway and I threw myself on the bed and felt completely worn out, but I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I tried kicking my shoes off and striping down to just my boxers. It was more comfortable, but it didn't do the trick. I groaned and I rolled over to lay on my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
"Did you do it now?
"Push it!!...Before I punch you...or break your finger."

Xoxoxo. (: