‹ Prequel: Blood, Sex and Booze

A Mass Hysteria In The Modern World

I'm Far From Lonely and It's All That I've Got.

[Month #9 - Alyssa's POV]

"I'd like to have a Vanilla Bean, please?" I asked the cashier at Starbucks and handed him my four dollars.

"Your name?" He asked, holding a sharpie to the plastic cup.

"Alyssa," I said and moved over to the tables and sat down, pulling out my phone. I had a text from Miranda saying that Jennifer had started to crawl.

"Aw! That's so cute! Send me a video. :)" I texted back.

A few minutes later, I felt my phone vibrate and I opened it to see a video of Jennifer crawling to Mike and him picking her up. I laughed and responded, telling her that it was cute.

"Vanilla Bean for Alyssa!"

I got up and went over to the counter, picking up my drink and a straw. With that, I headed out and put my sunglasses back on. I was at an Outlet Mall by myself and was walking around. I saw a huge Converse store and decided to go in. I put my drink in my purse, hiding it from the workers and went in. The smell of fresh shoes immediately hit me in the face and being insanely pregnant, the smell was even stronger.

"Welcome to Converse, may I help you?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and noticed that she was small and about my height. She had light brown hair and a somewhat small mouth.

"No thank you, I'm just looking around," I smiled and went off. She nodded and went back behind her desk and started punching numbers on the cash register.

I went up and down each aisle, looking for a good pair of converse. I came across a special Green Day brand and laughed. Taking my phone out, I took a picture of it and sent it to Billie.

"Yeah... that's our new shoe," he responded.

"You don't like it?"

"I'm tired of looking at it. Lol."

I closed my phone and shoved it back in my pocket. I kept on seeing that cashier that greeted me at the door and for some reason there was a familiar look about her. I tried to think of my high school years and where I saw her face before.

"No way," I whispered and went up to her. "Um, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but-"

She turned to look at me and I got a better look at her.

"But, is your name Haley?"

She gave me a weird look and blinked a few times before answering me.

"Yes, I am... who are you?"

"My name is Alyssa, and-"

"And you're Bruce's friend?"

"Wade's, yes," I laughed. "You really need to stop calling him that. I'm not used to it."

She laughed and let me finish what I was saying.

"I haven't seen him since we graduated high school. I saw you and knew you looked familiar."

"Yeah, I recognized you, too."

"So, are you still with him?"

"Alyssa, it's been years..."

"I'm sorry," I sighed, moving sideways awkwardly.

"But yes," she smiled. "We got married around... ten years ago?" She showed me the ring on her finger.

"Wow, he actually got the balls to ask you?" I laughed, crossing my arms. She laughed too.

"He did, although it was in a really weird way. He-"

"Wait! Don't tell me," I said. "How about when you get off work, we hang out at your guys' place. I miss him, I really do."

"That sounds good. I get off in about fifteen minutes."

"Okay, I'll be walking around. Call me. Do you need my number?"

"I do. I don't remember anybody's numbers from way back then."

I gave her my cell phone number, told her I'd see her soon, and I went out and finished my Starbucks on the wall. I got some weird looks from a lot of mom's and I gave them weird looks back. I felt Jenna kick my rib and I buckled over in pain.

"Are you okay?" I heard Haley ask me. She had her purse on her shoulder and her car keys in her hand. I stood back up and threw the Starbucks away.

"I'm fine. She's starting to kick today," I sighed. "Let's go. I need to get out of here."

We started walking. "What's going on?"

"People are giving me weird looks and I want to hit them."

"Control yourself," she laughed.

[Miranda's POV]

"I can't believe she's crawling!" Mike said, holding Jennifer. "We need to show everyone else!"

I called everyone up and had them come over. Nobody had anything else to do today so they didn't mind the twenty minute drive.

"Why are we all here?" Tre asked. Alice, Abby, and Klaus were all in the other living room watching a movie.

"Well, we wanted to show you all what Jennifer can do," I said, setting my daughter on the floor.

Keith began to whimper and tug on his dad's pant leg. Billie picked him up and bounced him up and down, trying to get him to not cry. Everyone looked at Jennifer as she crawled across the room to Mike. When he picked her up, everyone applauded and kissed Jennifer on the head.

"You did awesome," I said and kissed my daughter's head.

[Haley's POV]

I helped Alyssa get in her car and she pushed the seat back away from the steering wheel. I got into the driver's side of my car and started it up. About ten minutes later, we both pulled into the driveway of our house. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small. The house was a tan color, living in California, and there was a black fence and gate that lead to the front door.

"Sorry that our house isn't as nice as yours, being married to Billie and all," I said, opening the door. She shook her head and waved her hands.

"I could care less about what other people's houses look like."

"Good, because ours is a mess," she laughed. "Babe, I'm home!"

"Alright, I'm coming!"

I turned to Alyssa and she was really excited and just stood by the front door. My husband came out, hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"How was work?" He asked, going into the kitchen to find some food... typical.

"It was really good, actually."

"Why's that?" He asked and saw Alyssa standing behind me.

[Wade's POV]

"I ran into an old friend of ours," Haley said, moving out of the way to show me the giant, pregnant woman standing in the corner. She had short, light brown hair and her bangs hung just above her left eye and she had on eyeliner.

"Ours?" I asked, not recognizing the girl.

"Don't tell me you forgot about your best friend," Haley laughed, sitting her purse down and sitting at the bar of our kitchen.

"I- I'm sorry. Whoever you are," I said, going up to the girl.

"It's okay," she laughed, getting tears in her eyes. I gave her a weird look.

"Oh my God, Wade. It's Alyssa!" Haley said, getting frustrated. I thought for a moment and remembered high school.

"No way!" I said and grabbed my best friend in a tight hug. I didn't cry, but I was emotional. I pulled away and held her by her shoulders. "How are you?!"

"Well," she laughed and pointed to her stomach.

"I see," I laughed. "Who's the father?"

Haley and her both laughed and I looked at the both of them.

"She's married to Billie Joe Armstrong, babe."

I laughed and hugged Alyssa again.

"Wow, you're really knocked up, Lyss."

"Third child," she said and rolled her eyes. My eyes grew wide.


"Our oldest is almost sixteen."

"Shit!" I said and dragged her to the couch. "Tell me. How have you been?"

"Remember Sam?"

"Fucking asshole," I mumbled, remembering all the stories that Lyssa would tell me at night when Sam would be sleeping. I always had to sneak over and she'd cry as I hugged her and we'd talk for hours.

"Yeah," she sighed. "I got away from him and moved to California for a few weeks. I met Billie and we dated for a year and a half before getting married. We've split twice, lost two kids, and been married since."

"I didn't expect any of that."

"Oh well. Tell me about your life."

I laughed.

"Of course, you remember Haley from Junior year. After we graduated, I had to wait another year for her to get out of school. We broke up for about a year when we both went to College. We still kept in contact though. After that, we dated again and then got married two years later. We're trying to have kids, but it's not working," I sighed.

"A little too much information," she laughed.

"Oh, I've told you worse," I said, hitting her arm. She grabbed it with a small 'ow'. "Now, that's the Lyssa I know."

"Those times in math class," she said.

"How you forgot how to find area."

"How you and Kyle would always tickle me!"

"How you always got us in trouble by the subs!"

"How you threw pencils at me and got them stuck in my hair!"

I started laughing, remembering Freshman year when we first met.

"Those were good times," I sighed.

"Yeah," she said. "You know, you really need to come back to Oakland with me."

"Today?" I asked. She nodded her head. I turned and looked at Haley.

"It's okay. I can go to Whitney's house," Haley said, picking up her purse.

"Okay," I sighed. "Let me get a change of clothes on."

[Alyssa's POV]

Wade went down the hallway and I heard him struggling with some clothes in the back room and I started laughing. Jenna kicked and I winced in pain.

"I'm ready," he said, coming out a few minutes later. I was still in pain. "Do not have that baby here."

"I'm not, you douche bag."

"Fine, bitch."

"I thought you guys were best friends?!" Haley yelled, confused. Wade and I laughed.

"I guess you still don't understand how mean we can be to each other," I said, standing up. Wade helped me to the car and getting in the damn thing. After starting it up, I drove back home and pulled up to the house.

"Wow, your guys' house is nice."

"Thanks," I smiled. We both got to the front door and entered the house. "Billie! I'm home!"

There wasn't an answer. I tried going upstairs and checking the bedrooms. I came back downstairs to see Wade standing in the kitchen, reading a piece of paper.

"Is that a note?" I asked, grabbing it from him.

Miranda called and had us all drive out there to her and Mike's house. She said it was come kind of surprise. I don't know. Call me when you read this. I should be home in about two hours. It's 2:30 now.
I love you,

I checked my phone and it read 4:15. I smiled.

"They'll be here any minute," I said and sat on the couch. Wade followed me and we kept on reminiscing about the past.

"Remember when I made you catch the balloon in history class?" He asked, laughing. I nodded and hit him.

"That was so mean."

"And how you thought I was hot?"

"I told you to never mention that!" I laughed, covering my face in embarrassment. "We dated for almost a month.

"Oh, yeah..."

"We should have never have done that."

"I agree, and I'm sorry for doing that to you."

I shrugged. "It's whatever. It was a long time ago."

I heard the door open and I quickly got off the couch and went to greet Billie and my kids.

"Hey, babe," I said, kissing Billie and taking Keith from him. Abby went into the living room and screamed.

"No, no! I'm a friend of your mother's!" I heard Wade say. Billie pushed me away and glared at me.

"Who the hell is that?" He asked, storming into the living room. I followed behind him. Wade looked up and waved at Billie. He turned to me and dragged me into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "We have a baby coming in the next few days and I come home to see another man in our house?!"

"Billie! Calm down. He's my best friend from high school."

"Why is every guy I'm suspicious of always a 'friend' from high school?" He sighed, letting go of his grip from my shirt.

"I had a lot of friends, Billie," I said with a shrug and walked back out. "His name is Wade. We met Freshman year."

Billie shook his hand and then sat down on the love seat, turning the T.V. on. I rolled my eyes and asked Wade if my husband and I could have a moment. I saw him go out into the dining room, joining Keith at the table.

"You could be nice," I said, turning the T.V. off and throwing the remote down on his lap.

"What am I supposed to do when I come home to my wife with another man?"

"Be nice towards him when your wife tells you that he is a lifelong friend of hers."

"So, you'd be nice if you came home to Adrienne and I sitting in the living room."

My heart dropped and I remembered everything about that day with her, Christian, and how Martena beat the shit out of Adrienne. Standing up, I began to walk away.

"Babe, I- I didn't mean that," Billie whispered, coming up behind me and hugging my waist. "I was just scared, you know?"

I nodded my head, wiped my face, and made him let go. I kissed him one more time before telling Wade he could come back in.

[Martena's POV]

"Billie! You forgot your wallet!" I said, walking into the Armstrong house. I went into the living room and saw him, Alyssa, and another person sitting in there. I dropped the wallet on the ground when I realized who it was. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Alyssa grabbed Billie's wallet from the ground and shoved it back in her husbands hands before dragging me out onto the porch.

"Why the hell is he in your house?!" I about yelled. She grabbed my shoulders and explained how she met Haley at the outlet mall today and how her and him were 'reunited' after so-and-so years and how she didn't mean for me to see him.

"Really, I didn't want you to see him. I know how much you want to hit him," she said. "I'm so sorry."

"You're fine, yo," I laughed, calming down. "I was just completely shocked to see him there."

"Good," she smiled. "Thanks for bringing Billie his wallet, by the way."

"No problem. I'm going home now. Bye."

[Billie's POV]

Alyssa came back in and put her hands on her hips and looked around.

"What was that all about?" Wade asked. I looked at him.

"Oh, it was nothing," she smiled. Alyssa's face changed and she grabbed her stomach.

"It'll pass," I said, calming my wife down. She's been having pains a lot more lately and she passed up her due date.

"Guys, I really think I need to head home and get back to Haley," Wade said, standing up. Alyssa held her arms out and he helped her up also. She hugged him.

"It was really good to see you again, little sis," he said, patting her back. "I'll call you and check up on you."

"Thanks, big brother," she smiled. "Haley has my number."

"Sounds good," he said before going out the door. Alyssa came back and sat on my lap.

"See," she said. "Nothing more than a friend."

She kissed me and grabbed my face. I smiled and pushed her off.

"I believe you," I said with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Used is cool.

Haley and Wade will not become major characters but will show up when I have nothing else to write.

xoxo- Adie.