‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

Can We Pretend That Airplanes In The Night Sky Are Like Shooting Stars?

[Martena's POV]

"I'm going out," I told Tre. "I need to see Alyssa."

"Alright, when will you be back?"

"I'll call you," I said, putting on my shoes.

"I love you," he told me and gave me a quick kiss.

"Ditto," I smiled. Tre gave me an annoyed look. "I'm kidding. I love you too."

He smiled at me and I left. I walked across the street to Alyssa and Billie's house then knocked on the front door.

"Coming!" I heard her say. The door opened. "Hey! What are you doing here?!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I just felt like stopping by."

"Good! Breakfast just started!" She said, dragging me to the kitchen. "Martena's here!"

Randi walked in and Mike followed, holding Jennifer.

"Mmm! Pancakes!" Mike yelled and passed Jennifer to Randi. She sighed.

"Oh!" Alyssa exclaimed. She took Randi and I into the living room. "I have something to tell you guys later."

"What is it?" I asked.

"For later!" She said and went back to the kitchen. Randi and I looked at each other before following her.

We all ate breakfast in the dining room. Mike talked about possible bass chords for the new album. Even though 21st Century Breakdown came out a little over a year ago, Green Day liked to do many things in advance. While Billie and Mike talked over music, I turned to Alyssa andRandi.

"When are you going to tell us?" I asked, looking at Alyssa. She shrugged.

"Now, I guess."

"Come on then!" Randi said, pulling both me and Alyssa. We went into the living room and I shut the doors.

"Okay," Alyssa started. "Billie and I were talking a day or two ago..."

"And?" Randi and I both asked.

"Well, we decided that we're going to have another kid."

Randi stared at Alyssa and I didn't know what to say.

"What do you want?" Randi asked.


"Can I name it?" I asked. Alyssa laughed.

"You both can start coming up with some names," she said. "Boy names, too. Just in case, y' know?"

"That has really rubbed off Billie and onto you," I said. "That whole 'y' know' thing."

The three of us laughed.

"So, are you pregnant right now?" Randi asked.

Alyssa shook her head. "No," she said. "I won't be for a few more weeks. We're trying this month so that I have it in February.

"A winter baby!" Randi cheered.

[Mike's POV]

"Yeah, I've come up with some awesome chords. Next time I come over, I'll have to bring my bass," I said, bouncing Jennifer up and down on my lap.

"She doesn't look anything like you," Billie laughed. "A lot like Randi though."

"I know," I sighed. "I don't think we're going to have more kids."

"Alyssa wants to," Billie told me. "I guess I will. It'll make her happy."

"Billie, you nee to do that only if you're sure. Especially since you're planning it this time."

"I do, really. I think it'd be great."

"Okay, fine. I believe you."

Jennifer started crying and I closed my eyes in frustration.

"I can get her," Billie offered. "Really, I need to start practicing handling a newborn again."

"Fine, just be careful," I reminded him. Billie held my daughter and didn't take his eyes off of her. He kept trying to make her smile, but she stopped crying instead. I think he'll be fine with another kid.

[Martena's POV]

I went home a few hours later to see Tre mowing the grass.

"Hey! You're actually doing something productive!" I said sarcastically.

"Ha-ha. Very funny."

I went into the house and Klaus bombarded me.

"Mom! Can I go over to Jimmy's house tonight? Please!?"

I sighed. "We'll see, honey."

"But! He wants me to be over there in an hour!"

"I said we'll see, Klaus."

[Alyssa's POV]

"Guess what," Billie said. I turned to him.


"You're wonderful," he smiled. "And beautiful."

"Oh, stop it," I said as I pushed him away. He grabbed my waist before I could get off the couch.

"Stay here," he whispered then kissed my face.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Just for you to stay here."

"Sure," I said and gave him a look like he was lying. He sighed and let go of me.

"Fine. You win."

"Are you hungry, babe?" I asked him, starting to go into the kitchen.

"Only for you," he said with a smirk then came at me. I screamed then ran.

[Abby's POV]

I obeyed my mom and went to bed. As soon as I laid down, I heard my mom scream then run. I became worried and almost went downstairs until I heard my dad laugh. I sighed then laid back down. Although I wasn't happy about my mom having a baby, it was also really exciting. Plus, Keith would have someone other than me to play with. I tried to think of what my new sibling would look like. I look like both of my parents and Keith looks like dad. He even has that reddish-brown hair that dad was born with. He has mom's brown eyes, too. All while I was thinking, I fell asleep.

[Klaus' POV]

I ended up going to Jimmy's. We have been playing 'Call of Duty' and 'Left For Dead' for hours. We were surviving on meat lover's pizza, Pepsi, and Cheetos.

"I'm beat, Jimmy," I yawned, setting the Xbox controller down. I looked at my mom; it read 4:33AM.

"Alright," he sighed then laid against his 'gaming chair' after turning the T.V. off. "So, is there anyone you're interested in?"

"Sort of, why?"

"Who's the lucky girl, my friend?"

"Her name's Kathleen."

"Kathleen Wilson?!" Jimmy shrieked. I nodded my head. "She's hot. You should go for her."

"We did start texting last week."

"Tell her that you'd like to get to know her."

[Martena's POV]

I picked up Klaus from Jimmy's the next afternoon.

"How was your night?" I asked him. Klaus yawned.

"It was fun. We stayed up until almost five."


"Sorry! It was fun though!"

"You're going to bed when you get upstairs," I said, pulling into the driveway. "Have you eaten?"

He nodded his head and went upstairs and into his room.
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xoxo- Adie.