‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

They Don't Really Care About Us.

Abby's POV.

"She's been in there for a long time..." I sighed while half asleep. "Is she okay, dad?"

"I'm sure she's fine," my dad sighed, half asleep himself.

Alyssa's POV.

"Is it over?" I asked, wanting to sleep. I was completely worn out and I felt like I was passing out. I heard my new son cry, and I laughed to myself and leaned my head back on the bed. "Nine months of this and it's finally over."

"What's his name, Mrs. Armstrong?"

"I'd... like to name him Keith Michael," I said a little nervous. "Wait, scratch that. Keith Thomas Armstrong."

"Are you positive? After this, you'll have to pay a certain amount to get his name changed."

I smiled, "I'm sure. Trust me on this."

"Alright, it looks like you're ready to leave."

"Finally," I sighed, holding my new son.

"But you have to wait a few hours for your husband to fill out paperwork and for yourself to heal. So you'll probably be leaving by tomorrow morning."

The nurse left and closed the door behind her. I looked at Keith, who was looking at me, and I pushed the soft blue blanket away from his face. He stretched and yawned before letting out a small squeak and cuddling into my chest. He had bright blue eyes and little blond hairs.

"Blond?" I asked myself. "Where the hell did he get blond hair?" Keith smiled and slowly fell back asleep.

"You're so cute," I said, kissing his forehead and leaning back to fall asleep myself after putting Keith back in his carrier.

3 hours later. Billie's POV.

"Lyssa, wake up," I whispered with a smile. "You've been released."

"I have a baby brother!" Abby said excitedly, picking Keith up and holding him. "He's so cute."

I looked over at Abby and my new son and smiled, knowing that life couldn't get much better than this.

"Billie?" Alyssa whispered, slowly waking up. "Can you help me up? I'm so tired."

"Of course, Love."

"Where's Marty and Tre?"

I helped Alyssa up and she sat on the hospital bed, her hair was a wreck and she was really weak.

"Tre's at home watching Alice and Klaus. Marty's down in the waiting room."

"Hurry! I want to go see her!"

"You're going to need pants first. You're still in the gown..."

"Oh, yeah," she laughed and picked up her clothes from this morning. Which were only sweat pants and a shirt was was too large for her. I took off my top shirt, revealing a long sleeved shirt and gave her the top one.

"Here, wear this until we get home."

She grabbed it and went to the bathroom to change, walking slowly and still waking up.

"Do you need any help getting there?"

"No, I'm fine."

Marty's POV.

"I'll have a large coffee, please. Black," I told the employee. It's been a long three hours here without Tre, Alice, or Klaus. I always had one of them here with me.

"Here's your coffee, ma'am. Large-black."

"Thanks," I yawned and walked back to my table. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and jumping up in my chair was the first reaction to it and almost spilled it all over my new shirt. Which was white.

"Hi, Jason. What do you want?" I asked, answering my phone. It was the nerdy one, Jason White.

"I just wanted to know how Alyssa was holding up."

"I don't know, yet. Billie hasn't told me anything. I'll call you as soon as I know something, I've told you that three times already."

"Alright, bye." He hung up on me.

"Dick," I scoffed and went back in the waiting room to see Billie walking Alyssa out in a wheelchair and holding her new son. I laughed at the sight of her looking like a mess and holding this tiny baby and Billie, as small as he is, pushing her. They looked like a short couple.

"Finally you popped that thing out, it's been hours!" I said, touching Keith's small hands. "He's cute."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is all I have... sorry. :( I haven't been in my school's computer lab the past two weeks.