‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

Stranger In A Strange Land.

Alyssa's POV.

"Can we just please go home now?" I asked, looking up at Billie who was behind me and still holding onto the handles of my wheelchair. I felt Keith move and I looked down at him to check if he was okay.

"Let's go," Billie said and started to push me through the hallway again, following Marty. Abby stood beside me and looked at her new brother the whole way.

"You love him already, don't you?" I asked her. She looked at me then put on her normal smirk and looked away.

"Of course not."

Billie and I smiled at each other and exited the Hospital doors. It had been a long day. Marty decided to go home to Tre after Billie helped me in the car. I had to carry Keith carefully on the ride home since we didn't have a car seat yet. He got in the car and Abby did too. Billie started the engine and Keith whimpered at the sound and almost began to cry. I put my pinkie in his mouth so he could have something to keep him entertained on the ten minute car ride back home.

"Mom, can I hold him?" Abby asked me once we started driving down the road.

"Not until we get home, honey. He's just a brand new baby," I smiled at him. Billie rubbed my arm and quickly held onto the steering wheel again.

Once we got home, I walked inside and couldn't wait to lay down again. Abby held the door open as Billie stood behind me and held me by the waist, making sure I wouldn't fall over.

"Beej, I'm not going to fall," I laughed. He let go slowly as I walked up the steps. I stumbled over a step close to the top and quickly grabbed the railing. I gasped and held Keith close to my chest and Billie came running up.

"Are you and him okay?"

"We're fine, don't worry," I sighed.

"How can I not?" He also sighed, running his hand through his hair. Abby remained downstairs and I figured she went to go get a Coke and sit on the downstairs computer to get on Facebook or something. Billie followed me up to Keith's new room. We hadn't decorated it yet or anything, but at least we had a crib, a blanket, and a dresser filled with whatever a baby needs. But we'd be adding onto it soon.

"Do you need me to go out to the store and get anything?"

"No, no. You're fine. We can do all those things tomorrow."

"You need to stay here, I'll take Abby to school and then go to the store," he said and kissed me. "Now, you go to bed and I'll get Keith in his crib, okay?"

"Sounds good," I smiled and kissed his cheek then walked to our bedroom. I shut the door behind me and went over to the closet to grab my pajamas.

"Mom!" Abby yelled and I heard her run upstairs. "Mom!"

I hurried and dressed in my pajamas, which were a little... skimpy. They were all I had clean. I looked for my robe before Abby could come in.

"What are you wearing, mom?"

"It's... nothing."

"It sure looks like you're wearing nothing."

"It's not that bad, Abby!" I found my robe and put it on. "What do you need?"

"There's a spider on the wall downstairs. I'm not getting anywhere near it."

"Can you have your dad do it?"

"He's busy playing with the baby."

I sighed and followed Abby downstairs. As I passed Keith's room I told Billie to come down with us.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Abby found a spider on the wall," I turned to tell him. "Will you kill it?"

Billie sighed and grabbed a fly wasp that was hanging on a nail in the kitchen and killed the spider.

"Thanks, dad," Abby sighed and sat back down at the computer.

"Make sure you get off in half an hour, Abby. You have school tomorrow," I told her.

"But, mom!"

"Half an hour," I said and slowly walked upstairs again and Billie followed. We said goodnight to Keith and both kissed him then went to our bedroom. Billie stripped down to just his boxers and a T-Shirt then laid on his side of the bed. I removed my robe then hung it up in the closet and I saw Billie looking at me as I turned the light off.

"Wait, turn the light back on."

"No!" I said and walked as quickly as I could to the bed and laid down.

"What are you wearing?" Billie asked and made an attempt to grab my arm but missed and actually grabbed my ass.

"Stop it!" I said and slapped his hand. "I'm not in the position to be doing this."

"Yeah, you need to be on bottom," Billie laughed to himself. I gasped and slapped him again.

"That is not what I meant, Billie," I said and laid down. "I meant, that I just had a baby today and I'm trying to rest."

"But you're walking a lot..."

"Walking and sex are two entirely different things. I'm sorry I'm not begging for it like you are."

"I am not begging for it!" Billie said, starting to get angry. I sat up slowly and touched his face.

"Billie," I said. Then said his name again in a soft whisper. "I wasn't trying to make you mad, dearest. I was only playing with you." I kissed him and he smiled.

"Can I please go to sleep now?" I asked. He nodded and I kissed him again then laid back down and curled into a ball with his hand still holding mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm numb.
I won't be writing for a while.
This is just what I had in my drafts.
Please, be patient...

xoxo- Adie.